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The Medallion novel Chapter 1121

At that moment, three figures slowly dismounted from the back of the fast-moving dragons. In the blink of an eye, they were already less than ten meters away from Marcia and Rocky. However, they seemed to have never moved a muscle, nor walked towards them.

Rocky could not help but get stunned upon seeing the three figures in front of him. Initially, he thought that the spiritual master of the Dragon Master Clan that he had seen before was already very powerful beyond his imagination, but compared with these three figures with formidable auras, that spiritual master was a flimsy ant. Therefore, it was obvious that these three were legendary big shots.

Meanwhile, the three figures drew closer and closer to Rocky as they approached his team. Rocky, who was standing in front of his companions, could not help but notice the leading figure walking towards him and thought, 'He must be the leader.' He wore a dragon-shaped armor made of a mysterious material, which looked very durable and had withstood countless battles. He had a pair of long and thick horns that stuck out of his head, and a long and flat face, the kind of face that was common for an aggressive hero. But his most frightening thing was his eyes like snake's that radiated extremely sharp lights, along with his pair of wings that were similar to what a dragon beast had.

In contrast to this dominant figure, his two other subordinates looked fairly pleasant, approachable, and old. Despite this, it could not be ignored that their auras were not so friendly.

"That's Rex Kang. He is the current patriarch of the Dragon Master Clan," Marcia whispered as she leaned closer to Rocky's ear.

"Really? So, he's the patriarch, huh? Well, what can I say? He does look extraordinary." Rocky looked at Rex Kang with a slight frown.

"Marcia, are you not aware that breaking into the Dead Valley is considered a capital crime?" Rex Kang said as he squinted his eyes at Marcia.

"Of course, I am fully aware," Marcia replied without hesitation.

"So, what seems to be the problem? You already knew about the rule, so why did you still violate it? Why did you take these humans to the valley and take away the condemned prisoner?" Rex Kang's horns started to steam up as he started to get fuming mad.

"Patriarch, we are not taking a condemned prisoner away. He is the emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire, and it is his right to be returned to his beloved people in the empire. And since when did the emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire become a condemned prisoner of the Dragon Master Clan? Please, tell me. I'm all ears," Marcia retaliated.

"That's none of your business. Step aside. Wait 'til I punish you for breaking our clan's rules. Let me deal with these arrogant humans first." Undoubtedly, Rex Kang didn't want to explain any further.

"No, I won't let you hurt him," Marcia said with firm resolution.

Hearing this, Rex Kang clenched his fists and glared at Marcia. "Do not make me regret being kind to you out of respect because your father is the former patriarch. I even allowed you to go back to the Holy Dragon Empire. But now, I can't believe that you are actually helping humans. Do you really think that I will not kill you if I have to?"

"I know that it's easy for you to kill me. However, I don't think I did anything wrong. Just answer me. Why did the Dragon Master Clan imprison the emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire, control Alston and secretly look for spiritual treasures without anyone's knowledge? The spiritual treasure has always been a taboo for any clan of the spiritual race. Once it appeared, all the clans of the spiritual race would be drawn into disputes, including the Dragon Master Clan. Now, tell me straight to my face. Are you planning to destroy the Dragon Master Clan?" Marcia asked coldly without a trace of fear in her soul.

"Shut the fuck up!" Rex Kang shouted in frustration. Without warning, he raised his left arm, and in an instant, a beam of golden light swept past Marcia's face, and a few strands of her hair fell. With a deafening bang, a hole was formed on the ground right behind her.

Seeing this turned Rocky's face as pale as snow. What scared him most was how powerful the strike was, despite it being a casual move from Rex Kang. 'So, this is how powerful his regular move is. Can human beings even resist this one at all? Do we have a shot at this?' Rocky thought as he gulped a mouthful of air.

Meanwhile, he quickly walked up to Marcia, looked at Rex Kang and said, "Please don't make things difficult for her. I am the one behind all of this, and she is just my accomplice."

"I never thought human beings can be this bold. Did you really think for one second that you can take the prisoner out of the Dragon Master Clan so easily? You and your accomplices will soon be surrounded by my army. Since you like being together, I will order my men to arrest all your accomplices and deal with you altogether. Somebody, arrest him." Rex Kang snorted as he gave Rocky a disdainful look.

In no time, several ordinary spiritual beings surrounded Rocky.

"Hey, don't you want the spiritual treasure?" Rocky taunted.

"What? Spiritual treasure? You all retreat! Leave him alone." Rex Kang stretched out his hand and gestured, immediately giving the order.

As a result, the obedient ordinary spiritual beings hurriedly retreated.


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