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The Medallion novel Chapter 1156

"I'm relieved to hear that, Chief Bryant," Rocky said with a smile.

While they were talking, a graceful and plump figure came in. She had a cold expression on her face, but as soon as she saw Rocky, her face brightened with happiness though it was only for a moment.

"It's nice to see you, Miss Shirley." Rocky recognized her immediately. It was Shirley who just came in.

"What are you doing here?" Although Shirley was happy to see Rocky, she hid it well and spoke to him in the same arrogant voice she often used.

"I'm here to talk with Chief Bryant," Rocky replied, not minding the cold treatment from her, as he was already used to it.

"Oh, I see," she answered, suddenly hesitant, as she looked from Rocky to Bryant. Finally, she felt that she had disturbed them, so she nodded at them politely and turned away. "I'm sorry I disturbed your conversation then. I'll go out first."

But before she could leave, Bryant stopped her. "Wait. We are done here, actually. And it's the first time that Prince Crimson has come to our Sky Army Group, so why don't you show him around for me?" he suggested.

Shirley hesitantly faced them, a look of unwillingness on her face. Unfortunately, she couldn't say no to Chief Bryant, so she just looked at Rocky, expecting him to turn the offer down.

However, Rocky had no reason to turn down Bryant's offer. It would be impolite to reject his kindness after all. So, he stood up and bowed a little toward Bryant before he walked to Shirley. "Thank you, Chief Bryant. I will be happy to see your Sky Army Group. Thank you, Miss Shirley, for your time."

Shirley snorted slightly and didn't deign to reply to Rocky. Then, she walked out without waiting for Rocky, who hurried after her after nodding at Bryant one last time.

The two of them strolled around the base camp of the Sky Army Group. It looked like an impregnable fort, and it was bigger and more majestic than the Crimson Dragon Group.

Shirley kept silent most of the tour, except when she had to tell Rocky about the places they went to, and even then, she kept them as brief as possible. However, despite her silence, she kept stealing glances at Rocky all the time.

She looked like she wanted to say something, and her movements were jerky and abrupt whenever she felt that Rocky wasn't looking at her. Finally, Rocky was fed up and asked her bluntly, "Do you have something to say to me? Just say it."

"What are you talking about? I have nothing to say to you!" Shirley contradicted. She lied because she was flustered and didn't know what to say to Rocky. She had a lot of questions for him, but didn't know where to start. This was the first time that they were alone since Rocky refused her in person. Although they saw each other several times a day when she stayed in Crimson City, they didn't talk at all, and Shirley had deliberately kept her distance from him. Besides, there were always other women around him, and they all seemed to enjoy being around him, so it wasn't like he would miss her presence.

For Shirley, getting along with Rocky made her feel embarrassed, partly because she once regarded Rocky as a man who was good at nothing. However, as time passed, the man she had judged too quickly and put down had grown into Prince Crimson, a man who achieved success and won recognition everywhere he went. Even though she was also proud of him, Shirley could not accept such a big change. What troubled her even more was that during her stay in Crimson City, she became more and more attracted to him, and she couldn't take her eyes away from him as long as he was around. It was, frankly, disturbing.

"Shirley, do you have a crush on me?" Rocky suddenly stopped and said to Shirley bluntly.

At once, Shirley's face turned red, and her heart leaped and thundered inside her chest. He hit the nail right on its head, although she could not even admit it to herself. Instead of answering, she avoided his eyes and hastened her steps, as she tried to get away from him as fast as possible.

However, before Shirley could take one more step, Rocky grabbed her hand and pulled her abruptly. He forced her to look at him, and he lowered his head closer to hers so that he could peer into her eyes. Panic and shame dilated her pupils, and her face was a bright crimson, so she didn't want to look at him. But once their eyes met, she could not look away.


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