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The Medallion novel Chapter 1157

"Currently, the Heavenly Demon Clan has already grown into a force that couldn't be ignored. They could even be lined up with the Dragon Master Clan, the Phoenix Master Clan, and the Wood Clan. Moreover, it is rumored that they possess two spiritual treasures while the Wood Clan only gets a half. They even proposed a very enticing condition. If Her Royal Highness agreed to marry their patriarch, they would willingly bestow one of their spiritual treasures as a gift for the bride. I'm afraid that more than forming an alliance, the Wood Clan would be definitely enticed into acquiring that spiritual treasure. Thus, they may possibly agree with their proposal of marrying Her Royal Highness into the Heavenly Demon Clan." Laney analyzed every detail.

"But do you really think that she would agree to something like that? Knowing her, I don't think so." Rocky knew how proud and stubborn Alyssa could be. He could tell that she would turn them down right at their faces without any hesitation.

"I know that too. However, the real problem is that the Wood Clan is considering it. They're so desperate to obtain the spiritual treasure of the Heavenly Demon Clan. If the Wood Clan decided and ordered Her Royal Highness to accept the proposal, do you think that she would still have a say? If push comes to shove, she might have no other choice but to obey." With her eyes already turning reddish, Laney paused and looked at Rocky intently. "Basil, I beg of you. Please go to the Timber Deity Empire right away and get Her Royal Highness out of that place!"

"Hey, calm down. I understand your anxiety, but if she made this move, she would become a traitor to both the Timber Deity Empire and the Wood Clan. She can't afford to do that." Rocky tried to reason with logic.

"I also know Her Royal Highness. She would rather do that than become a member of the Heavenly Demon Clan. In case you don't know, those bastards are more interested in her legendary guardian beast than herself. I don't think that there would still be a chance for her to come back once sent there. Her life might even be put to danger!" Laney's chest throbbed hard as she worried about what could happen to Alyssa. She tried to calm down a little before saying, "Basil, you should know that Her Royal Highness has a special feeling for you. I strongly believe that at a time like this, you're the one that she wants to see the most."

Rocky quickly understood what Laney meant. With all honesty, he was indeed worried about the current situation of Alyssa. She had helped him a lot of times when he was in the Timber Deity Empire. From then on, he made up his mind that if ever she were on a tight spot, he would not hesitate to give her a hand. Moreover, he also wanted to take the opportunity to find out more about the Heavenly Demon Clan and what they had been up to. Thus, considering every factor, he felt the significance of making a trip to the Timber Deity Empire. No matter what decision Alyssa was going to make, he needed to see her first.

"All right. I'll go to the capital of the Timber Deity Empire right away. I need to see her first and confirm whatever she wants to do." Rocky finally made up his mind after thinking for a while.

"Basil, you must bring Her Royal Highness back with you no matter what," Laney pleaded as tears started to well up in her eyes.

Rocky didn't utter another word and just patted her on the shoulder to somehow calm her down. After a while, he left the Fragrance House and headed towards the Palace City. As soon as he got to the palace, he met Isis and the other women and told them what he and Laney talked about. He also told them his plan about going to the Timber Deity Empire, but the girls' expression instantly changed. None of them agreed on his seemingly reckless plan.

"Of course not. You can't go." Lena was the first one to express her strong objection. It didn't only concern Alyssa, but the clans of the spiritual race were also involved again. Previously, Rocky only had a narrow escape when he went to rescue the emperor within the territory of the Dragon Master Clan. It hadn't been that long and he was already going to risk his life again.

"That's right. It's too dangerous! We won't let you go!" Sabina and Lucilla also expressed their disapproval.

"Basil, you have to think this over. This is a very serious matter. You have offended the Dragon Master Clan before. If you make an enemy out of the Wood Clan this time, even if it's for Alyssa's sake, things will get more unfavorable for you!" Isis warned him in a serious tone.

"I know all about those risks, but I still have to go. Alyssa helped me a lot when I was previously taken to the Timber Deity Empire. She even arranged so well that I could return here safely. I owe her a lot. Now that she needs help, it's just right that I should do something for her." Rocky persuaded them as he let out a sigh. He walked a little and looked outside at the distant sky.

"But what if she agrees to what they want? Then, you've just wasted your effort on going there." Sabina didn't want to say it outright, but she didn't have a good impression of Alyssa.

"If she agrees, then I won't interfere. However, if she needs my help, I'll make sure to do my best to assist her," Rocky answered with a straight face.

The girls looked at each other, shook their heads, and also let out a deep sigh. From what they heard, they knew that whatever they said would be useless, as Rocky had already made up his mind to see Alyssa.

"Fine. There's no use arguing with you anyway. All right, you can go, but on one condition… We will also go with you," Sabina said in a stern voice.

The other girls just nodded and looked at him seriously.

"Well, if you insist," Rocky replied as he lightly scratched his head. He had no other choice but to agree to their demand. Otherwise, they wouldn't let him leave the Palace City.

However, since Lena still needed to assist the emperor in dealing with the affairs within the Holy Dragon Empire, she had to stay behind and entrust Rocky to the rest of the girls as they traveled to the Timber Deity Empire.


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