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The Medallion novel Chapter 1161

The patriarch and elders of the Wood Clan froze at the sight of the Mysterious Spirit Raw Gemstone. They recognized it at a glance as the other half of their spiritual treasure. The gemstones on the nine spiritual treasures had unique colors. Each represented a natural power, and hence, was easy to recognize.

"Why do you have that?" the patriarch of the Wood Clan asked without taking his eyes off the gemstone. "Wasn't that half taken away by the other clan of the spiritual race?"

"Ah! That was just an illusion I created. I had it all along," Rocky said, raising his eyebrows at him with a self-satisfied smirk.

The elders of the Wood Clan looked at the patriarch, waiting for his response. If they could get the Mysterious Spirit Raw Gemstone back from the human, their spiritual treasure would be complete. They might not need to covet the spiritual treasure of the Heavenly Demon Clan any more. The treasures could not be used casually by any clan of the spiritual race. Moreover, using a spiritual treasure required enormous power. As long as any clan of the spiritual race had one spiritual treasure, that would be enough to grant them immunity against any wars.

"What kind of deal do you want to make?" the patriarch questioned. "If you are here for Alyssa, I'm afraid that's not possible. The Wood Clan has already finished the alliance agreement with the Heavenly Demon Clan. We have to hand over Alyssa to them." Although he coveted the other half of the spiritual treasure in Rocky's hand, the patriarch still had to consider the overall situation. If they broke the alliance agreement in public, it would not look good on the Wood Clan. Besides, the Heavenly Demon Clan wouldn't give up so easily.

The members of the Heavenly Demon Clan had been restless from the moment Alyssa had started rebelling. As soon as the spiritual master of the Heavenly Demon Clan saw the other half of the spiritual treasure, he realized that Rocky was set on destroying their plan. Before things could go out of their control, he gestured the ordinary spiritual beings beside him to spring into action.

Three of the ordinary spiritual beings bolted towards Rocky immediately. The strength of the three beings was equivalent to that of a peerless master at the Divine Stage—the strongest of them was almost as powerful as Rocky, and the weakest was at the third grade of the Divine Stage. And with all the three attacking together, the united power would be overwhelming for any human.

Rocky glared at them coldly. Then, he turned to the patriarch of the Wood Clan. "My condition is very simple. If you want this gemstone, then don't interfere in whatever that happens from this moment onward. Since you have handed over Alyssa to the Heavenly Demon Clan, I'll deal with them myself. As long as you don't get in my way, you can have this half of the spiritual treasure!"

Rocky's words amused the clan members, including the patriarch and the elders. They had never seen a human so bold. People shook in fear of the spiritual race, especially troublesome ones like the Heavenly Demon Clan. Humans usually stayed amiable because it was impossible for a man to fight against any member of the spiritual race unless he was a spirit manipulator at the Immortal Stage. However, no matter how they looked at Rocky, they couldn't figure out how strong he was. Not to mention, in addition to the few ordinary spiritual beings, there was also a spiritual master. It would be impossible for Rocky to defeat the spiritual master unless he was at the Immortal Stage.

"Patriarch?" the elders of the Wood Clan asked spontaneously as they watched their patriarch tensely, waiting for his reply. Whatever decision he made that day would have an irreparable impact on their clan.

The patriarch hesitated for a moment. He didn't know what kind of power Rocky had that he would dare to challenge a clan of the spiritual race in public. However, if his requirement was only that the Wood Clan stood by and did nothing to intervene, he and his people had pretty much nothing to worry about. After a pause, he said firmly, "Since we have already given Alyssa to the Heavenly Demon Clan, we have no right to intervene in issues that matter to her."

The expression of the spiritual master of the Heavenly Demon Clan changed into one of disdain. But it didn't matter. Either way, they would get the Moon Fox. A mere human could never take Alyssa away under their watch.

As the three ordinary spiritual beings approached closer, the Frozen Wind Dagger in Rocky's hand instantly turned into an arched Flaming Blade.

The beings attacked him using secret skills of the Heavenly Demon Clan. In no time, three powerful spiritual waves turned into ferocious demon shadows and enveloped Rocky.


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