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The Medallion novel Chapter 1162

"Elder Evita!" the patriarch and the other elders of the Wood Clan greeted in surprise when they heard Alyssa. Evita, on the other hand, was not supposed to be there, causing confusion to all those who heard her name.

At first glance, the beautiful and majestic Evita seemed young, but on the contrary, she was actually the oldest spiritual master in the Wood Clan. Moreover, no one knew exactly how powerful her cultivation base was until now. She had been living in seclusion in the Spiritual Pasture Valley for a long time and paid no attention to the Wood Clan's affairs. Also, she seldom left the Spiritual Pasture Valley and had little updates on what was going on around her and her clan.

With that being said, it was no wonder why the members of the Wood Clan were immensely surprised to see Evita at the event. At that moment, there was only one question running in their minds—what was she doing here?

Evita gave a quick nod at the patriarch and the elders first, and then leaned closer and said to Alyssa, "This is not the proper time for you to take action. This man must be well prepared. Think about it. He even has the audacity and the courage to break into the Wood Clan and stop the Heavenly Demon Clan. I suggest that you trust him! Let's see what he can do."

When Alyssa heard the words, hesitation crept over her face. Soon after, she shot a worried glance at Rocky, who was facing three ordinary spiritual beings from the Heavenly Demon Clan and their respective guardian beasts alone.

Without delay, Rocky opened his Magic Spiritual Space and called his spirit-manipulated beast upon seeing the three spiritual beings had summoned their guardian beasts.

The next minute, a figure glistening with icy light all over its body flew out of the Magic Spiritual Space. In the blink of an eye, it positioned itself beside Rocky and let out a loud roar. It was as tall and strong as a giant, and the most amazing thing about it was that it exuded an aura as powerful as a guardian beast.

When Rocky revealed himself, he was accompanied by a spirit-manipulated beast on par with the guardian beast. But he was not done yet. Now, he summoned another one, with almost the same level as the previous one. Seeing this made the members of the spiritual race gasp for air on the spot. For the members of the spirit race, they believed that no matter how strong the spirit-manipulated beast of a human being was, it was impossible for it to be put at the same level as guardian beasts. But now, Rocky might have actually refreshed their perception. Not only did he own a spirit-manipulated beast at the guardian beast's level, but as it turned out, he got two of them. At that moment, the members of the spiritual race were flabbergasted as they thought that they were at a disadvantage this time around.

As a matter of fact, they had never heard of such a thing before, let alone seeing it with their own eyes. They began to suspect the world was going to undertake a great change, and all that they believed in would be turned upside down. All of them then ran their eyes from Rocky to his spirit-manipulated beasts with so many doubts. What was this human in front of them capable of? And what would he bring to the spirit race? Could they deal with him? What could they do to stop him and maintain the current order and balance of the world?

'Who the hell is this human?' the patriarch of the Wood Clan speculated internally. This human in front of them was by no means ordinary. At that moment, he decided to wait for the cat to jump.

Despite Rocky having two spirit-manipulated beasts, he still thought that he was at a disadvantage. After all, he was outnumbered by the enemies who had three guardian beasts with them.

Just when the members of the spiritual race thought that the Heavenly Demon Clan had the upper hand, a flame light beast shadow unexpectedly shot out from Rocky's Magic Spiritual Space. Hovering in the air like a gust of wind, this creature possessed three pairs of flaming wings. However, something unexpected happened. As soon as this creature revealed itself, the three guardian beasts of the Heavenly Demon Clan suddenly let out a few frightened cries, feeling ill at ease.

All eyes were fixed on the beast and followed it until it landed beside Rocky. Seeing that this creature was also Rocky's, the crowd quieted down.

After a long moment of being tranquil in disbelief, they began whispering to each other as they aroused an uproar.

"Three spirit-manipulated beasts! How could this happen?"

"I can't believe it. How could a human actually own three such beasts all at the same time? This is unbelievable!"

"Well, the third one looks stronger than the other two. Based on its aura, I can clearly feel that the third one is even stronger than a guardian beast!"

The members of the Wood Clan began to discuss in their language, still carrying the surprised looks on their faces.

At that moment, things were completely out of their imagination. The patriarch of the Wood Clan, the elder, a spiritual master of the Heavenly Demon Clan and others present all fixed their eyes at Rocky without uttering a single word.


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