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The Medallion novel Chapter 1163

Meanwhile, about eight figures started to pop out of nowhere and gathered beside Rocky.

These figures were members of the escort team, which included Lucas, two supreme masters of the Timber Deity Empire at the Divine Stage, Lucilla, and several other women.

"Basil, everything is ready and has been arranged outside. The Heavenly Demon Clan's people can't take the princess away now," Lucilla reported to Rocky immediately.

"Thank you so much for your help," Rocky said with a feeble smile. The only reason why he fought the three Heavenly Demon Clan members alone was to buy some time for the escort team so that they had adequate time to set up an escape-proof net to prevent the Heavenly Demon Clan from taking Alyssa away.

On the other hand, the situation changed as soon as Lucas and the others appeared. The Heavenly Demon Clan might have six ordinary spiritual beings on their side, but Rocky had six peerless masters above the Divine Stage ready to aid him. Moreover, he had backup outside the Wood Clan's territory from the members of the escort team who would come in to support him once they needed help. Needless to say, the Heavenly Demon Clan did not expect that they would be disadvantaged.

"Charge!" Rocky ordered. Without hesitation, Lucas and the others beside him immediately rushed towards the ordinary spiritual being and several spiritual slaves.

Covered by Lucas and the others, Rocky waved the Frozen Wind Dagger in his hand and walked towards the elder of the Heavenly Demon Clan, a powerful spiritual master.

"Who the hell are you? What is your name, lad?" At that moment, Rocky's temperament and prowess piqued the interest of the elder. To be honest, he found it impressive that Rocky had even brought a group of human masters to intercept Alyssa openly in the territory of the Wood Clan. With this, the elder wanted to know his name and identity.

"I am Prince Crimson... of the Holy Dragon Empire!" Rocky replied plainly.

Right after he exposed his identity, the elder of the Heavenly Demon Clan, the patriarch and several elders of the Wood Clan could not help but gasp in astonishment. None of them had ever expected that the young man in front of them was the famous Prince Crimson of the Holy Dragon Empire in the Wild Spirit Land. They heard many great things about him, especially the time when he had unleashed the curse inside the body of the human daughter of the former patriarch of the Dragon Master Clan, Malcom.

"So, you are the famous Prince Crimson. Our patriarch is very interested in you. He would be more than delighted if I take you back!" A sinister smile crept on the face of the elder from the Heavenly Demon Clan.

"Let's just see if you can!" With cold and murderous eyes, Rocky gave him a smirk. At that moment, he knew he was going to have a hard time dealing with the elder. That was because this elder was a spiritual master, whose strength was at least above the Immortal Stage. Moreover, this elder was significantly stronger than Reginald, the one who Rocky had severely beaten up before.

Also, Rocky could no longer use the evil power of the Holy Dragon Bead now. He could temporarily burst out the sealed power of the seventh layer that had not been merged in the spiritual soul container in his body, but obviously, it was not enough to fight against the elder.

It was not as if Rocky didn't stand a chance against the elder. In fact, if he used the Spirit Possession with Ken, he could borrow the power of his guardian beast and have a shot at defeating the elder. But in order for him to win, he must do it perfectly because he only had one chance to make it happen. If he couldn't defeat the elder, numerous unimaginable consequences would certainly arise.

At that moment, Rocky focused his energy on preparing to defeat the elder. As long as he defeated the elder, it would also mean that he had defeated the other members of the Heavenly Demon Clan without a fight.

With that being said, Rocky had no time to hesitate. The only way to make sure that Alyssa was safe was to defeat the Heavenly Demon Clan, making them retreat and releasing Alyssa.

Ready to bring the elder down, Rocky narrowed his eyes at once. Soon after, Ken transformed into a colorful light and fused with his body.

In the blink of an eye, Rocky's aura instantly increased to the ninth grade of the Divine Stage.

All the members of the Wood Clan were surprised upon witnessing Rocky's direct Spirit Possession. To them, the prince was gambling for his life when he chose to use the Spirit Possession against his enemy. But despite his chosen move, there was still a huge gap between his strength and his opponent's.


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