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The Medallion novel Chapter 1247

It was obvious that most people did not support Rocky's idea, including Bryant who had always been steady and cautious.

"Why don't we let Prince Crimson present his idea?" Marcia finally broke her silence and spoke with authority. Her face was stern and her beautiful eyes narrowed.

"Yes, please listen to him first before making your decision," Lena said softly to everyone present.

The Lofty Dragon Hall immediately quieted down, and everyone's eyes were focused on Rocky.

"Maybe you think I'm extremely ambitious in my plan to unify the Wild Spirit Land. And perhaps you think that I am not considering the actual situation now of the Holy Dragon Empire. But the reason why I came up with such an idea is not because I have personal ambitions, but because my goal is to exactly ensure the peace and prosperity of the Holy Dragon Empire’s future!" Rocky said with a determined and calm look.

As soon as Rocky said his piece, everyone was quite confused. However, they also sensed that Rocky seemed to really mean something.

"I'm sure you all know that there are dozens of empires with different sizes in the Wild Spirit Land. Almost all of them have the support of the spiritual race. They also get a lot of benefits from the spiritual race such as obtaining the spiritual power. However, the spiritual race only sees us humans as pawns. They use us to balance the forces of other spiritual race clans. They have their own selfish motivations and purposes. So, by giving us little rewards or benefits, they can make us work for them by any means. Of course, in an ideally peaceful and prosperous world, humans might not be at the losing side. However, the disputes among the spiritual race clans rose again because of the continuous appearance of the spiritual treasures. Most of the human empires were involved in the war and became the inevitable victims of the spiritual race's struggle. If this goes on, humans will one day bring about their own destruction," Rocky explained seriously as he looked around.

"What you said is true, Prince Crimson. But if one of the human empires does not have the support of the spiritual race, they will only be bullied and harassed by the other empires. After our Holy Dragon Empire severed its ties from the Dragon Master Clan, many countries have been spying on us and caused us several wars. As you have witnessed it, you know that this is a real concern," a senior official rebutted.

"That's why it's necessarily urgent to unify all the human empires in the Wild Spirit Land and protect ourselves with our own strength," Rocky said firmly, his eyes deadly serious.

His statement was immediately discussed by the people in the Lofty Dragon Hall. Although his idea was good, it would be difficult to fulfil such a plan!

Especially in the kind of era where groups were already divided by their lands and interests. Every empire wanted to be strong and make other empires submit to them. It would be almost impossible for them to have the same interests. If the Holy Dragon Empire was the top empire, it might somehow be possible to unify other empires and make them surrender to the empire.

But the only thing the Holy Dragon Empire could do now was to protect themselves.

"I'm afraid that this idea will make our Holy Dragon Empire become a target for attacks again. It will be impossible for us to unify the Wild Spirit Land."

"I agree, if we initiate a war, many empires will probably take the opportunity to attack us. No matter how strong the Holy Dragon Empire is, we can't afford to lose a war..."


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