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The Medallion novel Chapter 1248

"That is true. If we do manage to achieve this, it will be of tremendous help to us. There is no denying the fact that there is strength in numbers, so several countries combined will naturally be stronger than us alone," Lance agreed with a slight nod.

"He is not wrong, but will every country be devoted to this cause? Chances are that there will be numerous disputes of interests between countries," Bryant questioned.

The other officials were also whispering to each other. They seemed to have varying opinions.

"Of course, that's inevitable. However, compared to the interests of a few countries, the future of the entire human race is much more important. Right now, our biggest enemy is the spiritual race. If every single human country can unite against the spiritual race and get out of its control, then the spiritual race will begin to be afraid. We exceed the spiritual race in number, and they know it very well. Today, most of the clans of the spiritual race are on the decline, which means we humans don't have to be afraid of them at all." Rocky seemed to have everything thought of like a master strategist. It was as if he were planning a historical revolution.

If his plan were to succeed, the entire setup of the Wild Spirit Land would change drastically. Humans would gain power and be active on a stage that originally belonged to the spiritual race. They could become an existence that made even the spiritual race afraid.

"Even so, why would the other countries be willing to join this united empires? Even if we aren't afraid, they are. No country would be willing to be detached from the spiritual race," someone doubted.

"I think for many human countries, it's not as much about fear as requirements. It's not that they don't want to leave the spiritual race, but that they can't, because they are fully controlled by the latter. If they don't have the support of the spiritual race, they would be annihilated. This means that their very survival depends on the spiritual race. But if we help them and provide the support the spiritual race provides, they will certainly respond. This is especially true for the smaller countries that have been suffering from wars for a long time now and have long grown tired of being manipulated. Peace is their greatest desire." Rocky knew very well that the smaller countries had been forced to get involved in wars, which had severely hurt them. That was the main reason he had proposed to establish a united empires.

"Even so, what should we do? If we don't start a war, how would we make those countries join the coalition?" Marcia asked. She knew that Rocky must have a plan and wanted to hear it.

"What we need to do is provide humanitarian assistance to the countries that wish to be free from war. They need our support and this will help us gain their trust," Rocky replied.

"Humanitarian assistance?" The officials present were a little confused, since what Rocky had said was incomprehensible to them.

"The so-called humanitarian assistance means material support to these countries from a neutral position. Instead of providing weapons and machines of destruction, we should provide them with food, clothing and other basic amenities," Rocky explained.

"Will that work? I don't think it is possible that these countries will join the united empires just because we provide some material support to them." Although Rocky had proposed the idea quite confidently, it was inevitable that the people present had doubts.

"Sometimes, a small favor brings the greatest returns," Rocky said seriously.


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