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The Medallion novel Chapter 1249

The emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire was not feeling well, so he went back first to rest. Meanwhile, Rocky and the Three Great Generals went to the Crimson Palace to discuss some critical issues.

"How are Isis and Nigel?" Lance couldn't help but ask about his daughter and grandson.

"They are fine. Father, would you like to go back to Crimson City with me to see them?" asked Rocky politely. "I can't. The Crimson Dragon Group can finally have a break now.

But I have many military affairs to deal with every day. I can't leave," Lance refused, waving his hand.

"Did Shirley cause you any trouble?" Bryant asked regarding his granddaughter, looking like he was dreading Rocky's answer.

He was relieved when Rocky shook his head, smiling back at him. "No, she wasn't any trouble. Don't worry."

"Ha-ha, you don't know how glad I am to hear that! Shirley used to get in trouble frequently back when she was younger," Bryant said.

"She isn't bad, but she is spoiled. Now, Sabina goes against her every day, and no one in the Crimson City spoils her. She is no longer arrogant and willful," Rocky said bluntly, implying that Bryant had spoiled Shirley too much before.

"It's all my fault. Fortunately, you discipline her for me. It seems that her heart is all on you now," Bryant meaningfully remarked as he stroked the beard.

Hearing that, Rocky smiled bitterly. That was the most troublesome thing for him right now, as the women around him were not officially married to him, apart from Isis. Although they didn't mind, he still felt that he needed to find some time to deal with their complicated relationships.

After the brief chat, Rocky and the three generals began to discuss how they could establish the united empires and the specific arrangements they had to make. This discussion laid a solid foundation for the development of their plan.

On the second day, Bryant and Lance went back to their own legions because they had many other things to deal with.

On the other hand, Rocky and Marcia stayed in the Palace City to prepare for the early stage of the plan. Establishing the coalition could not be done overnight after all. First, it required the participation of the countries. Therefore, the first step of the plan was to provide humanitarian assistance to some war-stricken small countries, as Rocky had mentioned before. Through that, the other countries would perceive the Holy Dragon Empire as a savior, thereby guaranteeing that they had the trust and support of the countries that had suffered a lot in the war.

After staying in the Palace City for three days and making an early plan, Rocky asked Marcia to stay and deal with specific matters, while he took the time to go to the Myriad Beasts Ground.

Now, Rocky had reached the ninth grade of the Divine Stage, and he was only one step away from the Immortal Stage. After the Dragon Master Clan's internal strife last time, he realized that with his current strength, there was still a considerable gap between him and most of the spiritual masters, elders, and leaders of the spiritual race. Although Rocky had subdued Glutton, the most powerful demonic beast in ancient times, his strength was insufficient, and he couldn't control its power. He thought it was necessary to break through to the Immortal Stage as soon as possible and reach a new level. Although he had made rapid progress in his cultivation with the women and continuously integrated the seventh grade of the Holy Dragon Bead's evil power, it was not enough for him to break through to the Immortal Stage. He could not succeed through cultivation alone and needed better assistance.

This time, he went to the Myriad Beasts Ground, not for Cherry, but Kayla, because he knew that Kayla was a master of alchemy. Now that he had such strength, the seven Holy Spirit Panaceas that Kayla had given him had made a significant contribution. Therefore, he intended to ask Kayla to help him refine a few pills that could help him break through to the Immortal Stage.


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