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The Medallion novel Chapter 1251

After travelling for more than a day, Rocky finally returned to the Crimson City. The moment he set foot on the area, the women who had been waiting for him anxiously rushed towards him and asked about the result. One of the women asked, "So, what did His Majesty say?" Rocky replied, "Well, it looks like this is a good day for us. My father has agreed."

"I see. I assume that you will be very preoccupied very soon." Isis could not help but grumble. She knew well enough that Rocky would be drowned in extensive work in the next couple of days. This also meant that he would not have the luxury of time to bond with her and Nigel.

"I won't be the only one who will be busy. For sure, you'll be, too. After all, this plan needs a lot of people to be executed right. No one can stay idle on my watch, not even you," Rocky explained in a mellow tone.

"What? Why are you involving us in this matter?" From the other side of the room, Shirley heard Rocky's words and scowled at him.

Isis and the rest of the ladies nodded in agreement. All of them wore disapproving looks on their faces as they pretended to dislike Rocky's plan.

Rocky, on the other hand, seemed to have no choice but to enlighten them with the specifics of the entire scheme.

"Hear me out. In addition to the humanitarian assistance, we will also make some secret arrangements in the said small countries. Therefore, what we need is a group of trustworthy people to go in there for the sake of safety," Rocky expounded.

"From what you've said, I'm getting the impression that you want us to get involved in this plan and assure its smooth execution. Is that what you're trying to say?" Lucilla remarked. After all, she was smart enough that she could read between the lines.

"Exactly. There are things that I can't do because I have only myself. Plus, I don't trust others. That's why I have to turn to you," Rocky replied while nodding his head, trying his best to convince the ladies present.

Meanwhile, the women exchanged glances at each other. Surely, they were aware that Rocky treated this plan of building the united empires with great importance.

"I guess you think we are annoying. Maybe that's why you deliberately keep on finding an excuse to let us leave so that you can bring some of the other beautiful women back here," Shirley said on purpose.

"If that's the case, then you can stay with me and supervise me if you want to. When that happens, we will have a lot of time to be alone," Rocky said as a sly smile crept on his face.

"Who would even want to be alone with you? You are delusional!" Shirley rambled and blushed at the same time.

The other women saw this and could not help but snicker and not utter a word.

Soon after, they had started to carefully carry out the plan. Fortunately for Rocky, he had the unwavering support of the entire Holy Dragon Empire, making it easier for him to carry out and execute his plan.

After half a month, he had successfully managed to collect a large number of materials. Not long after, they distributed the materials to some small countries that suffered from the war.

But of course, to play it safe, Rocky picked the small countries around the Holy Dragon Empire for humanitarian assistance first. At the same time, he transferred some powerful spirit manipulators and the troops from the four legions to form three escort groups.


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