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The Medallion novel Chapter 1252

Over the last century, the Holy Dragon Empire had been endlessly searching for the nine colored pearls, diligently following the clues left by the Witch before her death. The Holy Dragon Empire had specially trained a group of spirit manipulators to protect the secret about the holy treasure of the Dragon Master Clan from leaking. These spirit manipulators had been trained like shock warriors, and they had also been cast by a secret spell. If any one of them leaked some sort of information about the secret, that person would drop dead in an instant.

The task of these spirit manipulators was to look for the buried colored pearls. Once they found and confirmed the relevant clues, they would report them to the emperor. Then, the emperor would send his most trusted subordinates to look for the colored pearls.

However, the clues left by the Witch were very vague. Her clues did not point out the specific locations of the colored pearls, so the later generations could only guess and get answers out of thin air. With that, the clues that were found might not even be completely true. Therefore, it was highly possible that they had found nothing. Ever since the current emperor took over the throne, his men already found six colored pearls in the past couple of years. It testified that it was difficult to collect all the nine colored pearls.

So, it was still uncertain whether Rocky could find the seventh colored pearl or not! Anything would be possible, and nothing was set in stone.

This time, the place where the clue was found was an extremely dangerous area. It was in the westernmost end of the Wild Spirit Land. This place was called the Snow Cemetery Plain. The weather was terrible there and the temperature was exceptionally low.

The Snow Cemetery Plain was once the territory of the Snow Master Clan. This clan was one of the nine advanced spiritual race clans and the only clan that did not control human empires. Since its establishment, its members had been living in seclusion in the uninhabited Snow Cemetery Plain. It was also known as the most mysterious spiritual race clan.

However, because the Snow Master Clan's physique was affected by the cold weather all year round, they had been sterilized a long time ago. They were on the verge of extinction hundreds of years ago, and now they were almost extinct.

The Heavenly Incredible Mace, one of the two spiritual treasures that the Heavenly Demon Clan obtained, had been once the spiritual treasure of the Snow Master Clan.

The Snow Cemetery Plain was in the coldest area of the Wild Spirit Land. It could freeze a living beast that didn’t have the ability to resist the cold into an ice sculpture in such a short time.

As soon as Rocky entered the plain, he felt a burst of cold freezing air coursing through his body despite the protection of his spiritual power. The freezing air immediately made his back stiff and cold.

"This place seems very calm. But the calmer it looks, the more dangerous it gets!" Rocky sighed as he looked around at the vast white plain in front of him. The snow stretched out endlessly and there were no humans or beasts to be found.

Rocky couldn't fly freely in the sky because the Snow Cemetery Plain was surrounded by violent snowstorms all year round, so he had to walk deep into the plain.

Since both Ken and Uriah were not used to the cold environment, Rocky could only call out Robin to accompany him. Fortunately, Robin was not afraid of the coldness and it was still able to walk fast on the ice. To speed up the search, Rocky rode on Robin and let it carry him as they moved deeper in the Snow Cemetery Plain.

However, after moving forward for only a short distance, Rocky suddenly felt that they were getting lost. Even though he had a topographic map, it was difficult to determine where he was now since the scenery around him was almost the same and the snowstorm blocked his vision.


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