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The Medallion novel Chapter 1257

The giant ice bird hesitated for a second when it heard the sweet voice, hovering in the air uncertainly. When it finally started moving, it turned away from Rocky as if it forgot that he existed, did a quick one-eighty-degree turn, and then flew deeper into the ice forest. Its deafening screech could still be heard, even as it disappeared from sight.

Rocky breathed a sigh of relief, and felt the restraints on his body loosen up. Still, he didn't let his guard down. He determined that the colossal ice bird was the source of the screams outside, which made a shiver crawl through his spine. Its aura was even stronger than that of the strongest ancient demonic beast!

Therefore, at that moment, Rocky was also amazed and curious. He could not help but wonder where that enormous ice bird came from and why it lived in this strange place.

Soon, however, Rocky heard the sweet voice that had stopped the ice bird from attacking him. As his head swiveled towards the direction of the voice, he saw a beautiful, mysterious woman standing in an ice pavilion beside the ice forest. She looked weak and fragile like a thin reed that could easily be blown away by the wind.

Seeing this, Rocky couldn't help but come closer, as he was afraid that the woman needed help. He arrived at the ice pavilion and found that, on a closer look, the mysterious woman looked like an angel that had just fallen to the mortal world, with an extraordinary aura all over her body. Her beautiful face was clear and pale, bare of any makeup. It was like her skin had been condensed from the purest water. Her every movement spoke of a graceful charm, irresistible and ready to capture anyone's attention.

However, what shocked Rocky most was not the woman's beauty. As he studied her face, he could swear that she looked so familiar, as if he had seen her somewhere else.

Soon, Rocky remembered the twelve statues he had seen in the Heavenly God Temple. The woman in front of him looked exactly like one of the twelve statues, so he began to suspect that she was the real body of one of them.

The Heavenly God Temple had already existed since the beginning of the spiritual race. If the woman were the real body of one of those statues, then that meant she had been alive for a long time already. But her face didn't look that old. It was obvious that any explanation behind this had already surpassed the law of heaven and earth!

Of course, Rocky had a lot of reservations. First of all, why was this woman here? Besides, it seemed that she had been here for a long time. Moreover, what was this woman's identity, and what kind of relationship did she have with the other eleven statues? As Rocky laid eyes on the mysterious woman, a door full of secrets seemed to have appeared in front of him.

Before Rocky could figure out what was going on, the woman suddenly looked up at him, her eyes roving all over his body. Suddenly, she started trembling like a leaf, and rushed up to him with tears streaming down her face. "You're here! You're finally here. I've been waiting for you for a long time. I thought you had forgotten our appointment," she cried out.

Rocky was stunned by her words and intimate actions. It was as if she knew him, but he didn't recognize her at all. He couldn't figure out what was going on. Objectively, the woman's actions seemed genuine. It seemed like she truly knew Rocky, and it was as if she had seen her beloved whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

'What the hell is going on?' Rocky was doubly confused, and everything that was happening was utterly beyond his expectation and imagination.

"Uhm... Excuse me. I'm sorry, but do we know each other?" Rocky tentatively asked as he pushed the mysterious woman away.

"Don't you recognize me?" The woman stopped crying and looked at Rocky strangely.

He remained silent, unsure what he should say to the woman that would not upset her more. Rocky had never seen this woman in his life. But earlier, when they shared that embrace, it felt right. It felt like something familiar, something safe.


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