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The Medallion novel Chapter 1256

Under normal circumstances, it would have been impossible to see so many Soul-shadow Beasts at once. After all, in the entire Wild Spirit Land, such beasts, which were as powerful as the ancient spiritual beasts, had already become extinct. Therefore, the sight of such a large number of Soul-shadow Beast was shocking, even for the spiritual race. Rocky was undoubtedly one of the few, if not the only one, who had seen such a sight in this era.

It was common knowledge that the Soul-shadow Beasts were refined by the souls of the ancient spiritual beasts. They were quite abundant back in ancient times because their number was almost the same as that of the supernatural beasts living in the territories of various spiritual race clans. That was before the ancient spiritual beasts became extinct. But when the spiritual race became obsessed with refining the Soul-shadow Beasts, they hunted and killed too many ancient spiritual beasts, which greatly reduced the beasts' population. By the end, they were almost extinct. Considering this, it was understandable that so many Soul-shadow Beasts were there in front of him, as this place was beyond anything that the spiritual race and humans could imagine. It was not a big deal even if the number of Soul-shadow Beasts in front of him doubled.

Of course, for Rocky, if it were just a few Shadow Beasts that had appeared just like before, he would have no problem in dealing with them. However, there were not only several Soul Beasts that were as powerful as spiritual masters this time, but there were also a dozen Shadow Beasts whose strength was close to the Divine Stage. He was in a seriously sticky situation. Besides, there might be more Soul Beasts and Shadow Beasts around. He just hadn't spotted them yet.

His face grew somber at the dismal thought.

But he knew that there was no chance for him to escape. Even if he forcefully broke through, the beasts would still chase after him, which could land him into a more dangerous situation. After thinking for a while, he finally decided on a game plan. He turned to his three beasts and instructed them, gesturing discretely. After that, he pulled out the Frozen Wind Dagger and transformed it into the Flaming Blade. Together with the three beasts, he rushed towards the Soul Beast and the dozen Shadow Beasts.

A fierce battle ensued, and chaos settled over the whole place.

Even though the Soul Beast and Shadow Beasts far outnumbered Rocky and the three beasts, they weren't that much of a challenge on their own. Except for the Soul Beast, the other beasts didn't have much strength to speak of. Therefore, Uriah moved to contain the Soul Beast, while Rocky, Robin, and Ken immediately fought with the dozen of Shadow Beasts. After two hours, with the two beasts helping him, he had killed half of the Shadow Beasts.

However, in the fierce battle, Rocky also found that his spiritual power was being consumed too quickly. And it wasn't just him either. The same was true for the three beasts as well. Soon, they all started to show signs of fatigue. Meanwhile, Uriah was slowly being backed into a corner because the Soul Beast was slightly stronger than Uriah, and its spiritual power was being consumed too rapidly. They really were in hot water at that moment.

Suddenly, the Soul Beast let out a scream as if it was going out of its mind. At the same time, spiritual light flashed all over its body, and the dazzling light spread in all directions continuously. Soon after, the Shadow Beasts' broken souls and the Shadow Beasts that hadn't been killed were all sucked into its body!

Between one breath and the next, the aura of that Soul Beast soared and became as strong as that of a spiritual master at the third or fourth grade.

Rocky's face tightened, and a scowl took over his face when he saw that. However, he could still have a chance to defeat it if he merged with Ken and released the power of the spiritual soul container sealed in the seventh layer, together with Uriah's and Robin's help. But even if he could defeat the Soul Beast, the consequences would be unimaginable if more Soul-shadow Beasts appeared. Moreover, the more spiritual power was used in this place, the quicker it was consumed. If they continued to fight like this, the situation would become worse for him.

With these thoughts in Rocky's mind, he decisively gestured to the three beasts, who immediately turned around and retreated to the other direction, avoiding a head-on confrontation with the Soul Beast.

The Soul Beast didn't seem to want to let go of Rocky and the three beasts, so it chased after them with a vengeance. Wherever it passed, it caused a lot of damage, and the sound of buildings collapsing could be heard occasionally.


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