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The Medallion novel Chapter 1268

"The Holy Mask..." Rocky finally came back to his senses. His eyes widened, and the last scene in his memory still lingered in his mind. The mask that the evil figure wore was the Holy Mask which belonged to the first patriarch of the Dragon Master Clan, and was also the holy treasure of the clan.

But obviously, the figure that the owner of this memory called king was not the first patriarch of the Dragon Master Clan. Although Rocky didn't see his face, he could tell from the conversation in the memory that this king seemed to be closely related to the death of myriad spiritual race beings. But who on earth was he? Although Rocky had a guess in his mind, he was not so sure about it.

The conversation in the memory also contained many pieces of important information that were very useful for Rocky.

At that moment, Rocky couldn't help but look at the mysterious man in the container. If this mysterious man was actually the owner of this memory, a subordinate of the king, who on earth was he really? What was his relationship with the evil man that he called king?

Rocky was sure that if this mysterious man was still alive, he could help him solve the mystery of the death of myriad spiritual race beings.

"Hey, Basil. Are you okay?" When she saw that Rocky was completely lost in thought while he was staring at the mysterious man in the container, Shirley shook him immediately.

Rocky came back to his senses and lightly shook his head. After looking at the mysterious man, he said, "We must keep searching."

Although he was extremely interested in the mysterious man in the container, the most important thing now was to find the ninth spiritual treasure. After finding the spiritual treasure, he would try to figure out more about the mysterious man's background and secrets.

So, Rocky and Shirley left the stone chamber. Just as the two of them walked out of the stone chamber, the mysterious man in the container suddenly opened his eyes.

On the other hand, the two of them continued to follow Ken as it led the way. Not long after, they found another entrance. After entering, they found themselves in another straight passage. But this time it seemed that they were closer to the center.

The two together with Ken continued to move forward in a circle. After nearly walking a full circle, they finally found another entrance that was closer to the center than the last one they entered.

They walked like this over and over again. Although they felt that it was endless, they realized that the length of the passage seemed to be getting shorter and shorter. They must be constantly approaching the center.

Finally, as they circled around many times, the two of them walked into a large area where a blue light glowed. This area seemed to be a square with nothing but some steps and pillars, which was incredibly open and empty.

In the center of the area stood a small altar, on which there was a floating hammer-shaped spiritual treasure that emitted a bright blue spiritual light.

"Is that the spiritual treasure?" It was the first time Shirley had seen a spiritual treasure, so she was very curious and approached it immediately. She wanted to see the magic it had with her own eyes.

"Hey, wait, be careful." Rocky couldn't help but pull Shirley back. Spiritual treasures were usually well protected in all kinds of ways, so no one should approach it recklessly. They would be in a greater trouble if they fell into one of the traps that protected it.

Rocky observed the hammer-shaped spiritual treasure and the surroundings of the altar carefully. He didn't see any special protection or any supernatural beast that guarded it.

"So, what should we do next? We already found the spiritual treasure, but we can't take it out. How could we protect it then?" Shirley asked Rocky.

"I'll ask Ken to send you out. You go back to the camp and tell Marcia the situation here. She will be in charge of commanding the team’s next steps. I'll stay here to prevent spirit manipulators at the Immortal Stage from entering..." Rocky said after he thought for a while.

"No, it would be too dangerous for you to stay here completely alone." Shirley shook her head in disagreement.


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