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The Medallion novel Chapter 1269

Meanwhile on the sea above the ruins, waves were suddenly surging. Soon enough, they formed huge rumbling and roaring waves that rushed towards the coastline. The momentum was incredibly astonishing.

In the camp, Marcia, Alyssa, and the others were worried by the disappearance of Rocky and Shirley.

"The huge tide is coming!" a spirit manipulator reported immediately as he ran in.

As the people in the camp heard this, they walked out of the camp and saw the Water Beast Sea not too far away with surging waves rather shocking.

At first, the huge waves only reached the coastline a dozen meters. But soon enough, the waves became stronger and stronger and higher and higher. It was like a tsunami which was extremely spectacular.

"It seems that we must retreat now," Alyssa directly said to Marcia.

Marcia nodded in agreement. It seemed that the whole coastline would be affected soon. If they did not retreat now, they would surely be in big trouble.

So, under the leadership of Marcia and Alyssa, the team of spirit manipulators and the members of the Dragon Master Clan retreated quickly to a higher place behind the coastline. They looked down at the torrential huge waves which were constantly crashing into the coastline.

The waves rose again and again. Not long after, the waves were dozens of meters tall. They were like rolling curtains that were intertwining and churning, which was completely frightening.

"Do you think Basil and Shirley are all right?" Seeing this unbelievable scene, Sabina couldn't help but worry.

Marcia and Alyssa looked serious too, but they could not go now to the sea to look for Rocky and Shirley. Moreover, the appearance of the huge waves only meant that the ruins of the Water Master Clan would soon appear above the sea. By then, all the treasure raiding teams would definitely take action, so their task during that time was to prevent the spiritual treasure from being taken away. So, they must get ready.

Two hours later, on the sea a thousand meters away from the Water Beast Sea, something had come out from the water. Water splashed up and down continuously and it was spread all around. The splashing of the water was extremely violent.

A moment later, the huge stone roof of a grand building broke out of the water and raised spray all over the sky. At the same time, the roofs of the other buildings appeared on the sea, accompanied by a loud splashing sound. The scene was completely amazing.

After a short while, dozens of grand ancient buildings rose slowly from the bottom of the sea in front of everyone. All the treasure raiding teams, including the spiritual race clans, were totally stunned. They couldn't imagine what kind of power could make the ruins, which were the same size as a city, rise from the bottom of the sea.

They could already clearly see the buildings, the crisscross roads and all kinds of tall stone statues as the ruins gradually emerged from the sea. They could also see the most spectacular round top building that was in the shape of a pyramid. On both sides of the grand building were beast statues about half the height of an ordinary man. They were silently guarding the round top building.

At the same time, a very wide stone path emerged from the bottom of the sea, which connected the coastline to the ruins.

Seeing the appearance of the stone path, the treasure raiding teams immediately began to move.

Alyssa looked at Marcia seriously. Obviously, the two women had the same thought.


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