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The Medallion novel Chapter 1546

“Oh, I see. I just misunderstood you, sir. Please forgive my rudeness,” Rocky immediately apologized.

“It’s all right. Let me just tell you that judging from the overall potential of your Imperial Soul, I believe that you could really cultivate it to a high level. If you can develop an Imperial Soul in the next half a year, you will definitely be one of the most outstanding participants in the Spiritual Infant Contest. However, I should also warn you that even though you have a ridiculously high potential, it’s not that easy to cultivate your Spiritual Infant to Imperial Soul. Since ancient times, countless talented warriors in the Ethereal Region died in the process. Therefore, you should be very diligent, and be sure to guard yourself against arrogance and rashness,” Felton urged earnestly. Before, he had some unpleasant opinions on Rocky, but after he saw the young man’s unexpected performances many times, his perception of him had changed a lot.

“Thank you for all your teachings, sir!” Rocky said as he bowed respectfully.

“You can go back now. After the other four representatives and three candidates are chosen, you will be allowed to go to the battlefield at the border for half a year’s worth of training,” Felton replied as he dismissed Rocky.

“I just have a question, sir. I hope you can answer it,” Rocky suddenly said on a whim.

“Go ahead. What is it?” Felton responded as he wondered what it might be about.

“Well, as we all know, the wars at the border have been existing for several years already and everything happening in there is very dangerous. Aren’t you afraid that an unfortunate accident would occur while the school sends us to train there?” Rocky asked straightforwardly.

“This is the most special method to train young talents in our school. We never give too much protection so that they could experience the most out of it. Just like when we sent you to the Spiritual Sea Region, we let you take extreme risks than secretly protect you. It’s because we want you to fully train your ability to survive under dangerous situations and environments, which would also help stimulate your potentials. After all, strength is the most important thing that could protect you here in the Supreme Ether Land. No matter how talented you are, but if you cannot convert it into a survival skill, you are still just a weak person,” the elder answered with a serious expression.

“I see. That makes sense.” Rocky let out a faint smile as this was the answer that he really wanted to hear.

“Moreover, sending you to the border battlefield isn’t just about constant fighting and facing dangers. It will also give you a huge chance for countless adventures. In the area of the border battlefield, there are three divine lands and many spiritual lands that are suitable for spirit warriors to cultivate,” Felton added.

“Three divine lands?” Rocky immediately raised his eyebrows and was intrigued as he heard about it.

“They are the Purgatory Valley, the Kylin Peak, and the Kaleidoscope World. If you happen to enter one of them, you will have a higher chance of breaking through to the Imperial Soul. However, only those who have been pre-destined to enter those divine lands can have a chance to do so,” Felton remarked.

“So, have you been to those places, sir?” Rocky asked on a whim again.

“Of course! I was lucky enough to enter two of them,” Felton replied proudly.

“Wow! I hope I can also be that lucky when I get there. That way, my journey will be more worthwhile. Thank you again, sir. I’ll be going now.” Rocky smiled and was obviously excited about the upcoming events. Then, he bowed again before leaving the room.

‘Hmm. I believe that this young man will be able to attain unimaginable achievements in the future. But there’s still something strange about him that I cannot get off my mind. Is he really a disciple of the Di Clan? Why do I feel that he’s still hiding something? It’s as if he’s got a more complicated background.’ As Rocky left the room and closed the door, Felton couldn’t help but be lost in thoughts regarding the mystery that shrouded Rocky.

When Rocky returned to the disciple dormitory, he saw Eunice there, standing in the courtyard with her arms crossed. It looked like she had been there all this time, waiting for him to come back.

“What are you doing here? Aren’t you going to prepare for the test tomorrow?” Rocky asked, trying to ignore the inquisitive look in Eunice’s eyes.

“Humph! Yeah, I guess I should do that. After all, I’m not as good as you to be directly selected as one of the representatives for the Spiritual Infant Contest,” Eunice replied coldly. She was just actually disappointed because she thought that she had already known Rocky very well because of the time they spent in the Spiritual Sea Region. However, she didn’t expect that he was still hiding a lot of things from her and she was completely kept in the dark. Upon realizing this, she felt rather uncomfortable from the bottom of her heart.


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