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The Millennium Wolves novel Chapter 1


Ile scented me in the ballroom He scente GRATTER my Llaze and followed me here

But could Arden Norwood scent that, right now, three feet away, only separated by a Mumsy metal door, I was sitting with my panties around my ankles, my fingers inside me, this close to orgasming?

“The Haze can hit you in the most unpredictable of places,” he growled. But there was a casual amusement in his tone that infuriated me

Before I could stop myself, I snapped at him. “Your point?”

Oh boy, no one talked to the Alpha that way What did I have, a death wish?

I slowly pulled my fingers out. My body moaned in frustration, but my mind—thank God it suill worked was taking over.

As I bent over to pull up my panties, Aiden whispered, and it was as if there were no door between us, “Well, woman? Why aren’t you taking care of it But he wasn’t asking

Ile was commanding

A pure Alpha male in his prime, ordering one of his lower-ranked members to get in line Calling me “woman” like I had no name Condescending Judging.

I shot up straight, readjusting my dress, unable to control my temper.

“What gives you the right to talk to me that way?” I seethed. “To come into a women’s bathroom, telling me how I should compose myself? Who the hell do you think you are?!”

I didn’t have a chance to second-guess myself, to regret my words, or to beg forgiveness because, next thing I knew, the door burst open

And there he stood.

Aiden Norwood, in all of his glory, both terrifying and beautiful. He stared, golden-green eyes blazing, his entire demeanor reeking of aggression,

Thank God I’d pulled my panties up in time, or who knows what would have happened.

“Who do I think I am?” he asked. “Do you need reminding?”

Now, as I scented him, I realized the Alpha wasn’t just provoked to anger. He was Hazed.

The questions rattled through my brain, but there was no time to answer them. Because his Haze made mine reemerge with sudden unbearable, pulsing intensity

Soon my anger was melting away from the sheer heat of it

Overcome. Wanting, begging, needing him to come closer

As if he could read my Hazed mind, he did so, stepping into the stall. My heart threatened to split my chest open, and my legs turned wobbly.

“W-w-what are you doing?” I spluttered

“You know who I am,” he said, taking another

“You’re the ..the Alpha.”

“My name.”

Did I dare? No one was supposed to utter that name other than his closest advisors and sexual partners.

No. I shook my head, refusing to give in. Forcing my Haze to resist. No.

I tried to sidestep him out of the stall, and he put up a hand, blocking me.

“What are you afraid of?” he asked.

I tried to push his hand away, and he grabbed my wrist.

I should’ve been afraid. I should’ve been terrified, being cornered by a werewolf-by the Alpha, no less-in a bathroom stall. G

But, in truth, I didn’t think Aiden Norwood intended to force me to do anything against my will. I think he could sense my Haze’s absolute need for him.

He wanted to know why I was resisting when no girl had ever resisted him before

* Please let me go,” I said, voice trembling

“You dare give your Alpha orders***

“I said please, didn’t I?”

I couldn’t believe my own audacity

For the first time, I could see his face up close. Torment swam within those goldengreen eyes. It seemed he was really considering my request. But that was when his nostrils pricked

He brought my fingers—the same fingers that had just been inside me up to his nose. As he took in their scent, I felt his Haze throb within him

“You were…” he began.

“Trying to take care of it. Like you said.”

“Why, when a man can do so much more?” he said in a husky whisper. The implication alone made my eyes roll back. I couldn’t help myself

I moaned.

That was all it took

One second later, the Alpha had me pinned against the wall of the bathroom stall. My legs left the floor and wrapped around his torso,

He pressed me closer, and I felt the swell of his bulge.

A hot wave of brutal arousal washed over me. This was the first time a man had touched me this way. I felt dizzy and insane and not myself

Then he pressed his lips to my neck, and instead of kissing me, he licked. Every glistening drop of perspiration he devoured.

It was too much to take.

“Don’t…….”had entrapped both of us.

I felt his bulge press against my damp underwear, and I groaned in pleasure, in pain, in everything in between, my mind blurry with nothing but sex

His hands. God, his hands. They left my wrists, snaked under my dress, and grabbed my bare ass.

Every inch of his big, warm, calloused hands felt like they belonged there.

Before I knew what I was doing, my lower body started thrusting against his, making him growl.

My arms wrapped around his neck. I needed to touch him, to hold him, to press every part of myself against him.

I wanted him like I’ve never wanted anything in the world before. w

And then I saw it on his lips: a smirk. A knowing glance that seemed to say, I knew I could get you. The self-satisfaction, the smugness… it broke the spell, all right.

 Book 1: Chapter: 06  1


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