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The Millennium Wolves novel Chapter 1


, I marched straight to the Pack House, where

I was sure to find Aiden. When I reached the entrance gate, I stopped to sniff the air.

Everything smelled of werewolves and humans, of vegetation and stinky vehicles. I scowled. I smelled everything except the one scent I was after. His scent.

Was it possible that marked females couldn’t scent? Wouldn’t that be a nice cherry on top of the already chauvinistic werewolf world.

The guard gave me a suspicious glance, so I plastered on a feminine smile and sauntered over. “Excuse me,” I said silkily, “is Mr. – Norwood here?”

“Why do you want to know?”

“Because I’d like to see him.”

Usually my conversational sway, my most effective dominant trait, would have done the trick. But this guard seemed like he’d , been trained to resist it.

“Have you made an appointment?” he asked in a condescending tone. “A lot of young girls want to see Mr. Norwood.’

I didn’t have time for this. “You’re going to let me in,” I growled. “Now.”

As my expression darkened, I allowed one of my fingers to shift into a long black claw.

I didn’t need to threaten him. The guard knew exactly what he was dealing with.

Fumbling to produce his keycard, the guard swiped open the gate.

“Thanks,” I replied, my hand returning to its human form.

And with that, I passed him, entering the premises of the Pack House.

I stormed through the front doors with a new rage burning inside of me, my wolf eyes glowing blue within my human form.

Aiden would know he’d marked the wrong woman.

The crowd parted as I headed for the stairs. Before climbing the steps, I paused and sniffed for him again.

The first scent to hit me was the sterile odor of the room then the scents of the other werewolves and humans.

I let out a frustrated growl until, suddenly, a whiff of woody essence, grassy aroma, and citrus cocktail hit me.

The fragrance was hypnotizing. It pricked my skin and made my mouth water, but I shook off these aromatic charms.

Aiden Norwood thought he could order me around like a slobbering fan girl because he was the Alpha. He couldn’t have been more wrong

I followed the scent to the third floor, where I came to a large oak door. I heard muffled voices on the other side. I put my ear to the door. I had found him. The Alpha.


I leaned back in my chair as Josh paced across the room, working himself up for some kind of grand discourse.

I was only half-paying attention. Something else had spiked my senses.

Jocelyn, Nelson, and Rhys looked on in silence. They knew better than to interrupt Josh when he was about to get on a roll.

“Josh, spit it out,” I snarled.

“Aiden,” he started, leaning in on my desk, “We’re worried about you, and it’s not just us. Other members of the pack are starting to notice. It’s not just rumors and gossip now. People are questioning your ability to lead. They think you’re compromised. A pack can’t function when its members start questioning their alpha.”

I stirred in my seat, flexing my muscles in case he had forgotten my strength. “Josh, there’s no reason to be concerned. I found someone.”

“You marked some nineteen-year-old you hardly know. How am I not supposed to be concerned after that? You should be looking for your mate, not fooling around with some teenager with a crush.”

“You don’t know her either,” interrupted Jocelyn. “It’s not fair for you to judge her.” Josh glared at Jocelyn, pursing his lips. “I’m not trying to put the girl on trial. I’m just saying the future of this Pack is bigger than any of us.”

“Aiden would do anything for the Pack. Are you questioning his leadership?” asked Rhys, becoming defensive.

As always, Jocelyn was quick to calm everyone. “I doubt Josh meant to call anyone’s loyalty into question, but he does bring up an important point. Aiden, what are you going to do?”

“That melancholy is behind me now, I promise.

I debated telling them the truth, but it might still be too early. I couldn’t afford to let it slip into the open. But I knew Josh, and I couldn’t keep giving him the runaround. “All I want is for you to be honest with us,” Josh replied. “What’s going on with you lately?’

Before I could answer, a splintering crash ripped through the air and the office door flew open.


With my wolf in full control, I tore into the room. Twenty paces away, behind a massive desk, sat the man I’d come to see. He wasn’t alone, but I didn’t care.

Everyone’s eyes had snapped to me, including Aiden’s, which were looking gorgeous as ever.

Despite my entrance, he seemed shockingly unsurprised by my arrival. He must have scented me the moment I walked through the

Pack House doors.

My rage had finally reached its boiling point, and I let loose a ferocious howl that shook the room.

 Book 1: Chapter: 8  1


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