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The Millennium Wolves novel Chapter 1


Michelle sooo sienna, what were u up 2 last night?

Mia Yeah, anything exciting????


We promise not to tell




Erica If you don’t say something we’ll just come over

Erica Grabbing my keys…

I’ll bring the booze!

Michelle incoming in 5!

Sienna OK! What do you want to know?

Michelle EV RY THING

Sienna He picked me up and bought me a dress

Sienna We went to dinner downtown

Sienna Then I went home



Erica Getting in the car…

Sienna I gave you what you wanted, bitch


Nah, you’re holding out

Mia Something about you getting dirty in a supply closet???


I hadn’t heard that part!

Sienna Look, we may have fooled around a little but it wasn’t anything special

Michelle mamma wants details!

Michelle does he taste as good as he looks?


Sienna Ew. STOP

Erica How big? ?? ?


I’m serious. Cut it out

Erica Hazed, unpartnered shewolf over here @

Erica I’d gladly take him off your hands Michelle girl, whats wrong?


Sienna Nothing, just don’t like you turning my life into your personal soap opera

Michelle sorry, we thought you’d be more excited Mia What are you doing right now?

Sienna I’m painting at home

Mia Come meet us at Winstons, bitch!

Sienna I’m not really in the mood


Mia I need your artist’s eye Erica Mia EXACTLY!

Sienna Fine, but please no more questions






…promise 63


Winston’s was packed as usual. Even though no one batted an eye when I walked in, I still felt like everyone was watching me.

At first, I was confused as to how the girls knew about my date, but of course they knew.

You didn’t go downtown with the Alpha and not have anyone take notice. I was so embarrassed, replaying last night’s events in my head

There were definitely a few staff members who’d seen him slide my finger into his mouth, and I knew we weren’t discreet in our flight to the back room.

I shuddered to think what my mother had heard. Thankfully, she was still at work and wouldn’t be back until later tonight.

The girls were crowded around our usual table with stacks of bridal magazines and Mia’s laptop

Mating Ceremonies were like human weddings, but even more important because wolves mated for life.

Mia’s family was huge, so she had plenty of exposure to mating ceremonies, which I thought would make planning her own an easy affair

From the looks of things, however, she was lost in the abyss of planning.

Ketchup and mustard smudges dotted the magazines, and some pages were torn and fanned out like paint swatches.

Mia and Erica were on their phones looking up arrangements and place settings, flashing their finds at Mia, who only glanced at their phones and nodded.

Her caramel hair was unconditioned and pulled back into a lazy ponytail.

Mia always took great care of her hair, so its disheveled state was a clear indicator of how stressed she was.

“There’s our coy vixen,” squealed Michelle with a devious grin. “Erica, scoot over.” “I’m so glad you’re here,” said Mia, grabbing her head. “I’m totally overwhelmed. We need someone who knows what they’re doing.”

Mia’s tastes were, how do I put this nicely, a bit on the gaudy side.

I looked at the color schemes she had pulled up on her computer and did my best to point her in the right direction.

She was originally looking at warm colors, which I thought would be out of place for a winter mating ceremony, so, after much cajoling, I got her to settle on lilac, periwinkle, and teal.

Michelle protested because she didn’t think she looked good in those colors, but I reminded her that it wasn’t her decision and that she looked good in whatever color she wore, which Erica and Mia backed up, so El everyone came away happy.

 Book 1: Chapter: 13  1

 Book 1: Chapter: 13  2

“Then what’s your deal, Sienna? Why don’t you want to come?”

 Book 1: Chapter: 13  3


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