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The Millennium Wolves novel Chapter 2


Part of me couldn’t believe what was about to happen. What I was about to do. This was the first time I’d been so close to touching a man, and I felt ready.

It felt right

“I want to do this. For you,” I said, and his gaze bore into me. Right into me. My Haze was hungry, and if I couldn’t fulfill it all, this would do just fine. So I lowered my lips to his hips and continued leaving soft kisses along the border of his sweatpants. And then my fingers slowly pulled the waistband down until I could see all of him.

And when I could, my breath hitched in my throat. He was big and thick, exactly what you’d expect an Alpha to look like. I had watched porn before, sure, so I knew what was normal for pornstars to have. But seeing it up close, with a man who I knew—a man who I liked—it was different. So different.

I ran my fingers along him first, watching him get harder and harder.

“Shit, Sienna,” Aiden muttered. “Have you ever...???

“No,” I said softly, breathing warm air onto him. And then I stuck my tongue out, tasting him. I heard Aiden let out a gasp and took that as motivation to take the top of him into my mouth. I sucked gently for a few moments, and then I took more of him. As much as I could.

I was moving up and down to a rhythm. I hadn’t done this before, per se, but I was a nineteen-year-old girl. I wasn’t deaf to hearing blowjob tales from my friends, and of those, there were many. So I was fairly certain I knew exactly what to do, and by the way he was responding, I wasn’t half bad.

He was getting louder. I liked being responsible for that. It felt good to drive him crazy.

After a few more minutes of that, I felt his hands reach down to the back of my neck. He was trying to lift me off him. I knew why.

He didn’t want me to swallow what would come next. But I wanted to. No, I needed to. I wanted to taste all of him, to get to know every morsel of what he was.

So I slapped his hands away and moved my

So I slapped his hands away and moved my head up and down even faster, using my tongue to swirl around him. It took only a few seconds, but then he was coming, and a thick and salty substance, not bad-tasting, filled my mouth.

I swallowed it and looked up at him, at the man who’d been the first to enter my mout like that

He was catching his breath, but his eyes were dancing. He pulled me up to him and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear.

“You’re spectacular,” he said, the word somehow containing more flattery than every compliment I’d ever gotten combined.


Josh alpha hurry up Josh were all here already

Aiden I’m coming

Josh alphas dont get to be fashionably late

Josh lol


Sienna had just blown my mind. There was no other way to phrase it. Sure, I’d known the girl was hot as hell. That was never the question.

But knowing how inexperienced she was, how innocent she appeared to be, I wasn’t expecting that. Not even the girls who’d been around the block a thousand times had given me something like that.

She was in the guest room getting ready now. I could hear her moving around in there, and my imagination was thinking about her getting dressed. The way her body looked completely uncovered, the way she looked as she was pulling a pair of panties up…

Stop, I ordered myself. It was like I couldn’t control myself at all when we were in the same house. Must be the Haze.

I pulled a sweater on and then headed into the hallway, knocking once on the door

Sienna was behind. “Sienna? Ready?”’

Not even a second later the door was opening, and there she was. In a sleek black blouse and jeans, her red hair tumbling down over her shoulders. Her curves… the way the fabric clung to her in all the right ways… it was too much. I growled, pulling her to me.

“Let’s not go. Let’s stay here and…”I trailed off, my suggestion lingering between our heavy breathing

“Okay, Mr. Alpha.” She rolled her eyes. “Like you could miss the fair.”

She was right. I couldn’t.

“If it were up to me, we’d stay here all day. Fuck the photo op.” I said, kissing her.

“Fuck the photo op,” she said back, looking me in the eyes. But we couldn’t. Because I was Alpha and the fair was the pre-Yule Ball event that got the whole community together. And what was a community without its leader?


The second we neared the fair, I felt my nerves dancing through my bloodstream. I had never been this nervous a person, never in my entire freaking life. But I was holding the

Alpha’s hand, living in his house. So I wasn’t just a regular teenage girl anymore.

I was the girl next to Aiden Norwood. The girl who’d be scrutinized and fussed with, who’d be the subject of gossip, until everyone stopped caring

And I’d bet it would take awhile for everyone to stop caring

We’d just reached the gardens outside the fair, and I was taken aback by how polished they looked. Someone had laced lights through the trees, giving the dusk sky a beautiful glow.


Even from here I could see how packed it was. While the Yule Ball was the main event of the holiday season every year, the fair was the family-friendly version that brought everyone in town out to drink hot cocoa and play carnival games. Something about being here made me feel like a kid every time.

Then I felt my hand being squeezed, and my mind turned back to the man beside me. The man who sent chills down my spine over and over again. And I suddenly didn’t feel like a kid at all.

 Book 2: Chapter 9  1

 Book 2: Chapter 9  2


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