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The Moon and The Ocean novel Chapter 50

A Year Later:-


I was helping pa with the decorations. It was Halloween and Ocean always loved Halloween. I heard a giggle and turned around with a smile on my face. My eyes widened in horror and I gasped as I saw what was going on. My son was standing with the fountain and he was ready to jump in.

Moon: Sam, stop right there. If you jump in, I will eat all your candies. I dare you.

I yelled at my son loudly and he smirked mischievously. I heard a chuckle from beside me and I turned back towards pa. He was laughing at me.

Moon: What?

I asked him in an annoyed tone and he laughed even louder seeing my annoyance. He went towards the fountain and I followed him behind. He grabbed my son and carried him in his arms.

Derek: That is how we stop them. Not dare them to do something they should not do. Right, champ?

Pa said in a taunting tone then asked my son. He nodded his head and I rolled my eyes.

Moon: I can't help it, okay? He is as annoying as Zeus is.

I replied and my father started laughing again.

Derek: He is not near to what Zeus was in this age. Sam is a very innocent and cute child.

Pa replied and I shook my head. For Sam, pa was his best friend and ma was his enemy because she forced him to drink milk and eat vegetables.

Ocean: Oh there you are. Do you want to be at the party in your boring clothes? What about the costume you have bought so you will look like Alpha Zeus?

Ocean came from behind and asked Sam who was innocently chewing the chocolate he had taken from my father's tuxedo jacket.

Sam: Dada called me here. It's not my fault.

He replied to his mother and my eyes widened. Ocean and I broke into laughter as we heard the most innocent clam.

A familiar voice: Halloween party and without me. I can't allow that, can I?

A very familiar voice made its way to my ears and I turned around. I blinked a few times as I saw her standing in front of me. The same stunning face. But not as innocent as she used to be.

Moon: Dabria… it can't be.

I said as she looked at me. She gave me the biggest smile I had ever seen on her lips. She came to me and waved her fingers. She then looked at Sam who quickly put his pacifier into his mouth. It was a sign that he was nervous.

Dabria: You have a very beautiful boy. I am sure he will not be like his uncle.

She said and I thought she was talking to me. But instead, she looked at Ocean as she ended her sentence.


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