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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 19

CHAPTER 19: The Wolf In Heat

THE PARTY HAS OFFICIALLY started. The masters of ceremony told everyone to enjoy the party as the loud music started to play from the musicians on the side. The soft music started to play in the background.

The music playing was sweet, making everyone get their partners to dance with. Lilian's gaze went to Calista at the corner. Calista's hand is being held by Alpha Facundo and pulled towards the dancefloor. Lilian smiled at that sight. Now, she could tell that Calista seems to enjoy the party even though she has been insulted by Florence a while ago. There are judgments on the wolves' eyes while looking at Calista but she didn't mind it anymore.

Meanwhile, Lilian doesn't really have the energy to dance with any wolves tonight. She was actually enjoying the attention of everyone looking at her but she will not give them the satisfaction to dance to any of them. Every male species in the party is hoping to dance with her but she keeps on rejecting them.

Even from a far distance, Lilian could feel the stare of a man on her side. Even though she's not looking at that man, she knows that she's looking at her intently as if he wants to make sure if she's even real or just his imagination. Her lips curved into a smirk. She's enjoying how she could sway his mind just by only looking at her. It gives her so much satisfaction.

Moments later, as she sips on her wine, a tall man suddenly stops in front of her, getting her attention. The scent of his familiar manly scent attacked her nostrils making her bite her lower lip seductively in front of him. She smirked again as she looked up to his face. She became taller too that matched his broad shoulders and chiseled chest. Her face is just on the same level of her chin even though she's already wearing high heels.

"Hi," she greeted him with a smile on her lips. She could feel his uneasiness as he looked at her face... like he's memorizing every detail while looking at her seriously.

"You're... alive," he said, almost whispering the last word. He breathed out uneasily as his tongue poke his inner cheek then gulped.

Lilian chuckled. "Of course, I am! Your pack failed to eliminate me before! Silly!" She told him, trying to lift up his mood through her shady joke but she didn't even budge but it was obvious that she didn't like what she said. "Oh. Now, what? You still don't know how to ride jokes, Alpha Karius? Still the ever serious alpha of the Moon Stone pack, eh?"

He sighed heavily. "Lilian... I..." He shook his head as he looked down like he was so ashamed to even meet her gaze. "I am... sorry. I am so sorry..."

She let out a giggle again, as if she's making everything lightly and just a joke. Well, she was actually surprised to herself that she's not affected by his presence anymore. She only felt the searing anger in her chest as she looks at him now. Her affection towards him before every time he's near is gone.

Lilian could still remember how her heart thumped against her chest like she joined a marathon back then and the butterflies in her stomach that would run wildly whenever they were together before. Those memories are making her disgusted now.

"Why are you saying sorry? For hurting my feelings before? That's nothing to me now! We should just forget about it! I have moved on! It's all in the past now." Lilian smiled. Yeah, maybe she has already moved on but she still can't move on with the fact that he was the reason why she lost her baby before. She blamed him on her baby's... death.

She clenched her jaw, remembering it again but it was immediately brushed away when he took a step closer to her, still looking at her eyes.

"Can... Can we talk privately? Would that be fine with you?" he suddenly asked.

Lilian immediately shook her head. "No," she answered.

He sighed and nodded. "When will you have the time? Let's talk, please..."

Lilian secretly laughed. Wow. The alpha is begging her to talk to him. What a bull of crap!

"Still a no. I don't want to talk to you."

He slowly nodded his head. "Then... can I have this dance instead?" he asked again as he looked at her with his hopeful expression.

Lilian pouted a bit as she tilted her head, her finger slightly touching her chin playfully like she's thinking how to answer his simple question. But then, an idea came to her mind. She smirked as she glanced at the wolves who's obviously looking at the two of them, observing what would happen next. It doesn't surprise her anymore why they are hungry about Alpha Karius' whereabouts. Everyone will be really curious about this man in front of her. It was Alpha Karius that she's with right now so it's a big deal for them. Of course, all eyes will be on him.

"Hmm. Sorry, but my answer is still the same. It's still a no," she said as she smiled, leaving him with his hand still in the air asking for a dance with her. Everyone gasped at Lilian's rejection of the famous Alpha.

Some of them are glaring at Lilian but she doesn't care anymore. She was just smirking as she saw the disappointment of everyone's faces.


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