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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 25

IT WAS ALREADY dinner time when Lilian woke up from the bed. It took her a couple of seconds before she realized that she's not in her usual room in the mansion. She raised a brow realizing that she's in Alpha Karius' mansion now.

Sighing, she get up from the bed and fixed herself first. As she wore her clothes, she realized that everythinghing has changed here. It looks modern with a slight of traditional design because of the old books on the shelves. There's a small plants displayed on the transparent round table near the sofa on the side, making it looke more aesthetic. The color of the whole is mostly dark green and brown. There's also a huge cabinet at the far corner at the other side.

When Lilian went inside the bathroom for a quick bath, she couldn't help but to feel amazed. There's a bathtub at the left side of the bathroom. The scent of floral is also lingering in the air. The huge mirror made her frown when she saw her reflection. Her mark is still there but what she realized is she's getting better than the other days. She's not feeling weak anymore.

"Could it be because my wolf likes to be around Alpha Karius so much?" She asked herself in the mirror like it could even answer. But then, she frowned when she realized the answer to her own question.

Of course! Her wolf likes it so much! She rolled her eyes when her wolf whimpered at her own thought.

Moments later, she took a quick bath and used the new shampoo and shower gel. After that, she changed in a simple white puff sleeve dress and dried her hair. She went out of the bathroom after that and fixed her hair in a bun before getting out of the room. She plastered her most serious and intimidating look as she went down on the staircase and made her way to the dining area where she could hear the noises.

"Make sure that everything is set! Alpha Karius strictly told me earlier that everything should be perfect. No mistakes! This night is special to him since this will be the first night here of his Luna." Lilian heard the familiar voice of Nadia.

"Really? Sl, it's true, huh? He's already... mated? Who's our real Luna? I hope this is real this time. Gianna had been really a pain in the ass to him before."

"Whoever she is... we have to respect our Alpha's decision in choosing her. Let's just continue our work here. Hurry up!" Nadia said with her most strict tone as the other helpers continued their work on setting up the table and put the newly cook food.

A playful idea suddenly came to Lilian's mind. She smirked. As soon as she stepped inside the dining area, the helpers gasped when she saw her. The other one looked confuse like she couldn't recognize Lilian. But then the helper suddenly realized that Lilian must be the Luna so she just bowed her head, not wanting to say a word anymore. Meanwhile, Lilian could recognize her though. The helper was one of the wolves who threw rocks on her before. She knew that face. She was one of those who wished her to get killed before and one of the crowd.

"Hi! I'm sorry, I overslept. I'm so hungry now," Lilian said as she pouted fakedly. Her gaze went down to the foods on the table. "Oh. What are those foods?"

"Uh, these foods are mostly Italian. This one is Osso buco alla Milanese, this one is lasagna and here is the risotto. The other two is the bottarga and polenta--"

"I know, I'm not stupid." Lilian cut off the helper who spoke while introducing the foods with her suddenly cold tone. She had the urge to be a bitch right now so might as well show her bitchiness to them, especially the helper who hurted her before.

Well, it was truth though that she already knew those food. It's famous italian foods and sometimes, Maya and Kathryn would cook her those foods before back in the mansion. Thinking about them, she suddenly missed the three of the helpers in Calista's mansion. She wasn't able to say her goodbye to them properly. She knew that they're must be mad at her now.

"S-Sorry, Miss--- Luna." The helper bowed her head like she was too embarrassed. Lilian even caught Nadia glaring at the poor helper secretly for almost making a mistake in adressing her. Lilian doesn't really mind it though. She was actually enjoying the fear on their eyes as she flashed her most intimidating look.

"Well... those foods... I don't think I want to eat Italian foods right now," she said to them innocently. "I want spanish foods instead. I don't like the foods on the table. Throw it away," she added and smiled at them sweetly.

A series of gasps escaped from the helpers' lips. Even Nadia was also shock, like they couldn't believe that Lilian doesn't like the foods that Alpha Karius personally asked them to cook. They felt like their efforts were put to waste when they prepared the foods since they cooked it earlier than their usual time in cooking the dinner. They made their best to make it taste better. But even though they couldn't believe the fact that Lilian doesn't like it and commanding them to throw it away, they didn't say a word about it anymore.

"I don't want these foods. I'm hungry. Kindly prepare my food for five minutes. If you wouldn't be able to do it on a given time, I'll tell it to Alpha Karius..." she threathened them smirking before going back to her room again.

As soon as she entered her room, she bursted out laughing remembering their faces, especially Nadia and the other helper. She knew that they're probably stress now preparing the food in just a short time.

Oh, that was just a simple punishment. Her real wrath is not yet coming out.


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