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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 26

CHAPTER 26:The Target

"THE ALPHA TOLD me to accompany you to walk around, Luna," Calyx told Lilian formally as they made their way out of the mansion.

They even passed the helpers who are busy working with the household chores and Lilian couldn't help but to smile sweetly at them remembering the stunt she pulled the last time. It was obvious that they are now intimidated by her presence.

On the other hand, it was a good thing that Calyx was the one who accompanied her for this day. She doesn't want to be around Alpha Karius or Mason anyway.

"Hmm, yeah. You can just go. I still know my way here in the pack. I could still remember the path towards the omega village. That's the first place that came to my mind..." she told him as she walked faster than him.

Meanwhile, Calyx was just following her from behind. He's still serious and doesn't talk that much just like before. Physically, he had changed a lot just like Alpha Karius. His muscles had grown in their right places and he became more serious than before. He's still the same loyal Beta of Alpha Karius.

"That... I can't let that happen. I will follow you around until Alpha Karius comes back. That's what he ordered me to do," he said seriously, not really having the plans to let Lilian on what she wants to just roam around the pack on her own.

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever..." she murmured and just let Calyx do what he wanted.

"I still can't believe that you're alive," Calyx said all of a sudden behind her. Calyx was actually confused. All he thought before was Lilian was already dead. He investigated it himself but seeing her in flesh right now made him a bit confused. And how come that she came from the Midnight pack? Did they take her in? And it seems like Lilian has a deep relationship with the she-wolf Alpha of that pack.

Calyx reminded himself to talk to Alpha Karius about it once he had time. He could feel that something had really changed on Lilian. After seeing her before, it seems like her attitude and aura really changed a lot. She became... fiercer and more confident to herself. It was a good change but for him, it feels like there's something more to it. And he would find it himself especially if it concerns Alpha Karius.

Lilian stopped from walking on what she heard. She turned around and looked at Calyx with a smirk on her lips. "Believe it now. Well... just accept the fact that your Alpha failed to protect me back then that's why I had been through a lot. But look... I was able to get through all of it."

He sighed deeply as he clenched his jaw. Calyx knew how devastated the Alpha is on what happened to Lilian before and until now, he's still blaming himself. Even though Calyx doesn't really want to admit it, the past few days, Alpha Karius became lively when he found out that Lilian is alive.

"He regretted all his decisions before. He's deeply sorry for everything that he did--"

"Cut it. I still want to see him suffer," Lilian said, shutting him off from speaking.

Calyx's expression instantly darkened at what she said. She just playfully smirked at him as he clenched his jaw. He doesn't like how her lips curve in excitement as if she's really anticipating Alpha Karius' downfall. And he doesn't like it. Calyx realized that Lilian is maybe hiding something under her sleeves. And he knew damn well that it wasn't a good thing.

"Don't you dare. I won't let you on your plans to ruin him." Her tone was playful but he could feel the heaviness of it. Something is really off on the new version of Lilian in front of him now.

She chuckled. "And what? What are you going to do if I did? Are you going to kill me?" She bursted out laughing, not minding the dark expression on Calyx's face. "We both know you can't do that. Before you could even lay a finger on me, your Alpha will surely go berserk and who knows? He could also kill you just for me. You're just his Beta while me... I'm her mate and her Luna."

His breathing labored as his hand balled into fist. It was clear that Calyx didn't really like what Lilian told him. She wanted to laugh at his expression now but she remained composed in front of him when she noticed that he's losing his cool and patience.

"I will make sure you'll never succeed," he told her with his gritted teeth.

"Okay. But just a reminder... I won't back down again just like before. Never again," she said before continuing walking.


"L-LILIAN? LIAN?! Is that you?!"

Lilian turned around when she heard the familiar voice calling her from the other direction. She saw Clarine looking at her with her teary eyes. Clarine still looked the same, only that she gained weight and it seems like she doesn't look tired anymore just like before.

Clarine quickly went to Lilian and was about to hug her but then Calyx was quick enough to go in front of her to stop her on what she's about to do. Calyx looked at Clarine with his most intimidating expression.

"You can't just come closer to the Luna just like that. Know your boundaries," Calyx strictly said to Clarine making her gasped and looked down.

"Y-Yeah, right. I'm sorry, I forgot that she's our Luna now," Clarine said awkwardly as her shoulders fell down. She's actually sad knowing that Lilian is not the same Lilian that she knew before. Everything has already changed. She reminded herself not to get too comfortable around Lilian from now on.


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