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The One He Claimed by Cooper novel Chapter 108

Chapter 108: Fear and Anxiety
When Luna Sophie said that she and Kinsley may be outside the safe rooms during the war, I felt fear like I’ve never felt before.
‘What the f**k, Hunter?’ I asked him in the mind link.
I had watched him battle with himself, listening to his mate and recognizing that while he doesn’t want her outside a safe room any more than I want Kinsley and my pup out, Sophie is right. How can we, as leaders, choose to leave another pregnant woman out of a safe room while our mates are tucked safely inside.
That doesn’t mean that my wolf, Dario, isn’t thrashing around in my head at the thought of our mate and pup being unprotected.
I hold my tongue, waiting while Luna Sophie finishes talking to the group and until Kinsley finishes talking to the people who have questions before I pull her aside.
“I know what you’re going to say, Lucas,” she begins.
“What am I going to say, Kinsley?”
“That you want me in a safe room.”
“You’re right, I absolutely do. You can’t shift, you’re carrying my pup, and for f**k’s sake, Kins, I just got you, truly got you,” I say, pulling her against me as I fight tears. I’ve worked so hard to overcome the problems we suffered from her public claiming. I
Chapter 108. Fear and Anxiety
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can’t stomach the thought of losing her now, not after everything that we’ve been through to get here.
“I don’t like it either, Lucas. I don’t want to lose you or our pup. I love you, and I love him.”
Him, my son. We only recently found out that we’re having a boy. I haven’t even had a chance to tell Hunter yet.
“I don’t know how to keep you safe, Kinsley. If you’re not in a safe room….” my throat tightens up. I’ll be on the front lines with Hunter. I wouldn’t want it any other way. We’re the leaders of this pack and that’s what leaders do. But I know there will be more warriors attacking than we can keep out of the packhouse and when they come, Kinsley will be here, and I’ll be out there.
“I know how to fight, Lucas. Sophie and I have already begun collecting weapons for those of us who will be unable to shift, but you didn’t see the number of young mothers who volunteered to fight. It was incredible. I hate it, because I don’t want orphaned pups in our pack, but there’s a strong possibility that I’ll be in a safe room. It all depends on who arrives today and where we can put them. Sophie already told me that I get a spot in a safe room before her. She’s asking Brooklyn to be a Lead in one safe room, and if I get a spot, I’ll be the Lead in a second room. But just like Sophie said, how can I be a leader and push another pregnant woman out to fight when I’m tucked away safely behind locked doors?”
“I know. I know. I understand it with my head, Kins. But I hate it with my heart. Hunter’s mind is swirling with fear and ways to make sure that Sophie is safe. Whatever he comes up with, I want you involved as well. And we need a word, something that you can scream into my mind to let me know that you need
Chapter 106. Fear and Anxiety
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help. I’ll get to you as fast as I can, and you’ll just need to hold on until I can get here. Can you at least agree to that if you’re outside the safe rooms?”
“I can agree to that,” she says, looking up at me and running her knuckles over my cheek. “Have I told you today that I love you?”
I smile, nodding. “Yeah, but I wouldn’t mind hearing it again,” I
She lifts up on her toes, pressing her lips to mine. “I love you,” she whispers, before kissing me again. “I love you,” she says, kissing me again. “I love only you, forever, Lucas,” and when she kisses me again, I take her mouth in a possessive kiss, pouring all of my love and fear into the kiss. She takes every bit of it, returning the kiss with her own fierce determination to keep herself and our pup safe.
When I finally pull away, both of us panting, I press my forehead to hers. “Let’s go get some food, Beta. You and I have a lot of work to do today.
Ezra POV
I know Margot is trying to avoid me, but I’m not having it. I heard Sophie tell Hunter that she agreed to let Margot fight. She’s stronger, but she’s not ready to be on a battlefield yet.
When I see her ducking away from me again, I rush forward and grab her arm, pulling her around to look at me.
“Stop running from me,” I growl at her.
Chapter 108: Fear and Anxiety
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She lifts her chin in the defiant way that I’m becoming used to with this stubborn woman. I honestly don’t know how she survived Joshua, or more accurately, how he survived her.
“You don’t get to tell me that I can’t fight,” she insists.
I release her arm and watch her carefully. “You’re right, I don’t.”
That takes the wind out of her sails. She was ready to argue with me, but I didn’t take the bait and now she doesn’t know what to do or say.
“But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to,” I tell her. “I want you to be smart about this, Margot.”
“I am being smart about this, Ezra. I’ve told you my plans. Just because you don’t agree with them, doesn’t mean that I’m changing my mind.”
I growl and begin prowling back and forth in front of her, running my hands through my hair in frustration. I haven’t had enough time to let her see that I’m different, different from Joshua, yes, but also different than I was when I took Diana as my mate.
Finally, I stop, knowing that I’m probably glaring at her in my frustration. “Well, I’m not changing my mind either, Margot.”
“What are you not changing your mind about?” she asks, haughtily.
Hlean forward, getting into her face. “I refuse to lose another
mate in this lifetime. So, you will stay by my side in the fight and when Joshua comes for you, I’ll kill him myself.”
Chapter 108: Fear and Amorty
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I watch as sadness flutters across her face. “I know you would do that for me. But killing him won’t save me.”
“Then, I’ll maim him. I’ll rip his legs and arms off and leave him alive, so you won’t die, Margot. I’m NOT losing you.”
She lifts up onto her toes, pressing her lips to mine. I’ve stolen. some kisses over the past week, loving that her body melts into mine more each time we kiss. Today is no different. She lets go, kissing me like she’s never kissed me before, as if she’s surrendering to me. I take everything that she’s giving me, pressing her against the wall and demanding more from her, demanding everything from this kiss. I want it all, her
acceptance, her submission, her love, her life, her future. Our future, together.
Her mouth on mine is hot and needy with desire and when she begins to moan, I don’t stop, demanding more from her, demanding everything, demanding a life, her life. She surrenders, whimpering as I dominate the kiss, feeling her clinging to me as I demand even more from her.
When I finally pull away, I press my face against hers, both of us panting hard. I feel and smell the salt of her tears on her cheeks, and I turn my head, kissing them away.
“You are mine, Margot. I take that very seriously.”
She looks up at me and another tear drips down her cheek. “Yes, Ezra. I’m yours,” she says.
I pull her to me, holding her tightly. When I finally release her, she smiles up at me
“I have to go help with the families coming in.”
Chapter 108 Fear and Anxiety
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I nod, leaning in to kiss her again, this one much gentler. I feel another tear escape her eye and pull back, wiping the tears
“I love you, Margot. I mean that with all of my heart.”
She smiles at me and nods, before turning and rushing off.
As I-watch her go, I understand exactly what that was. That was her way of saying goodbye to me, of giving me what I wanted and needed from her before she plans to die.
Well, I have no intention of letting her die. I guess we’ll have to see who is the more stubborn of the two of us. There will be more than one battle going on when the war begins, her battle with Joshua and her battle with me to keep her alive.
Chapter 109, 1 Fighting


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