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The One He Claimed by Cooper novel Chapter 119

The One He Betrayed Chapter 3: Calvin’s Proposition 


Over breakfast the morning after laying Alpha Carter and Luna Amy to rest, I watch the Lunas embrace and circle Sophie with their love and friendship. They include Amelia in the circle, but you can see that it’s not the same. Sophie has built strong, lasting relationships with these women and Amelia has not

We need to talk about this pack, Hunter,Calvin begins as we and the other Alphas keep watch over our mates

It’s not just this pack,I sigh, tuming my attention to the men. We have Owen’s pack now which is leaderless. I don’t know about you two, but I can’t continue to house that number of people without significantly growing the size of my packhouse or adding houses on my pack lands,I say to Robin and Kayce

Same, and while I’m willing to do that, most of the displaced pack members want to return to the pack that has been their home their entire life,” Robin says

And based on your conversation with your mate and what she’s been telling everyone here, I’m guessing we’ll have another leaderless pack once you take Alaric out as well,Ezra says

What about Camden?I ask, looking at Robin

He’ll be eliminated as soon as I hunt down the coward,he growls

The One He Betrayed Chapter 3: Calvin’s Proposition 

I’m pretty sure he’s running Alaric’s pack right now. I could be wrong, but I know Alaric isn’t in any shape to be running his pack,Dutton says

And Koden is still out there, somewhere. He’s also going to be a problem,I say

As is Aiden,Dutton agrees

Owen’s pack is the easiest to take over, but none of us live right next to his pack. Who do we get to take that on?Calvin asks

I look at the others before sighing. I think we have to open it up.” 

What do you mean?Kayce asks

Give anyone who wants an opportunity to become the leader of that pack the option to fight for it. It’s how it used to be done. Alphas would fight for their position in the packs. All of us have strong Betas and most of you have strong Gammas. We could give them the chance to earn their right to become an Alpha,”


You’re suggesting that we give up our Betas?Calvin asks, appalled

Give upisn’t the term I would use, Calvin. Why wouldn’t you want to give your Beta a chance to rise up. Opportunities like this rarely come along and while I would hate to lose my Beta, ld be thrilled to have another Alpha in our alliance, making it even stronger than it already is,Robin says

Calvin looks at me. “Do you really think that Sophie and Amelia 



To the Betrayed Chapter 1 Calvius Prapasitan 

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are going to agree to this? Amelia is technically the heir to this pack as the oldest child of Alpha Carter and Luna Amy.” 

Are YOU going to run this pack?Ezra asks him. Are you planning to leave your mate here to run this pack while you go back to yours? Of all of us, your pack is the farthest away. How would that even work?” 

I’ll admit, I’m a bit disappointed in Calvin’s thought process. Hes thinking like the other Alphas, about gaining power, but not thinking through the ramifications. I’m much closer than he is, and I have no intention of trying to figure out how to manage my pack and this one

Calvin scrubs his hands over his face. “I’m just saying, they should first right of refusal.” 

I turn and look at my mate. Soph, can you come here please? I have a question for you,’ I say in the mind link

Her head snaps up and she looks at her friends before walking over. I tap my thigh and she curls up in my lap. I wrap my arms around her, kissing her forehead. I hate the sadness I still feel inside her and I know it will be there for a long time to come

We’re talking about what to do with your parentspack. Would you or Amelia want to take the Alpha role for this pack?I ask her. I’m not sure what Amelia would say, but I know my mate

She sits up and looks at me. How would that work? Our pack is too far away for us to effectively run this pack. Until Alaric is destroyed and even after that, this pack needs onsite leadership, as does our pack. We can’t split our time between two packs, Hunter. We would be doing a disservice to both of them. Even if we had strong Betas and Gammas in both packs



ette ble Petroys1 Chapter 3 Calvin’s Preposition 

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it would put a strain on us and we’re going to have a pup in a few months. I have no intention of staying in one pack while you go manage the other. No, we need to come up with a better idea, something that will work for the pack members here as well,she says, turning to the other Alphas. Don’t you agree?” 

Some do, not all,I say, pulling her back against me

Who doesn’t agree?she asks, sitting up again. My mate is about to go all Alpha on Calvin. I hope he’s ready for it

Your sister is in line to take over this pack now that your parents are gone, Luna Sophie.” 

Amelia? She never wanted to an Alpha. Why would you even think that?Sophie asks, as if he should know his mate better than she does, which he should

It’s not a matter of what she wants, it’s about duty,he says

Duty to whom, Alpha? To you? Because it certainly wouldn’t be dutiful to this pack. Are you planning to leave her here to run things while you go home? Are you going to send her to your pack while you stay here and manage this one? To keep them safe from Alaric? That makes no sense and if you don’t know it, I can tell you that Amelia wouldn’t want that.” 

I’m pretty sure I know my mate better than you do,he says, condescendingly

It doesn’t appear so,my mate says angrily

This all seems very tense,Nikki says, walking over and curling up in Robin’s lap



Very tense,Allison agrees, sitting on Kayce’s lap

Dutton somehow manages to have both twins sit in his lap, one arm around each of them. Amelia, however, is still the odd one out. Rather than sitting on Calvin’s lap like the others have done, she sits beside him. He takes her hand, but it’s a stark contrast between them and the rest of us

What’s all this about, Calvin?Amelia asks, seeing my mate and hers squaring off

If nothing else, our son should be heir to this pack,Calvin says, still focused on Sophie

Luna Amelia,I say, interrupting whatever Sophie was about to spit out to Calvin. I can feel her anger at Calvin, and I don’t blame her. We’re discussing what should happen with your parentspack.” 

Amelia looks at Calvin and frowns. You want me to take over as Alpha?she asks him, catching up quickly

Sophie sits back and I wrap my arms around her, placing my hands on her growing stomach. She puts her hands over mine, intertwining them

It’s your right. Alpha Hunter suggested opening up the packs to allow others to come in and take them over. For a pack like Owen’s, I would agree, but you are the rightful heir to this pack, Amelia. You should take your place here, as Alpha.” 

She looks at him like he’s lost his mind. How would that even work?” 

We’d have to figure that out, Ame, but it’s your right. Our son’s 

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What son? Your firstborn son? Your second? Because right now, all you have is a future daughter,Sophie says snarkily

Easy, baby. Let Amelia take on her mate. I think both of them have forgotten that she’s an Alpha,I say in the mind link

Sophie’s right, Calvin. They’re closer to having an heir for this pack than we are. And what are you even suggesting? That I live here, and you come for conjugal visits from time to time? That I stay here with our pups, and when we someday have a son, I send him to live with you and keep the others here with me to raise? Is that what you want? To live separate lives?” 

Amelia, you’re getting yourself worked up” 

You’re damn right I am, Calvin,she says, standing up. I’ve never wanted to be an Alpha. I certainly never wanted to be mated to a man that didn’t even want to live in the same pack as me,she says, tears filling her eyes. My mate sits up, wanting to comfort her sister


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