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The One He Claimed by Cooper novel Chapter 122

The One He Betrayed Chapter 5: New Alpha 


May I have your attention, please?Amelia asks, her tone quiet, but firm. The room responds immediately

We have all been through a massive ordeal, one that is trying and heartbreaking. But these are the times when we, as a pack and as a family, pull together to become stronger, strengthening our bonds to our pack and each other. I know you are all feeling the loss of my parents. Our parents,” she says, turning to smile at me, but I don’t want you to feel that you are alone. I have decided that, as the oldest child of Alpha Carter and Luna Amy, I will take my place as your Alpha.‘ 

Instantly the room begins murmuring and chatter begins among the pack. Behind me, I hear Calvin suck in a breath. I glance at him as Amelia raises a hand for quiet

I know that it’s unorthodox for a woman to be Alpha, but as my father did not have a male heir, and this pack needs a leader, I am willing to take over the role.” 

For how long?someone in the room asks

That I don’t know, but I’m willing to remain in this position until such time as I have a son who can take over the role of Alpha.” 

AmeliaCalvin says. He steps up on her other side, taking her `arm. Amelia, stop this. We need to talk about this.” 

No, Alpha Calvin, we don’t,” she says, turning back to the pack

The One He Betrayed Chapter 5: New Alpha 

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Will you support me, as your Alpha?she asks the room

I see the pack’s uncertainty. Amelia is already a Luna of another pack. This isn’t just unprecedented because she’s a woman, she’s also a leader of another pack

I support my sister as Alpha of this pack,I say, my voice ringing out loudly

I support Alpha Amelia asleader of this pack,Beta Matthews says, standing his mate right beside him

“Damn straight I support her! It’s about time a woman became Alpha,Nikki says, standing up, a smiling Robin standing beside her

I support Alpha Amelia,he says, wrapping an arm around his mate

Hunter smiles at me as he stands. “I support Alpha Amelia as leader of this pack.” 

The other Alphas and Lunas all stand and give Amelia their backing as does the rest of the pack

When the entire room is on its feet, Amelia addresses them again. Thank you all for your support. I know the Alphas and Lunas here must return to their packs today. But I would ask that you stay just a bit longer while I am formerly inducted as the Alpha of this pack,she says to them

We all agree and as Calvin pulls Amelia aside, Hunter comes up to me, making sure that I’m okay and that I know that he’s here for me. I hug him tightly, feeling even more sorrow for my sister who doesn’t have this with her mate. My sister is so much 

الأمن العساف 

The One He Betrayed Chapter 5: New Alpha 

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stronger than most people give her credit for, mistaking her kindness for weakness

When the stage is set, I stand beside Beta Matthew, watching as Amelia makes her way to the stage. I notice that her hands are holding her stomach as she walks, and I wonder if the baby is moving around a lot

When she arrives on the stage, Beta Matthews holds the cup, as I lead the ceremony and give Amelia the words to say. As Alphas, we both know them, but it’s tradition for someone to have the new Alpha repeat the words in front of the pack. Usually, it’s the outgoing Alpha having their son repeat the words, but today, it’s me and Amelia. My sister’s words ring out strong and true and there is no hesitation in her. She has made her decision

Beta Matthews slices her palm and lets her blood drip into the cup. I suddenly realize that her connection to her mate will snap when the first person drinks her blood and accepts her as their Alpha. They will still have the mate bond, but he will no longer be her Alpha

I panic, looking over at Hunter. Amelia can’t show any weakness up here on stage

She rejected him before she came out. That’s why she was a little unsteady on her feet,he says to me in the mind link

I look back at my sister, even more impressed with her now, knowing what she just went through

It was better than having her react on the stage in front of everyone,Hunter says, confirming my thought. But it still doesnt mean that my sister isn’t suffering and no one, not even me

The One He Betrayed Chapter 5: New Alpha 

realized it

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I stand beside her, silently giving her my strength, as the pack comes forward, accepting her as their Alpha. As each person accepts her, I feel her strength increasing and when the last person drinks, you’d never know that she just rejected her Alpha a couple of hours ago

My pack,she says, addressing the group. “This is no time for celebration, unfortunately. We are all still grieving, and we must protect our borders from another attack. I will be working with Beta Matthews to look over our patrols and I will be asking Beta Caroline to begin running safe room drills at once. We need to be safe and you, my pack, are my first priority.” 

I look around, but Calvin is nowhere to be seen. I wonder how 

he’s handling all of this. Part of me wants to feel sorry for him, but the other part feels like he brought this on himself. His selfishness and greed have lost him his mate, possibly forever

When she walks off the stage, Amelia thanks all of the Alphas and Lunas who came to support us during our grief, thanking everyone again for being here and supporting her

When it’s time for us to go, I hug my sister tightly. If you need anything, you let me know,I tell her

I’ll be needing a new alliance between our packs,she says to me, then looks at Hunter

And you’ll have it. Let me know when you’re settled and we’ll talk,he says

We’ll also be including you in our Alpha meetings now, Alpha Amelia,Dutton says


The One He Betrayed Chapter 8. New Alpha 

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Of course, please include me on any meetings or alliance discussions and I will be there,she says. I can tell that everything is starting to weigh on my sister. She’s still dealing with her grief, she’s pregnant, she rejected her mate as her Alpha, she took her oath as an Alpha and has taken on the responsibility of being the leader of this pack, a job she never wanted. I pull her into another hug

You can do this. You are stronger than you know,I whisper to her. She nods, squeezing me tightly before letting me go and stepping back

I’ll call soon,I tell her, and she nods again, waving goodbye to us and the others as we drive away

Will she be okay?I ask Hunter. Ezra and Luna June are in the 

backseat, returning to the pack with us

She has a long road ahead of her,Hunter says. But we’ll support her in any way we can, Soph.” 

“Where was Alpha Calvin? I didn’t see him after the ceremony started,” I say

He left. After she rejected him as her Alpha, he left, unwilling to watch her take her oath as Alpha of another pack,Ezra says

But he’s the one who suggested it!I say, shocked

He obviously hadn’t considered the ramifications of his greed. It’s not uncommon for Alphas to want something and to not think it through before pushing ahead,Luna June says softly

Not all Alphas are like that,” Ezra says to her

The One He Betrayed Chapter 5: New Alpha 

No, but Alpha Calvin just got an ugly lesson on the negative side of greed. I just hope that he isn’t a vindictive man,she 


I see Ezra and Hunter press their lips together tightly


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