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The One He Claimed by Cooper novel Chapter 127

Chapter 127; Introductions
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Chapter 127: Introductions
“Kinsley, can you make sure Beth and Chloe get something to eat?” I hear Sophia’s voice. No, not Sophia, Sophie. Luna Sophie. She’s a Luna now.
“Jaime, why don’t we go find someplace to talk?” Alpha Hunter says beside me.
I can’t pull my eyes away from the beautiful woman in front of me. Why didn’t she say it back to me? Why didn’t her wolf call out to her mate?
I feel rooted to the spot, unable to move. When I’d smelled the scent of rain, the scent I love, I thought it was going to rain. I had no idea that my mate’s scent would be the clean scent of a gentle rainstorm.
“She’s underage, Jaime,” Alpha Hunter says quietly to me. I watch as Luna Sophie walks over to my mate and whispers quietly in her ear. She nods, but her gaze remains riveted on mine.
“How underage?” I ask, not sure how I can survive years before my mate turns eighteen and recognizes me as her mate. Although, if her stare is any indication, she must recognize me at some level.
“Just a few weeks. Come on, it’ll be easier for you to fight the pull to your mate once you’ve eaten and gotten some sleep.”
Chapter 127; Introductions
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“I’m not hungry,” I tell him. The only thing that matters at this moment is the woman standing in front of me. The woman who is being led away by Luna Sophie
I take a step forward. “Easy, Jaime. She’s going to join us for lunch,” Alpha Hunter says. I have to fight the urge to growl at him for trying to keep me from my mate. When I turn to look at him, I see his wolf is forward, ready to control McCoy if needed. “Get a hold of yourself,” he growls softly.
I close my eyes, and shake my head, trying to clear my mind. Then I take a deep breath and it’s the wrong thing to do. I clench my fists and focus. I’m in Luna Sophie’s pack, my sisters are safe…my sisters! Oh goddess!
My eyes flash open and I see them sitting at a table talking to a woman as they watch me.
“Are you two okay?” I ask them.
“Go Jaime. We’ll be fine. Beta Kinsley is going to look after us. Go figure things out with your mate,” Beth says.
I look at Chloe. She’s younger, still underage, and has been terrified ever since I found them. Even being with me hasn’t helped her to feel more confident. I’m hoping being back in a pack will make her feel more secure. She gives me a tentative smile and I see the woman, Beta Kinsley, wrap her arm around her protectively, as if recognizing that my sister needs the comfort and support of a ranked member.
“I won’t be gone long. If you need me…”
“They’ll be fine, Jaime. You brought them here so we could help them. Let us do that,” Luna Sophie says.
Chapter 127: Introductions
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When I turn, I see my mate looking at my sisters and I sense her jealousy.
“My sisters. Beth and Chloe,” I say and her eyes flash back to mine.
“Come join us, Jaime,” Luna Sophie says, as she guides my mate away.
I look at Alpha Hunter, who smiles. “I told you. She’s the boss.”
“You’re a strange Alpha,” I say absently, as I follow the pull to my mate.
“Not so strange. I merely love and respect my mate. She’s an intelligent, strong, Alpha female and, as you pointed out, she’s the legend. Not many could have lived up to that reputation, but my mate does, every day.”
I see Luna Sophie look over and smile lovingly at her mate. When I look, he has the same loving look in his eyes for her.
Alpha Hunter looks over at me. I’m not sure what expression he sees on my face, disbelief probably. “If you decide to stay here, you’ll get used it. We love each other very deeply and we’re not afraid to show it outwardly.”
When we walk into the room, I realize this is Alpha Hunter’s office. It smells strongly of him, of Luna Sophie, and of recent sex. Since Luna Sophie doesn’t seem upset in any way, I’m assuming that sex was consensual and what Alpha Hunter said is the truth.
I follow my mate to a table. She sits at a corner, and I sit beside her at the head of the table where I can easily see her.
Chapter 127: Introductions
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“Hello Jaime. I’m Penny,” she says, as Alpha Hunter pulls Luna Sophie into his lap across from Penny. I guess they’re here to make sure I don’t do anything st**id. Or maybe they’re here to help my mate feel comfortable.
“Penny. I love that name,” I say reaching out my hands to take hers. However, I suddenly realize that my hands, like the rest of me, are covered in dirt and grime. My mate must be disgusted with me.
I start to pull my hands away, but she reaches out to take them.
“My hands are filthy,” I say, not wanting her to dirty her hands with mine.
“Nothing that some soap and water won’t wash away,” she says. “I’m underage,” she explains, “but Sable, my wolf, feels a very strong pull to you and your wolf.”
“McCoy is my wolf, and he obviously recognized you as our mates. Alpha Hunter said you have a few weeks before you turn eighteen?”
“Yes, just about three weeks,” she smiles, holding my hands.
“Penny has become one of the leaders of our pack, Jaime. She’ s an incredible warrior,” Alpha Hunter says, making me proud of my mate. She’s not even an adult and already she’s making a name for herself.
“Where are your parents? Should meet them, after I shower, of course,” ask.
She looks down, her thumbs rubbing over my knuckles. “I was like your sisters, on the run for a long time. My father agrees
Chapter 127: Introductions
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with the old ways of claiming ranked members. He’s our pack’s Ga**a. I didn’t want that for myself and neither did my mother. So, she helped me get away. I’d been on my own for a while when I ran into Luna. She was on the run too,” she says, smiling at Luna Sophie.
“I met her not long after I met you, Jaime. After you warned me, some Alphas and other ranked members found the diner. I ran and Penny and I helped each other until we got here.”
My mate snorts. “She’s being generous. We were riding the trains, and when I jumped, I injured myself. I told her to go without me, but she refused, carrying me until I was healed enough to run on my own.”
look at Luna Sophie, feeling incredibly grateful to her for protecting and helping my mate. Then I look at Alpha Hunter. “I’ d say your mate paid your debt to me by helping my mate,” I say, understanding better now the impact that my simple check-in with Sophie made on him.
“How about we don’t keep score, and we just agree to continue to help those who need assistance?” Luna Sophie says.
“A perfect answer as always, my mate,” Alpha Hunter purrs as someone knocks on the door. Luna Sophie hops out of her mate’s lap to let in the omegas who are carrying trays of food. The moment I smell it, my mouth waters and my stomach growls loudly.
“How long has it been since you’ve eaten?” Penny asks.
shrug. My sisters were very weak when I found them, so I gave everything that McCoy caught to them. “My sisters needed it more than I did.”
Chapter 127; Introductions
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She pulls her hands away from mine and I suddenly feel lonely and cold.
“Eat. I’m not going anywhere,” Penny says.
As I begin eating, I thank the omegas, making sure my sisters got something to eat as well.
“Yes, Beta Kinsley made sure that your sisters ate. The sweet younger one fell asleep at the table and one of our warriors carried her to their room.”
I stand up. “Is she alright?” I ask, instantly alert.
“She’s exhausted, Jaime. Sit, eat. I promise, your sisters are being well taken care of,” Luna Sophie says.
“The warrior…” I begin.
“None of my warriors or anyone in my pack would dare to hurt another pack member, or someone under my protection. Relax, Jaime. My mate is right, you and your sisters are now under my protection. Nothing will happen to any of you, my word as an Alpha,” Alpha Hunter says.
He seems genuine, and Luna Sophie said he was the best Alpha out there, but these are my sisters.
“How about I go check on them?” Penny asks. “You finish eating and when we’re done with Alpha and Luna, can show you where they are, so you can find them on your own.”
Now I’m torn. I don’t want her leaving. What if she doesn’t come back?
“I can show you his room as well, Penny. It’s nearby,” the omega
Chapter 127: Introductions
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“Oh,” Penny says turning to me. “I thought you’d want to stay in my room.”
“I….yes, yes I would,” I say, excited at the idea of sleeping with my mate in my arms.
She smiles a brilliant smile, making my heart race and d**k twitch.
“Then I’ll be right back,” she says, leaving with the omegas.
I watch her go before turning back to the table.
“Now, you said you had something you wanted to talk about?” Alpha Hunter asks as I begin eating again.
“Yes, Alpha. There are rumors floating around about an attack on the local Alphas. Some packs are recruiting members to attack,” I say.
“We’ve already had the war, a couple of days ago,” he says.
“This was yesterday. I didn’t catch the Alpha’s name, but I did hear another name, someone who seemed to know you. His name is Koden,” I say, cutting off when Alpha Hunter snarls viciously.


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