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The One He Claimed by Cooper novel Chapter 180

Chapter 180: Jake and Letti
My mate is so special. He somehow knew I needed an outlet for my emotional stress and creating a nursery was exactly what I needed. I could be in my son’s room alone, if I needed space from everyone, or I could harass our warriors by having them move and remove the furniture just the way I wanted it. Thankfully, the pack loves me, and they tolerated my craziness with good humor.
After Jocelyn came out of her surgery, I felt a little bit better. find that some days I’m more in control of my emotions than others. I asked Dr. Felicity about it, and she said the same thing that Hunter did. It’s normal that my hormones will be all over the place while I’m pregnant. Add to that, I’m getting less and less sleep each night, and then the general weight of being a Luna, and sometimes, it’s just more than my body can handle. She assured me that once Huntington is born, that I’d start feeling back to normal.
Penny’s birthday had been a success. No one was surprised when she and Jaime came downstairs for breakfast both looking exhausted but happy and both wearing fresh mate marks. The pack ended up celebrating her birthday most of the day and even Jocelyn and the survivors came to for the evening party. I could see Jocelyn constantly looking around, as if expecting Zahn to jump out at any moment. But, between me and Sandy, she was able to relax. Hunter, Lucas, Jaime, and Penny all took the pack, including the older pups from the survivor center on a pack run, howling and playing together as
Chapter 180: Jake and Letti
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those of us left behind sat around talking and waiting for them to return. It was a beautiful night and then just a few days later, I received the call from Amelia that my niece had been born.
Today, Alpha Jake and Luna Letti are arriving to talk to the pack members that came from Owen’s pack. Hunter has talked to Ezra and to Robin, since Jake and Letti already stayed and talked to the group there. Both have been impressed with how Jake is handling the pack members and based on what Robin told Hunter, most of Owen’s pack members will be returning to their old pack.
I’m pretty sure Hunter has mixed feelings about the pack members leaving. He feels like everyone should want to stay here because our pack is special, but I feel like every pack should be special in its own way. That will give people options for good packs to live in, especially when they find their mates. So, I’m okay with people not staying in our pack, as long as they make their own packs a positive environment for everyone.
When they arrive, Hunter and I meet them on the front steps of the pack house. I watch them get out of the car, Jake looking around for the first time, and Letti looking around after not being here for a while.
“It’s strange coming in from the front,” she says to me, walking up to hug me. “Luna Sophie, how much longer before this little guy makes his appearance?” she asks me, looking down at my stomach while Jake and Hunter say hello.
“Since when are you so formal, Letti? I’ve always just been Sophie to you.”
“I wasn’t sure. Things are different now, but Nikki said the same to me. I think I might have offended her a bit, which wasn’t my
Chapter 180: Jake and Letti
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“We’re friends first, Lunas second,” I say, sliding my arm through hers and greeting Jake.
“Your previous pack members are a bit nervous to meet you, but I understand that many of them have been in touch with their fellow pack members in Robin’s pack. That group was very impressed with both of you,” I say, smiling at Letti and turning to include Jake in the conversation.
I can feel Letti’s nervousness at meeting these new pack members as we walk in. “You’re going to be great,” I whisper to her.
She looks at me and I nod. I know she will be. She may be a Gamma by birth, but much like Allison and Nikki, Letti is a compassionate person who will make a great Luna.
“I’ve set up a special room for the pack members to come hear what you have to say. I thought we could talk over lunch, and I’ ve also offered others who have come seeking safety but have not joined my pack yet to come hear you speak. I think my mate is right that each pack has something different to offer its pack members and what Sophie and I are offering here, may not be for everyone. But what you intend to offer in your pack might be,” Hunter says, making me smile at him.
“I see that hasn’t changed,” Letti says.
“What’s that?” I ask.
“Alpha Hunter always listened to what you had to say and took your words to heart, Sophie. I remember how much I didn’t believe that it was real when I first got here, how I didn’t trust
Chapter 180: Jake and Letti
any Alphas. But he was always the real deal. You both were.”
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We get them settled into their rooms, putting them at the end of the hall on our floor. Then, I show Letti what I’ve started in the
Hunt’s room.
“You’re going with a hunter’s theme?” she asks me, looking at the murals on the wall.
“Yes. It’s Hunter’s family’s tradition with naming their children, so I decided to go with the pack on a hunt.” The mural spreads around the room, with wild animals being chased by a small group of wolves. I didn’t say anything to Hunter, but the pack is eight large – the size of the family he’s promised me.

Oh, I know that’s why there are eight wolves, my mate. I counted them the moment that part of the mural was done,’ Hunter says in the mind link. I’m glad you left room though, in case we decide for more later on.
I have to cover my laugh as Hunter walks up behind me and wraps his arms around me while we look over the room.
“There’s still more to do, but it’s coming along,” I say.
I watch Letti look at Jake, a pretty blush flushing her cheeks before she looks away. Interesting.
We head back downstairs and enter the room that is set up for lunch. It’s only a few moments before the pack members start tentatively coming into the room.
“Come in, get some food and have a seat. Once everyone is here, we’ll begin,” Hunter tells them.
Chapter 180; Jake and Letti
“Did you
want to eat now?” I ask Letti.
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“I don’t think I could get anything down, Sophie. I’m so nervous,”
Letti says.
The four of us stand near the door, greeting everyone as they come in. I watch the pack members assessing Jake and Letti as they walk through the door, or as they sit and begin to eat. Most of them are talking in low voices but I’m pretty sure they’re talking about their initial impressions of the two. No wonder poor Letti is nervous.
I squeeze her hand, trying to help calm her, as Hunter goes to close the door, and Jake takes her hand to lead her to the front of the room.
Hunter quickly grabs some food for me and takes me to a seat so we’re next to where Jake and Letti are standing.
“Hello everyone. My name is Alpha Jake, this is my mate, Luna Letti. We’re here today to talk with you about our plans for the pack that we won, what was previously Alpha Owen’s pack lands.”
For the next hour, I watch as Jake and Letti explain who they are, where they’ve come from, and talk about their plans for the pack. They’ve decided to rebuild the packhouse and to create homes around the pack lands. Jake talks about creating a pack with a new feeling while Letti talks about how she-wolves will be allowed to train, will be expected to participate in patrols, and will have equal rights and expectations as the males in the pack. They also let everyone know that there will absolutely be no public claimings in the pack and that Jake has already started alliances with Alpha Ezra and Alpha Robin with the intention of extending that to Hunter, Dutton, Kayce, and Amelia.
Chapter 180: Jake and Letti
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They take questions, some of which don’t have answers, but they let the people know that they will make those decisions as a pack. In the end, I can feel the excitement of the group, as if they are ready to head home and begin their new life, in their new pack, with their new Alpha and Luna.
‘I can see why Ezra and Robin spoke so highly of them. They’re naturals,’ Hunter says in our mind link.
‘They are. They will be good allies and friends,’ I say.
‘I agree. Good thing I prepared that alliance agreement already,’ he says.
‘My mate. Always thinking ahead.
When they’re done, people linger, talking individually to Jake and Letti. While they do, Hunter goes to get the alliance agreement so that we can sign it today. He and I are leaving tomorrow to go see Amelia ahead of the initial review of Alaric’s old pack. Jake and Letti will be coming the day after with everyone else.
When the last person finally leaves, Letti lets out a huge breath. “I think that went well.”
Jake pulls her into his arms. “I think it went really well.”
“I would agree,” I say, going to get some food now that the talking is done.
We spend the rest of the afternoon signing an alliance agreement, talking about the pack members, and reminding them that we’ll be leaving in the morning.
Chapter 180: Jake and Letti
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Just as we’re finishing up, I get a mind link that Jocelyn is looking for me. I invited her to go with us to see Amelia and to be a part of the overview of Alaric’s pack. I’m hoping she’s agreed to come along. I think it will be good for her to get out a bit and see how things are changing.
“Jocelyn?” I say, finding her standing near the back doors, looking out over the back of the pack lands.
“Sophie,” she says, and we gently hug. While her legs are good, almost completely healed, her upper body still needs surgery.
“I was hoping the offer is still open for me to join you and Alpha Hunter tomorrow to go meet your sister and see Alpha Alaric’s old pack.”
“It is, we would love to have you.”
“Then, I would love to go. I think maybe it’s time I start to get back out into the world.”


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