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The One He Claimed by Cooper novel Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Surprise
“You didn’t mark and mate my daughter in public?” my father asks incredulously, looking at Hunter.
“No, sir. That’s why I wanted you to hear the story from Sophie. I have never believed in the public claimings. I have more respect for my mate than that. And even if I didn’t, I am one hell of a possessive Alpha. I will never allow anyone, any man, to see my mate like that except for me,” he says, making me so proud once again that he’s mine.
I lean against him, and he looks at me, kissing me gently on the lips.
“Mine,” he growls softly.
“Oh, Sophie, sweetheart. I’m so happy for you,” my mom says, crying again. My poor mother. This has been quite a shock for her.
I smile at her, then look at my father. He’s still staring at Hunter. “This is going to present problems for you and your pack, Alpha Hunter.”
“Yes, I’m aware of that and it’s why you are our first stop. You won’t be our last, but I expect a battle. Not only because I refuse to claim Sophie publicly, but I intend to open my borders to all of the she-wolves on the run. I intend to become a sanctuary for them.”
My father blows out a breath, then scrubs his hands over his face. “When you go in, you go all in, don’t you?”
“Yes, sir,” Hunter says.
“You may as well call me Carter. We’re family now.”
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“Thank you, Carter. I’m hoping I can count on your support if it does come to war.”
“Yeah, you’ll have my support, for what it’s worth. But you’ll need more. Who else are you thinking?” he asks, pulling his plate of food forward and beginning to eat. Apparently talk of war is easier to stomach than his daughter’s claiming..
“I intend to reach out to Dutton, Kayce, and Robin. I wanted to get your thoughts on Alpha Calvin,” Hunter asks about my sister’s mate before also digging into his food.
“Oh, mother, how is Amelia?”
The men stop and my father looks at my mother. “It’s been hard for her, sweetheart. Seeing you with Hunter…it’s so different than how she’s been with Calvin.”
“But is she happy?”
Mother looks at my father. “I think she’s finally finding happiness. It’s been a hard road for them.”
“They’re coming by today, actually,” my father says. “It’s why I told you I needed to see you this morning instead of this afternoon, Hunter.”
I turn to look at Hunter. “Can we stay and see them. Please, Hunter?”
Chapter 34: Surprise
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“Let me check with Lucas. If nothing else, you can stay, and I’ll head back to the pack. I can always come back and get your later.”
I frown. I don’t want him to leave me here.
Hunter looks at my father. “I made Sophie my official Luna last night. When we returned yesterday morning, I gave my pack the option to leave or swear their loyalty to her and me. I lost my Ga**a and about a quarter of my pack.”
“Do you need warriors to help cover your borders? I can send some while you shuffle your pack members around,” my father offers.
“That would be a tremendous help. I lost about thirty warriors, so the patrol rotations have become much more strenuous. Our Betas ran patrols overnight and this morning.”
“After breakfast, you and I can talk to my Beta. We’ll see how many we can spare. Now that Sophie is back, my borders should be much safer. The Alphas will leave me alone.”
“I agree. It’s another reason that I made Sophie my Luna quickly. Not only can no one remove her title or say she isn’t truly a Luna, but now the word will spread, and the focus of the Alphas will come to my pack instead of yours.
“Our pack,” I correct him as he did with me.
“Our pack,” he smiles, leaning over to kiss me again.
When I look, my mother is staring at me in shock. Again.
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She shakes her head and smiles a little. “It’s just so strange. Even after two years, Amelia is uncomfortable with Calvin kissing her in front of others. But you don’t seem to have any problem with it.”
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I smile and look at Hunter. “That’s because I know my mate loves and respects me. He would never do anything to me that would embarrass me. Amelia, Beta, Kinsley, don’t have that. I can’t imagine how hard it is for them, knowing how strong the pull of the mate bond is, but not being able to trust your mate to be respectful or keep you safe.”
“It’s hard on both sides,” Hunter says, looking at my parents. “Our Beta, Lucas, still struggles with his mate’s inability to trust him.”
“As does Calvin. Which brings me back to your question, yes, I think he will take your side. If I may, I’d suggest that we send my warriors to your pack and have you stay for dinner. It would be good for you, me, and Calvin to talk. We could invite Dutton as well, if you’d like, since his pack borders mine. That would also give Soapy time to catch up with her mother and sister,” he says, smiling at me.
“Carter!” my mother scolds him again for using my kid name.
“Forget it, Amy. I’m never giving up that name,” he says winking at me.
I feel tears **k my eyes. “It’s so good to be home. Well, technically it’s not my home any longer, but it’s good to be back.”
“You’re always welcome here, Sophie. And hopefully, since you and Hunter seem to feel so comfortable together, maybe we’ll
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have a grandpup in the near future?” she asks, looking between
My cheeks go hot with my blush, but Hunter chuckles. “I’m doing my best, Luna Amy,” Hunter says, making my father bark out a laugh.
“It’s good to have you back, Soapy. But it’s better to see you so happy.”
“Thanks, Daddy. It’s good to be back. And I’m so sorry for all the trouble that my leaving caused you. I didn’t know anything about it until Hunter told me.”
“Nonsense,” he says, cutting me off. “It was worth it, especially knowing you’ve been claimed properly.”
“Sweetheart, have….have you heard…?” my mother stops, looking from me to Hunter.
“She knows about being the legend. I told her.”.
“Yes, that has to stop! I’m hoping once we open our borders that these she-wolves who are killing themselves will stop,” I say.
“That will very much depend on what happens in the near future and if we go to war,” my father says, looking at Hunter who nods.
“If you’re okay with it, let’s invite Dutton tonight. The sooner I know who my allies are, the better.” He reaches over, pulling my hand to his lips. “I want to keep my mate safe, and I want to make sure that any daughters that we have will have a better life than those in this generation.
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We finish breakfast and stand. “Sophie, why don’t you go with your mother, see if there’s anything you want to bring back to our pack. I’m going to go talk to your father about the warriors and call Lucas.”
wrap my arms around Hunter’s waist, looking up at him. “Thank you!”
“For what?”
“For giving me my life back.”
He takes my chin between his thumb and forefinger. “It should never have been taken from you in the first place. All I did was right a wrong.”
“You may potentially go to war to right that wrong,” I say, wanting him to know that understand what he’s done for me.
“You are worth it, my dear, sweet mate,” he says, leaning in to kiss me, deeper this time. I’m not sure if it’s to prove to my parents that I’m not bothered by the public display of affection or if he just wants me to know that he loves me. Either way, I let myself get lost in his kiss.
When he pulls back, he smiles at me. “Go with your mother. Feel free to bring back anything that you want. I don’t care how big or small it is. If it’s important to you, it’s important to me.”
“I love you.”
“And Hove you.”
As we walk out of the room, I hear my father.
“I’m glad I wasn’t wrong about you, Hunter.”
Chapter 34: Surprise
“No, sir, you absolutely were not.”
I smile as my mother wraps her arm around my waist and leads. me to the stairs and up to the Alpha floor where my bedroom used to be. It’s feels strange being back here again, after everything that I’ve been through.
“I didn’t touch anything, in case you ever returned home. I wanted it kept just as it was when you left,” my mother says, opening the door to my old bedroom. I walk in and a feeling of nostalgia washes over me. The room no longer smells like me, but I can tell my mother has it aired out periodically since it’s not stuffy.
I take a moment to look around the room, remembering myself at sixteen, seeing the things that were important to me then. pictures of musicians and actors that I found attractive, doodles of my name with a different last name, sometimes with hearts around it. I smile when I see a page that says Sophie Reynolds with hearts all around it. I smile, remembering that I hadn’t even met Hunter then.
I quickly throw away the other names I had written, in case Hunter comes up here. I don’t want my mate getting jealous of a teenager’s musings, but I keep the one with my new name on it.
“Are you truly happy, Sophie?” my mother asks me, standing just inside my room.
“Yes, mother, I am. It’s been hard, Looking around this room, I realize just how much I have changed.” I chuckle. “When Hunter first realized who I was, he called me ‘Little Sophie Meyers’. I told him that girl was long gone. Seeing this room, I realize how true that is.”
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Chapter 34. Surprise
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“But are you happy?” she says, walking up to me and putting her hands on my arms.
“I’m happy with Hunter, yes. But, if I’m being honest, I’m terrified. of what the future will bring for us. What will happen mother? I was lucky to be mated to a man like Hunter. But what about everyone else. Amelia should have had the opportunity that I’ve had. My Beta, Kinsley, should have had this opportunity. Penny, that sweet Ga**a, should have this opportunity.”
My mother hugs me tightly. “Sophie, I’ve never known you to not get something you put your mind to. You were always a strong- minded woman, who knew what she wanted. You now have a very powerful mate by your side, a man who obviously adores you and is willing to fight against the entire world for you. I think that the two of you will do great things together, my sweet daughter.”
“Thanks, Mom,” I say as we hug.
I look around my room, realizing that there is very little that still feels like me in this room. I do get some clothes, just so I have something to wear, but even those are too big on me now.
“You really do need to put on some weight, Soph,” my mother
“Yeah, I’m sure I will now that I have good pack food to eat again,” I say, taking a last look around the room.
As we step out into the hallway, I watch my mother’s eyes refocus. Then she turns and smiles at me. “I have a surprise for you. Your father agreed that it was okay to share it with you.”
“Ohhh, a surprise? I thought seeing Amelia was a surprise, which
Chapter 34-Surprise
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I’m really excited about. I’ve missed her. Well, I’ve missed all of you,” I say as we walk downstairs
“We’ve missed you too, my sweet, tough girl. Not everyone could have survived like you did.’
I shrug. To me, it was survival. I did what I had to do.
Those are my thoughts as we enter the kitchen, so it takes me a moment to see my surprise.
“Penny?” I say when I realize my friend is standing in my family’s pack kitchen. “What are you doing here?”
“I accidentally crossed your parents’ borders the other day. I was taken to your father, and I told him and your mother that I’d just left you and that you were safe. Then….they offered to hide me here,” she says.
I turn and look at my mother. “You aren’t the only ones who have considered taking in the she-wolves on the run, my dear.”


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