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The One He Claimed by Cooper novel Chapter 37

Chapter 37: Dutton
I didn’t spend much time with Amelia at her birthday party. Okay, I didn’t spend any time with her. I spent much more time with Sophie because Calvin spent the night with Amelia, allowing her the opportunity to get to know him. However, now I can see the similarities between the sisters. They are both passionate, caring, and strong Alpha females
I’m also glad that Calvin is willing hear me out. I would go to war alone if I had to, but I think it’s important for all of us who are against these claiming practices to stand together and fight for what we believe is right.
When we step out of Alpha Carter’s office, he is informed that Alpha Dutton has arrived. I haven’t seen Dutton in awhile. He, Kayce, and I always hit it off. Kayce and Robin are Alphas in neighboring packs and that’s how I met Robin, who also seems like a good man and Alpha, not letting the power of being an Alpha get to him. I met Calvin at some Alpha female’s party several years ago and realized that he was more like me, Kayce, Robin, and Dutton. We’ve never been friends like I am with the others, but I’ve always liked him.
“Alpha Carter,” Dutton says, greeting his host as he walks in. “And Luna Amy, looking as beautiful as ever,” he says flirtatiously, smiling when Carter growls softly at him.
“Dutton, you charmer, you know I’m old enough to be your mother,” Luna Amy says, and while she blushes at the
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compliment, no one takes offense. Dutton is charming. He’s charmed quite a few women into his bed, but this flirtation seems harmless.
“Hunter, I didn’t know you’d be here,” he says, smiling at me. before raising an eyebrow at Sophie who is standing at my side.
“And who is this?” he asks.
“Dutton, let me introduce you to my mate, Sophie. And I’ll warn you now, we’re recently mated, so don’t even think about trying to charm her,” I say, narrowing my eyes at him.
He looks at Sophie and I can tell he’s expecting her to be shy and nervous like all new Lunas or recently mated ranked females. “Luna Sophie, it’s nice to meet you,” he says gently.
“You as well, Alpha Dutton. It sounds as if you know Hunter well. I look forward to hearing more about how you know my mate,” Sophie says easily.
Dutton jerks, almost imperceptibly, before raising his eyebrow again.
“You’re not, Sophie Meyers, by chance?”
“She is,” I say, wrapping my arm possessively around her waist.
He looks her over, smiling. “Little Sophie Meyers, all grown up. I’ m glad to see you’re alive and well, as I’m sure your parents are too,” he says.
“Why does everyone call me little? Was I really that small?” Sophie asks me.
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“My sweet little mate, you still are,” I say, leaning in to kiss her. Now it’s Dutton’s turn to narrow his eyes at me. “What…”
“Alpha Dutton,” Alpha Calvin says, stepping up.
“Alpha Calvin, I didn’t expect you either,” he says, tearing his eyes away from me and Sophie to look at Calvin. “And Amelia,” he says, purring her name as he leans over her hand to kiss it.
“Dutton…” Calvin growls out a warning.
“How about we go sit for dinner before Alpha Dutton causes a fight to break out,” Luna Amy says, putting her arm through his.
“Yes, your mate was quite close-mouthed about why I was being invited to dinner. But now, I’m guessing it has to do with the two other Alphas who are here.”
“Charming AND intelligent, what a wonderful combination,” Luna Amy says.
“If only I could find my mate and charm her,” Dutton says, turning to look back at me and Sophie again, frowning at our closeness and Sophie’s relaxed posture around me. “And apparently I need to have a little of whatever it is that Alpha Hunter has,” he says as we walk into the dining room.
The room goes quiet as we walk in. Sophie hasn’t really been around the pack since we arrived, only being seen by a few omegas who may or may not have remembered her, but in here, there are warriors and older wolves who wouldn’t be fooled by her red hair. She was the beloved youngest daughter of their Alpha and Luna who ran away and hasn’t been seen or heard from in two years.
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Alpha Carter stands at the head of the table that is set aside for us, Beta Matthew is already seated with his mate, Beta Caroline. Carter gestures for Luna Amy to sit to his right, Beta Matthew is at his left. She has Alpha Dutton sit beside her and I move to sit Sophie beside Dutton, knowing he’ll want to speak to her. I take the seat on her right side, sitting across from Alpha Calvin who put Luna Amelia between himself and Beta Caroline.
Alpha Carter stays standing and turns to the room which has remained quiet.
“I have two exciting announcements this evening. First, my daughter Amelia and her mate, Alpha Calvin informed me this afternoon that they are pregnant with my grandchild.”
The room erupts into howls and cheers as Amelia blushes and Calvin preens.
“Congratulations,” Dutton says as Sophie and I clap along with the rest of the pack.
When it quiets down, Alpha Carter continues. “It’s too soon to know if I’ll have a grandson or granddaughter, but either way, Amy and I will spoil them rotten!”
“Dad…” Amelia groans at her father.
“Benefits of being a grandparent, Amelia,” he says unabashedly, as the pack laughs and cheers again.
“Please make sure that you take time to congratulate them this evening while they are here visiting. And my second announcement,” he says, coming to stand behind Sophie.
“Our daughter, our little girl, has returned. Sophie is now mated
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to Alpha Hunter who most of you know has been and remains a friend of this pack. Our daughter is safe and loved and she’s come back to us.”
There’s a lot of murmuring before the pack begins cheering again, although not as strongly as they did for the announcement of Amelia’s baby. I can tell that they aren’t sure how to feel about Sophie being mated, but they all seem happy to have her back.
Carter looks at me. “Will you stand with me, Hunter.”
“Are you sure, Carter?”
“My pack needs to know, regardless of the decisions that are made by others.”
I stand, seeing Dutton angle his chair to watch us, realizing that this is the reason that he was invited this evening.
“Members of my pack, you all know how difficult it’s been for us since Sophie left. You all know my stance and how I refused to search for my daughter because I didn’t want to see her go through what so many other ranked she-wolves have and continue to go through. You’ve all felt the pressure that many of the Alphas have put on us, the constant monitoring to see if we were sneaking Sophie home. Obviously, now that she’s back, that will stop,” he says and the pack cheers again. The constant pressure of being under the scrutiny of the Alphas must have been a lot for them to bear.
I feel Sophie’s sadness, taking on the responsibility of the pack’ s stress caused by these Alphas. I reach out and put my hand on her shoulder, reassuring her. When she looks up at me, I wink at her. She places her hand on mine and takes a deep
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breath, calming herself.
I notice Dutton watching the interaction intently. Surprisingly, Calvin is also watching the interaction. It makes me wonder if he still struggles to calm Amelia with his touch. Sophie
responds to mine almost instantly.
“As I said, Alpha Hunter has always been and remains a friend. of this pack. Unlike the other Alphas,” he says and nods at Calvin to let him know he holds no ill-will towards him, “Alpha Hunter marked and mated my daughter in private.”
There are gasps throughout the room, then the murmuring begins. I see Dutton nodding his head as if Carter just confirmed his guess.
“I am telling you now, as your Alpha, that I intend to put the full force of this pack behind Alpha Hunter as he fights against the injustices that our she-wolves suffer on their 18th birthdays. He intends to fight our laws and change them. With my daughter at his side, I know that he will succeed.”
I wait, not sure what to expect from the pack’s reaction. I’m shocked when they all begin cheering and howling. Carter’s pack is more strongly unified behind him than mine was behind me. I need to figure out how he managed that so I can bring that same unity to my pack.
I turn and look at my mate. Maybe it’s Sophie. Carter’s pack obviously adores her. Their happiness at hearing that she has returned is so strong that it’s almost tangible in the air. Maybe there is a reason that my mate is the legend. Maybe it’s more than her just being the first she-wolf to run from the claiming process. Maybe she’s the kind of woman that people adore, the kind that people believe in.
Chapter 37: Dutton
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The kind of woman, as Amelia sald, who people can rally behind.
Without thinking, I take her hand, helping her to stand. “I have no doubt that with you by my side, we will win,” I say, leaning in to kiss her. I feel her hesitation for just a moment, and I stop, a hair’s breadth from her lips.
When she leans forward, pressing her lips to mine, the pack becomes so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.


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