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The One He Claimed by Cooper novel Chapter 60

Chapter 60 Trust
“Let me ask this committee something else. For those of you who have claimed your mates publicly, where are your pups?”
“Mine is right here,” Elias says, gesturing to Luna Margot.
“You have one. Only one, after all the years that you and Luna June were mated,” I say, nodding at Luna June so she knows I mean no offense to her.
“Alpha Joshua, you and Luna Margot have been mated for three years, is that correct?” I ask and I see Margot glance at him from the corner of her eye.
“That is correct, although I don’t see the relevance,” he growls.
“I’ll get there,” I say, smiling a fake smile. “No pups?”
“You know we don’t,” he growls, but I turn to Calvin.
“And you, Alpha Calvin, your mate is pregnant after two years, is that correct?” I ask. I’m not sure he wanted the others to know, but this is important.
“Yes, that’s correct,” he says and the Alphas on the right begin murmuring. They weren’t aware.
I nod, as if considering my next words. I pull Sophie to my side, smiling down at her. “My mate is pregnant after two weeks of being mated.”
“That’s a lie!” several Alphas say, shouts and gasps echoing around the room. I can see the impact my words are having on Luna June and Luna Margot, see the anger and frustration in Joshua. I hope I haven’t made Margot’s life more difficult, but they need to know the impact that this law is having on our she- wolves and the alternative that we could have if the law was changed.
Elias calls for quiet but before he can begin talking again, I jump in.
“How many of you can say that your mate trusts you? How many of your mates seek you out when they need comfort or affection? How many touch you of their own accord? How many give themselves to you freely? My mate does,” I growl possessively, looking at her.
“Is this true, Luna Sophie?” Luna June asks.
“Yes ma’am. I trust Alpha Hunter completely without hesitation.” She steps up to me, wrapping her arms around me. “I love my mate with everything in me. I trust him. I know that he will never allow anyone or anything to hurt me, or our pup, even if we have a daughter.”
“You could just be commanding your mate to say these things.” Alpha Elias snarls.
“What sort of Alpha would command his mate? If you can command her, you don’t have a true bond. A true Luna is equal to her mate,” I say.
Every Alpha on the right side scoffs at my statement. The ones on the left are sitting forward, looking intrigued, especially Ezra who hasn’t spent any time with me and Sophie.
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Sophie looks up me. “Command me.”
“What do you want me to command?’ I ask in the mind link.
‘Command me to kiss you!
‘You know the others will feel the need to respond, I tell her.
‘Good, then the other Alphas won’t be able to deny that you can’t command me.’
I smile at my mate, so strong and powerful, so sure of herself and of me. She always knows how to make me feel like a f**g king.
“Kiss me,” I command, letting my Alpha aura push out. I already know it won’t affect her.
“No,” she says, causing several Lunas to suck in their breath. Our eyes remain locked on each other. I can see the mirth in Sophie’s eyes just as I’m sure she can see the determination in mine.
I push my aura out even harder. “Kiss me,” I command again, hearing some of the Lunas in the room whimpering as my command begins to affect them.
“Kiss me!” I command, releasing the full effect of my Alpha aura. Several Lunas stand, stepping toward me, their mates reaching out to grab them, snarling at me.
“ENOUGH!” Alpha Joshua roars. He’s holding his mate from coming to kiss me. Elias moves quickly to block Luna June and
I see Luna Amy standing, but I think that’s more because she

was worried about her daughter. I’m pleased to see that my
command doesn’t impact Luna Amelia and I see her recognition of that as well.
“Do you believe us now?” Sophie asks, as I hold the command. She hasn’t taken her eyes off of me.
I hear the growls of the Alphas. “Yes.”
As soon as I drop my aura, and the Lunas sit down, panting heavily, my mate smiles. “Now, I’ll kiss you,” she says and lifts up on her toes, pressing her lips to mine. I wrap my arms around her, deepening the kiss. I feel her momentary hesitation, then she wraps her arms around me, letting everyone see that she trusts me completely and that she loves me unconditionally.
I deepen the kiss, loving this woman so very much, but I make sure it doesn’t become something lewd in front of the others.
“Uh, Alpha Hunter, perhaps we can get back to the meeting,” I hear Kayce say. I can hear the laughter that he’s fighting in his voice. He and Allison have gotten closer over the last few days and now, he’s seeing what it can be like for the two of them. I’m sure he’s anxious to get this meeting over so he can return to her and finally mark her.
“Kissing is one thing, trust is quite another.” I’m a bit surprised that it’s Alpha Calvin that says this. I see Luna Amelia glance at her mate. Perhaps they haven’t come quite as far as I thought.
“You’re right, Alpha Calvin,” I say, looking down at Sophie who still has a glazed look on her face from my kiss. I love that look.
I stroke my knuckles over her cheek. “Do you trust me?”
sony and smile as
me and exposing her mate mark, in front or of Aphas. I hate that she is, but she’s in my never let anyone else take credit for my mate’s
look up at the Aphes, extending my canines. I hear Luna Amela and Luna Amy suck in air, but I don’t look at them. I keep
eyes focused on Blas as I lean down and very carefully let
just the tp of my canines sink into my mate’s neck.
I can see the lascivious look on Bles’ face, feel it on the right side of the room with Alphes who think that I’m going to take advantage of my mate’s trust and claim her here, for them see. But I would nevet.
My mate’s gasp of pleasure and her body shivering in mine, retum my focus to her. I pull my canines out and lick the small wound watching it heal over.
1 would never, ever do anything to betray my mate’s trust. Not for you, not for anyone,” I say, pulling my mate to my side and tucking her under my arm protectively.
If you are not willing to renounce her as your Luna and you are not willing to publicly claim her today, then this committee will vote to remove you as an Alpha,” Elias says.
“You can try, but I’ll tell you now, I won’t step down. I am right in
this, I know I am. If you can’t see that the bond that I have with my mate is something far beyond the bond that any of you have with yours, then you’re blind and you are the lecherous,
disgusting men that my mate claimed you to be,” I say, standing my ground.
“Then it is to be war?” Alpha Owen asks. I can see the excitement in his eyes.
“If that’s what this committee decides, then yes. I will go to war for Sophie and for every other she-wolf on the run who wants a relationship with their mate like I have with mine. But think of this, Alpha Owen. If you go to war with me, who is home
watching over your pack? Who is keeping your pack safe while you battle with me.”
“There is more than just me here who will go to war with you,” he says.
“And more than just Hunter who will go to war against you,” Carter says.
“How will you hunt for your mates if you’re at war with me? And if you truly believe that you can trade out with the other Alphas, or whatever you think you might do to keep a war against my pack going, then you’ll be away from your packs even more than you are now. Don’t give me more reason to decimate your pack, Owen. You’re lucky I haven’t come for you yet, just for trying to claim what is mine,” I snarl.
“It is time to put it to a vote. We are voting for Alpha Hunter to lose his rank as Alpha and require him to renounce his pack. We’ll start on my right-hand side with Alpha Dutton,”


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