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The One He Claimed by Cooper novel Chapter 96

Chapter 96: Execution
I’d like to say that I’m sad about having to watch an execution, but since it’s Owen, and he threatened my pup, I’m not at all.
Hunter calls the pack together to witness Owen’s execution. The man seriously needs to learn to shut his mouth, his very bruised mouth, cheek, swollen eye, and broken nose. The warriors have obviously been taking shots at him. Again, I probably should care, but Owen deserves what he gets and he’s apparently not learning his lesson.
I’m standing beside Lucas and Kinsley. Hunter is in front of us, facing the pack as we wait for the warriors to drag Owen’s sorry a**in front of him. He screams obscenities the entire way.
“Did you want that silver-soaked cloth, Alpha Hunter?” Alpha Ezra asks, making the crowd chuckle. I notice that he’s standing close to, but not exactly beside Margot. She glances at him, and I see a smile twitch at her lips. Interesting. Hunter mentioned that they had sparred together this morning. I hope that’s a good sign.
As I look over the pack, I see Brooklyn standing nearly in front of Hunter. She’s put herself there so she can watch, her chin held high. On one side of her is her mother and the other is Dr. Caspian. She’s holding hands with both of them, and I can see that her knuckles are white with the strain of being here, but she’s standing tall, and her eyes are determined. I’m so proud of her I could cheer!
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Standing behind Leah is Brutus. The man is large by most standards, closer in size to an Alpha than a warrior. Behind Leah, he looks like a giant protector, watching over his charge, or in this case, his mate. Much like Ezra, he’s been without his mate much longer than Leah has been without hers.
The warriors have created an arc around Brooklyn, as if lending her their strength and letting her know that Owen can’t hurt her, that they stand with her and will fight for her.
“I’m not sure I’ve ever been prouder of our pack than I am right now,” Kinsley says, looking over the pack as I am.
“We really have created something special here, haven’t we?” I ask, reaching out to hold her hand as Owen is dragged in front of us, screaming obscenities.
“It’s beautiful, or it will be once this ***ole is gone,” she says, growling the last part.
The warriors toss Owen on the ground at Hunter’s feet, then each take a stand on either side of him. Hunter doesn’t even look at Owen, remaining steadfast with his hands clasped. casually behind his back, as if
nothing to him, no threat at a furious Alpha at his feet means
When Owen tries to stand, a warrior kicks him in his knee, snapping it and sending Owen back to the ground.
“MOTHER F**R! YOU’LL PAY FOR THIS!” he screams.
“It’s as if he doesn’t realize that he’s about to die,” Lucas says quietly to us, watching as if trying to understand Owen’s curious behavior.
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Chapter 90- Expcallion
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“I’m sure he thinks the law is on his side,” I say. “Remember, he voted for Hunter in his trial with me in the hopes that Hunter would return the favor for him.”
“Wow, how did someone so s**d become an Alpha?” Lucas asks.
“Passed down from one s** generation to another,” Kinsley
“Owen, you have been found guilty of improperly claiming a mate, and then discarding her. You did this publicly for all to see and then left your rejected mate to die.”
“She was a sweet piece of a** So f**g tight,” Owen says, Heering at Brooklyn.
I watch as Brooklyn goes pale, her hands squeezing those of her mother and Dr. Caspian. Almost as one, the warriors push forward, tightening the ranks around her. The warriors standing beside Hunter, however, as less casual in their approach. One kicks Owen in the stomach, the other stomps on his ankle, crushing it.
“In addition,” Hunter continues as if Owen didn’t interrupt him, “you threatened my mate and my pup,” he says, causing the pack to snarl viciously. I guess he hadn’t mentioned that part before.
“I would have liked to have broken that filly,” he says lasciviously, turning to look at me behind him. The warriors don’t Lim a chance. One punches him in the face, sending him to ches his fist into his gut, making
“Brooklyn,” Hunter says, his voice gentle. “You have the right to execute this man for what he did to you. There is no shame in preferring to keep your hands clean of this kill, but I wanted to offer you the opportunity one more time.”
“No, thank you, Alpha. I do not want to be the one who executes him,” she says, and her voice remains steady. I smile at her, giving her silent praise for her bravery.
“I don’t blame you. If I were you, wouldn’t want to sully myself by touching that a**hole either,” one of the warriors says, reinforcing that they still think highly of her. The others agree as Owen collects himself and struggles to sit up.
“You have no authority to kill me,” Owen growls at Hunter.
“I do, actually.”
“It will be your word against the Committee’s.”
“Oh, you must have missed that Alpha Ezra is still here. He will be my witness if the Committee ever reconvenes,” Hunter says, pointing to Ezra. When Owen looks, Ezra gives him a feral smile.
“Alpha Owen, you are hereby sentenced to death by execution…” Hunter begins.
“What about me, Alpha Hunter? Am I eligible to execute this sorry excuse for an Alpha?” Leah asks, and the murmuring. crowd goes silent.
“Leah?” Brutus asks, gently putting his hands on her hips.
Leah, however, steps forward, away from Brutus, looking from. Owen to Hunter. “I’m tired of the men in my life assuming that.
Chapter 96 Execution
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me and my daughter are weak because we’re omegas. She survived what this man did to her, but he won’t survive what I, a mere omega, do to him,” she says, growling.
“Has your wolf resurfaced, Leah?” Hunter asks her.
“She is strong enough to kill this….person,” she says, disgustedly.
Hunter looks over at Ezra who shrugs. I know Hunter wants to kill Owen, but I don’t think he’ll say no to Leah. When he turns to look at me, I nod at him. Leah should have the opportunity to get revenge for her pup.
“Very well, Leah. Step forward,” Hunter says, grabbing Owen by the hair and yanking his head back, exposing his neck.
“You f**g b**h. Don’t you dare come near me! I’ll f**g kill you if you touch me! Do you hear me? I’ll kill you!” Owen
Leah seems to suddenly realize what she’s asked to do. Her hands are shaking as she walks forward, and her lips begin to tremble.
Owen begins laughing at her. “See, you can’t even do it. You’re too weak,” he taunts her.
Brutus steps up behind her, lowering his head to her ear.
“Extend your claws, Leah. One strong swipe is all it takes,” he says, guiding her. He stands behind her, his hands on her hips to steady her as she slowly extends her claws. Owen watches and begins screaming at her again, threatening her, taunting her that she’s too weak.
“You’re not week, Leah. You’re one of the strongest women I’ve ever met. You can do this,” Brutus says.
“Extend your arm out to the side. Aim for his throat. It will be soft and easy to slice through,” he tells her as Owen begins thrashing against Hunter. Each warrior finds a body part to stomp on, a leg and a hand to hold Owen still for Leah,
She lifts her arm out to the side, staring determinedly at Owen.
“When you see my ex-mate, make sure he knows that it was me who killed you,” she snarls, and her hand swipes through the air. Blood sprays over her and Hunter and I hear the gurgling sounds of Owen dying for a split second before Brutus’ claw swipes down and severs Owen’s head from his body.
Hunter lifts his head to the sky, holding up Owen’s severed head and howling our pack’s dominance over the person that hurt one of our own. As one, the pack lifts their heads and howls in
Brutus hugs Leah who is probably in a bit of shock after her first kill as I walk to my mate, once again so proud of my mate, our pack, and the cohesiveness that I feel.
I ignore the blood and guts as he tosses Owen’s head aside and pulls me into an embrace, kissing me passionately as the pack celebrates around us.


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