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The Perfect Luna novel Chapter 54

Riannon frowned. She was expecting things not to go smoothly today, but for Brayden to obstruct her even entering the pack was too much.

“I don’t think Alpha Brayden has a right to prohibit me from entering my own pack,” she looked the guards up and down. They were Brayden’s warriors, so were supposed to be loyal to him. He actually thought something through for once. “And also,” she continued, “It’s not the Luna, it’s the Alpha now. Alpha Riannon Michaels.”

The men glanced at each other but did not move.

She sighed heavily and opened the car door, stepping outside. Maya and Reid followed her, and so did the warriors who drove in another car. The whole group looked menacing.

“We don’t want any trouble,” one of the guards said firmly, “We just follow our Alpha’s orders.”

“Very well,” Riannon smiled softly at them and produced the papers out of her folder,” Then you should know that your Alpha is currently trespassing my lands. His territory starts miles from here. And I have all the required paperwork to prove it. So, at the moment you are obstructing me from entering my own pack. And this could be taken as an act of war. Since you are clearly in the wrong here, I have the right to call other packs and the lycans to support me. And what will happen after that will be out of my control.”

They stood there, gaping at her. And when one of the lycan warriors played with the knuckles on his fists, making them click, they retreated.

“Apologies, Alpha Michaels,” one of them said, “We were not aware.”

“That’s fine,” she gave them a gracious smile as they opened the gates for her, “Can’t blame you for a simple misunderstanding.”

She asked the driver to drive slowly this time as she wanted everyone to be a witness to her arrival. So, when they parked in front of the main mansion and got out of the car gracefully, there was a crowd already.

“Ria!” her friends Tatiana and Aria got to her first, “How are you?” “You have no idea what is going on here!” they were both speaking at once.

“Oh, I think I have a pretty good idea,” she chuckled, happy that she could still count on the two she-wolves. She knew very well that loyal friends were priceless.

“Is that true?” Aria lowered her voice, “Did you really divorce Brayden?”

“Can you blame her?” Maya joined the group and Tatiana gave her a hug. They were all shattered by everything that was going on in the pack lately and were happy to see her doing

“I guess not,” the bubbly blonde giggled, “But is it true that you both are mated to lycans?

“Yes,” Riannon couldn’t help but smile and pointed at Reid, “Meet Maya’s mate Reid Frazer, the Lycan King’s Beta.”

“My, oh, my!” Tatianna jabbed her friend with her elbow, “Lucky you!”

“It’s not the time for all this,” Maya interrupted them, blushing probably for the first time in her life, “Right now we have more pressing matters. Help us to gather the pack members. As many as possible.”

“Just give us a sec!” both girls nodded and disappeared in two different directions. In the meantime, Riannon took a deep breath and pushed the door into the house that had been her home for many years.

Brayden was sitting in his office with a glass of whiskey in his hand. Everything felt wrong and he knew exactly when and how it started.

“My love,” his omega mate wrapped her arms around his shoulders, trying to massage them gently, “You are doing everything right. You can’t let her win after what she did to you. You are a good man and it’s her mistake for not seeing you for who you are. She started it.”

And yet he hesitated as his hand froze above his laptop’s keyboard. One push of a button and Riannon would never have access to their pack’s money.

“Just do it,” Roxanne pushed him, “And within a month the whole pack will be yours again. People wouldn’t tolerate an incompetent Alpha. They will choose you over her. She will be left with just her land and no pack members.”

But at least half of this money came from the merger of their packs and businesses. He knew very well that if he did this, it would be wrong on very many levels. And his ex-wife would be able to go to court and even win the case. But by then, her pack would be done.

He frowned. They were his people once too. He knew that most of The Pearl Moon pack would follow Riannon. It was a given. Not to mention that they had their homes on her land. And he did not want to harm them. They also helped to bring him to his former glory.

His ex-wife was the only one he wanted to punish. For betraying him and for making a fool out of him in front of everyone. He wanted this even though he knew that she was in her right.

He humiliated her first. And now he saw it. His omega mate was whispering something in great ended up being such a disappointment.

He never wanted to make Roxanne a Luna. She wasn’t fit for the role. She was sexy as hell but there was no comparison between her and Riannon. Despite helping him back with Maya once, she couldn’t offer him much. She couldn’t lead their people in battle, considering how weak she was. She couldn’t take care of pack matters since she didn’t have the proper education. So far, she was just a pretty face. And this wasn’t good enough. It was definitely a downgrade from what he used to have, and everyone would see it that way.

No matter how hard he tried, he wasn’t in love with his mate the way he was with his ex-wife. However strange that sounded. He wanted Roxy 24/7, the pull was there and his wolf wanted her too. But she didn’t feel like the other piece of his soul, she didn’t feel his mind the way Riannon used to. He now knew that mates were overrated.

“You are hesitating,” Roxanne sighed and circled his chair, moving the laptop awafrom him and sitting on the edge of his desk, “I really did not want to do it this way, Brayden. I just wanted you to choose your own future and understand that your ex-wife is not worthy of you.


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