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The Perfect Luna novel Chapter 55

She waited for him in the middle of the spacious hall and wasn’t surprised at all when the redhead devil appeared right behind him, flapping her long lashes innocently.

Brayden had a mixture of emotions on his face, and she knew at once that he wouldn’t make it easy for her. Not that she was counting on it.

“Was it really necessary?” She arched her brow at him, but not a muscle flinched on his face.

“Don’t blame me after what you did at the Summit.” He told her and she tilted her head to look at him. Ash walked out of his office and a few other people were gathering around them as well.

“I had the right to do what I did, and I don’t think anyone in their right mind can blame me, “Riannon shrugged. She knew that she had to choose her words carefully now, but she also wanted to be honest with herself.

“You tricked me,” he said finally.

“Let’s agree to disagree,” she sighed, “You had the project in your hands the whole time and it’s not my fault that you didn’t read it carefully. Or worse – you read it but didn’t understand the meaning.”

“Forgive me for trusting my wife,” he gritted through his teeth, “You could have told me that you found your mate as well. Like I did. I was honest about it.”

“Should I have brought him to live with us as well?” she rolled her eyes, “Because my wolf needs it?”

“Does she now?” Brayden sneered and for the first time Riannon had a bad feeling about this. Especially when she saw ‘Roxy smirking behind his back too. Something was up with the two of them and she did not like it.

“Anyway,” Ria decided to change the topic, “There is no point in postponing the inevitable. You will need to leave my land today. The papers have been processed.”

“And what about my people?” Brayden growled.

“Your people live on your land,” she explained to him calmly, “And whoever decides to stay here today, will be my people.”

“How do you see them leaving their houses?” the Alpha in front of her clenched his fists.

“This is exactly why they would have a choice. They can either stay with me or go with you. I am not going to force anyone. The same goes for people in your territories. If they want to join The Pearl Moon, we will find a place for them.” then?

“We meet in the garden, where we always discuss pack matters with the members. And we let them choose. Today.” She held his gaze, and he finally gave up.

“Okay,” he pointed at the door, “Let’s go then. After you. Ash, call pack members to the garden. We will let them vote for who they stay with today.”

“Most are already there,” Riannon informed him and he couldn’t hide his annoyance at her taking the lead in this.

Are you really sure you want to do this?” he asked her, “We could still go back now. It’s not too late. But it will be late after the vote.”

“I am sure, Brayden,” she nodded, “I haven’t been sure of anything so much in my life.”

He frowned at her words, but she ignored it, turning on her heels.

A crowd was already waiting for them outside, forming a circle around the white garden house. Riannon saw how worried people were and a little guilt washed over her for disturbing their lives and turning them upside down. But she had to think of a bigger picture here. Leaving those people to Roxanne would be worse. Every day Ria was sure more and more that the omega wasn’t that simple. And that what happened to her in her previous life was just the tip of the iceberg.

There was something menacing about the omega, who was now clinginto her ex-husband and whispering something in his ear. Besides, there was this undeniable connection to Everett. And possibly the explosions too.

No, she was right about this. She had to do this. She had to protect as many of her people as she could. With her and Gideon, they would be safe.

Brayden went straight for the centre of the circle, and she followed him to his dismay. However, there wasn’t anything he could do about it.

“I guess you all are alreadaware why we gathered you here today!” the man started talking, “Riannon and I got divorced yesterday. And as a result of that and the new law that was accepted back at the Summit, we will be separatinthe two packs.”

A wave of whispers rippled through the crowd. In spite of everything, not everyone knew what was going on and some were clearly shocked by the new developments.

“But why, Alpha?” someone shouted in the back and Brayden sighed heavily.

“Your Luna made that decision for the two of us,” he said, and Riannon had a hard time

“Too many things happened,” she decided to take the word to control the narrative from him, “Both Brayden and I found our true mates and it became impossible to stay together. Not to mention that we see the future of our pack differentlyAccording to the new law, I can claim back what was mine before our marriage. And that is exactly what I am going to do. All the lands and assets that belonged to the Pearl Moon pack are now mine again. And today you will need to make a choice for yourselves – whether you will stay with alpha Brayden or with me. We understand that it may cause some inconvenience for you, and we apologise. Whatever pack you choose, you will be well taken care of.”

“Just as me and my warriors took care of you for the past six years, nothing will change in the Silver River,” Brayden smirked, “I will still be protecting you and we will keep the same course as always.

“And as for me,” Riannon knew how to play that game very well, “I actually see plenty of places for improvement. Twant us to grow and not be stuck in the past. Other packs around us are changing for the better and evolving. And I think that so should we.”

“You can’t evolve if you are not protected properly. We live in a cruel world.” Brayden snorted, trying to diminish her promises.

“The lycans will ensure the protection of The Pearl Moon if there will be such a need,” Reid interjected loudly and everyone looked at him, impressed that a lycan was present there,” We are sworn to protect our Luna and future queen. And we will defend her people as our own.

“And what will be the price for that?” the Alpha gritted his teeth, “What will the mighty lycans want in return?

Riannon clenched her lips. It wasn’t her place to make any promises on behalf of lycans.

“We don’t charge for protecting our family,” Savanah stepped forward, “And any family of Ria’s is our family now. We will assist our Queen’s own pack as if it’s our own.”

“Now that we are done with that,” Riannon smiled at her future sister-in-law, thankful for her help, “How about we get to business? We will both be able to ensure our packs’ safety one way or another. So, let’s…”

“Are you sure?” she heard the voice that she hated more than anything and saw Roxy stepping forward.

“Forgive me,” the omega said in a shaky but loud voice, making sure that everyone heard her, “But this is important and I think that people have the right to know.

“What is this accusation? Ria was fighting along all of us many times!” Tatiana chimed in and the rest of the pack started buzzing as well.


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