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The Perfect Luna novel Chapter 56

Maya was the first one to leave the circle and join her Alpha’s side.

“I plead allegiance to The Pearl Moon pack and Alpha Riannon Michaels!” she declared loudly. Tatiana and Aria were next, followed by many others.

“I plead allegiance to The Silver River pack and Alpha Brayden Thorn,” the elite warriors announced one by one. Almost all of them, yet not all.

One by one, people were choosing their side and soon two groups were standing in front of each other.(This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com) It was more or less the way she expected it. At the moment, her crowd was much bigger than her ex’s, but that was a given, since they were on the land of her old pack. Not everyone was present here and she knew that it was only the beginning.

However, Brayden was getting gloomier and gloomier with each person who did not choose him. It probably played very differently in his head. He never lost anything in his life before and now it was starting to look like a pattern for him.

“Thank you for making your choice,” Riannon smiled when everything was over, looking

at the people in front of her, “I know this is not an easy situation. And I am still grateful for the

years I spent as your Luna. Our ways part now, but you will always remain in my heart. And I

want you to know that I will not hold this against you.”

Brayden wanted to say something as well but changed his mind at the last moment.

“I think we are done here,” he announced dryly and then turned to his people, “Pack your bags. We’ll be leaving this place today for the old Silver River packhouse.”

The pack was bustling with people saying their goodbyes to each other. No matter what was happening, they spent years as one pack and the breakup was hard for all of them.

Quite a few people were glaring at Roxy, feeling like she was the one to blame for everything that happened. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)The fake omega was playing her usual part, looking at everyone with doe eyes and holding her belly that wasn’t even protrudinyet to evoke sympathy.

Men and women were coming up to Riannon to say their goodbyes and words of respect even if they were leaving with Brayden. And she made sure to thank each of them, at the same time letting them know that her doors would always be open for them.

It was a victory. And everyone knew it. Her new pack members were congratulating her, happy to stay under her wing.

Soon, however, the crowd dissipated, leaving just two small groups present. Brayden’s

and hers.

“I hope you are happy,” her ex said spitefully, “Ware no longer the strongest pack out

“Strength is not only about the size, Bray,” Riannon parried, “I have to look at a bigger picture here. And the safety of my people comes first.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked through clenched teeth.

“It means that you brought a wolf in sheepskin to our pack,” she turned to Maya and motioned for her to give her the folder that Gideon gave her, “However funny that sounds.”

“How threatened are you by a simple omega?” he scoffed and she let out a sigh as she did not expect any better of him.

“I am not threatened at all,” Riannon rolled her eyes, “I took precautions to protect my people. That’s what a good Alpha should do. One thinks you should know that… But speaking of her being a simple omega, what really do you know about her? Did you even bother checking her past before you brought her here?”

“Of course, I did,” he said, “I talked to her previous Alpha.” “The one who abused her?” she chuckled, “That’s some source of information!”

“He wouldn’t lie to me,” Brayden got annoyed by her insinuations, “He knows that I would kill him.”

“Funny you should say that,” she pushed the folder into his hands, “But he is already dead. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)Didn’t you notice that he wasn’t present at the Summit?”

“That’s very sad and all, but I don’t see the connection,” Bray took the folder and opened it, running his eyes over the papers inside.

“A mighty Alpha was killed on a simple patrol of his own pack just two days after you happened to find your poor mate in his pack. Sure, that’s not suspicious at all.” Riannon shook her head, “Neither is the fact that most pack members say that she appeared in their pack just three months prior to that lifechanging event of yours. And no one except for the deceased Alpha knew where she came from.”

She could see how dumbfounded he became while reading the information she gave him.

But she also knew that he was a stubborn man, so she wasn’t surprised when he closed the folder angrily.

“This doesn’t prove anything!” He said and Roxy smirked behind his back, “You are just angry at my mate for everything that happened.”

“am just stating the facts.” Riannon replied calmly, “What you do with this information is up to you. She is your problem now. Not mine. But if I were you, I would at least ask her to

“Don’t listen to her!” Harper appeared out of nowhere and gave Roxy a protective hug,“ She is just jealous that the two of you are happy together and are about to have a child! She couldn’t give you one for so many years!”

“And thank Goddess for that!” Ria couldn’t hold back a snort.

“You see, this is your mistake here,” her ex-sister-in-law went on, “You think you are so much better than everyone else! Always the perfect Luna! Always loved by everyone! Now the joke is on you! This is the first time when something doesn’t go the way you want it, and you just can’t handle it!”

“What are you even talking about, Harper?” Riannon rubbed her forehead, already tired of the scene, “You sure never gave me any love. Almost from the very beginning and I still don’t know how and why I earned all the hatred from you. And as for the rest, nothing came to me easily. I worked for everything that I have. But this is something you always choose to ignore. You notice when someone praises me or when I win something, but you never notice the work that was done before that. And this is your problem. Recognition is not given for nothing, Harper. You have to work for it. Not that you would know what work is. You haven’t worked a day in your life, have you? So, what do you expect?! Instead of obsessing over me and trying to bring me down at every opportunity you have, try improving yourself and your life. And maybe then you will finally be happy and stop being so bitter.”

Harper stared at her, gaping. But then she furrowed her brows and raised her hand, clearly intending to slap Riannon. She knew that Brayden wouldn’t stop her now.

However, her hand never reached Ria’s face as someone else caught it when it was inches away.

“Ash?!” Harper looked at the Beta in shock, “What do you think you are doing?!”

“Savinyou the embarrassment,” the man replied, still not letting go of her as she tried to get her wrist back angrily.

“She deserves it!” the girl hissed, her pretty face distorted by the ugly emotions.

“Let her go, Ash,” Brayden ordered, “Riannon is not your Luna anymore. You don’t have to protect her.”

“There is no you and I, Harper,” Ash took her hands off him, “I told you that many times. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)I cannot give you what you want.”

“No, Brayden,” she stopped him, “I have a right to defend my honour. And as for you three, I think you overstayed your welcome. You’d better leave. None of you is handling it well and it’s getting embarrassing for all of us.”

They started walking away and only Roxanne hesitated slightly, staying for a few seconds longer. A sly smile spread over her face as she bent towards Ria and whispered into her ear, “This is far from over.”

“Oh, I know,” Riannon sneered at her enemy, “I am just starting with you. And, by the waytell your friend Everett that if he wants to tell me something, he should just do it. Staring at me from the other side of the street is just creepy.”

“You don’t need to explain to me anything,” she interrupted him, “Your personal life is just yours. But if I weryou, I would speak to her again later.”


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