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The President’s Mistake A Tale of Love and Regret novel Chapter 131

The thesehen Reutet 

Chapter 131 Unexpected Encounter 

His eyes began to redden He stared intently at Freya, his voice Laced with bitterness. Do you have any idea of the life we led in Mypos 1 don’t think so. A sheltered rich girl like you could never comprehend the hardships we faced” 

Freya managed a biter smile. I might not have understood that three years ago, but I do now I bear with you until you’ve exhausted all the anger in your heart 

Nathaniel found himself at a loss for words. A sudden surge of agitation welled up within him, prompting him to push away the plate in front of him and rise to his feet

He snapped. Fine, you’re very understanding. Let’s go home!” 

Freya had no choice but to follow him

They left the restaurant, oblivious to its

their hearts heavy with resentment

Freya trailed behind Nathaniel

As they approached the restaurant’s entrance, a group of people were heading their way. The leader, at nobleman dressed in a pristine white suit, radiated an aura of wealth


Freya was taken aback to see him and his entourage at the restaurant entrance

Nathaniel and Alexander had always been at odds, but it was too late to avoid the confrontation now

Alexander was surrounded by a crowd of people

Among them. Freya recognized Sally and Bill, former employees of her father who had reaped significant benefits from him. They were among the first to abandon Freya’s family when they fell from grace

Later, they had tried to curry favor with Nathaniel, but he had given them nothing in return. He was ruthless and had no patience for sycophants 

Surprisingly, they had now aligned themselves with Alexander

Also in the group was Saeville’s renowned jeweler, Kemp Johnson

Upon seeing Freya and Nathaniel. Kemp’s gaze turned icy

His daughter’s reputation in the entertainment industry had been ruined due to scandals, despite her improved eyesight. Her career in the industry was over

Jolin’s cold attitude towards Jacob had also led the Riveras to sever all business ties with her. The Riveras held nificant influence in Saeville’s entertainment industry. Once the industry’s heavyweights turned 

her, Jolin had no chance of survival

Kemp was seething with rage fowards Freya and Nathaniel, but he managed to keep his anger in check, knowing that patience would pay off

When Alexander takes control of Saeville’s business circle, this man will pay. It would be best if he ended up like 


20:00 Fri, 5 Jul 

Chapter 131 Unexpected Encounter 

Alexander’s gaze settled on Freya

A flicker of surprise crossed his eyes as he met het gaze 


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