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The President’s Mistake A Tale of Love and Regret novel Chapter 160

Chapter 160 The Video 


Occasional whistles and fervent cheers echoed hom outside the villa, their words indistinguishable to Freva from her distance 

The drones in the night sky continuously 

She could only faintly discern her name being called shifting patterns. Suddenly, a large cupid’s arrow matered and struck two intertwined red hearts

Shortly after, it morphed into a sky full of stars, before gradually fading away

Freya clutched the cold balcony railing tightly, already suspecting who was behind this spectacle

Such a drone performance was exorbitantly expensive, costing hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars for a mere ten minutes. She was taken aback. How did Sawyer, the second son who was marginalized and disfavored by the Lloyd family, afford this

She realized that she didn’t truly understand the two Lloyd brothers

She hadn’t anticipated that Sawyer would go to such lengths to put on this grand display for her, right on Nathaniel’s turf

Freya’s gaze fixed on the side of the villa’s wall, watching as the motorbike convoy slowly dispersed, their roars fading into the night

Only a tall young man in a black windbreaker remained, standing outside the ornate fence, his gaze 

The distance between them was considerable, and Freya could only make out the young man’s tall. upright silhouette, blending seamlessly into the surrounding darkness

Her heart thuttered. She turned around, retreated into the master bedroom, and drew the floortoceiling curtains closed

Freya sat on the bed, lost in thought. Sawyer held a unique place in her life

He had intruded into her world unexpectedly, stirring up memories of a past she had tried to bury and forget 

Having been through so much, Freya had seen the world’s true colors. She knew that nothing good came without a price

She was unsure of what Sawyer wanted from her. She had a hunch that it wasn’t merely to avenge his father 

After all, from their previous conversations, it was clear that Sawyer harbored resentment towards his father 

Freya’s mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. She remembered the USB flash drive that Sawyer had given her carlier, and quickly made her way to the study. She inserted the USB into her laptop

Before opening the file, she meticulously locked the study door and scanned the room for any hidden cameras Thankfully, Nathaniel still had some boundaries, he hadn’t resorted to such underhanded tactics 


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1 Pearls 

Chapter 160 The Video 

Freya opened the file. It wasn’t large. Upon clic violently, giving the impression of a covert re panting, a clear sign of their panic



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