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The Protector (The Return Of The God of War) novel Chapter 80

Azure Dragon grabbed Nicole’s arm and brought her forcefully to where Levi was.

Levi disassembled another bullet and poured the gun powder on Nicole’s face.

Nicole was already struggling with all her might trying to free herself, but her effort was for naught.

The other girls were trembling in fear because they sensed the dreadful atmosphere.


Levi lit another match and brought the flame close to Nicole’s face.

Levi’s slightest mistake could cause a reaction between the fire and gun powder, leading to the disfigurement of Nicole’s delicate face.

“No! Please don’t! I’ll speak. I’ll tell you everything!” Nicole yelled hysterically as she stared unblinkingly at the flame.


Nicole slumped onto the floor after Azure Dragon loosened his grip.

“What about the rest of you?” Levi looked at the other girls.


They knelt before Levi one after the other. “We’ll tell you everything. Rick Garrison came to us and orchestrated all these to happen. He registered the houses under Mr. Morris’ name too. We are telling the truth. We even have evidence to back our words! They’re all in our cellphones…”

All four of them were intelligent women. They knew they had to keep the evidence to protect themselves.

All the pieces of evidence were sufficient to prove Rick Garrison was the mastermind behind the falsifications.


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