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The Protector (The Return Of The God of War) novel Chapter 81

The Return of God of War Chapter 81

Holly was not afraid of Levi because of her current status. But she was reluctant to meet with Levi because she felt guilty towards Morris.

Levi smiled. “That’s me. Why are you so nervous?”

Holly’s legs were wobbling. But she put on a tough front. “What are you talking about. I’m not nervous in the slightest.”

Levi took a seat on the sofa. “I am here to visit you. You were the bridesmaid for my wedding, after all.”

“I am doing well. But we are not really close anyway, so there’s no need for us to catch up with one another. Moreover, as you can see, I am busy now. So, you should leave immediately.” Holly was quick to chase Levi away.

“Relax. I’m here to talk business.” Levi beamed at her.

“What kind of business?” Holly asked curiously.

“It’s about a video that I think you’ll be interested in!”

Holly rebuked him angrily. “I am not interested in any video! Leave now!”

“Perhaps you should take a look at the video before you say that.” Levi suggested.

Holly moved closer to him. “What video is that?”

Levi showed her the video of Morris’ death.

Holly’s face turned paper white instantaneously. She gasped after watching the video. “Where… where did you get the footage?”

“You don’t have to know about that. I am here to talk business with you.” Levi kept the smile on his face.

“That’s impossible. That video is fake! Why would I harm Morris Atkinson? He was the one who cheated on me in the past!” Holly retorted.

Levi got up from the couch. “Well fine, I should leave then.”

“Wait. Tell me what you want.” Holly said. “Alright. I’ll admit. I did harm him, but what about it? You’re not much better than me. You know about the truth, yet you decided to blackmail me instead of avenging your best friend. You are also a scum! What happened to you? Did the harsh reality teach you a lesson? Is that why you’re blackmailing me? To maximize the benefit you can get from me?”

Holly was under the impression that Levi was desperate because he was recently released from prison. So he needed to blackmail her for a living. Little did she know, Levi was merely toying with her.

“I’ll offer you a price. One billion!” Levi smirked.

“What? One billion? Are you crazy? Why don’t you go blackmail the Garrison family instead?” Holly was infuriated.

Levi smiled. “The Garrison family will have the ability to resolve this issue if I leak this video to the public. But what about you?”

“I…” Holly panicked. “But one billion is too much to ask from me. I cannot agree to that.”

Levi offered Holly a piece of his mind. “There are four of you inside the video and you’re telling me one billion is too much to ask for? I’ll give you one day to collect the money. I will release this video to the public if I do not see the money by tomorrow morning. I shall take my leave then.”

Levi got up and left the office with Azure Dragon.


Holly collapsed onto the sofa in despair. It’s impossible for me to collect one billion even with my status as Star Entertainment’s president. Frankly speaking, it is already a difficult task for me to gather two hundred and fifty million even if we distribute the amount evenly among the four of us. ”This isn’t going to work. I have to discuss with all of them!”

Holly dialed a few numbers swiftly after. The numbers belonged to the few people who stood beside her in the video, Philip, Kit, and Misty.

The three of them were acquainted with Morris through Holly. They became his closest friends, second only to Levi Garrison. But they betrayed him in the end.

The trio arrived at Holly’s office before long.

They were presidents in their respective companies now, with high net worth.

Holly described everything that happened inside the office earlier to them.

The Return of God of War Chapter 82

“What? A video? There’s really a video?” Misty was doubtful.

Holly nodded. “Yes. I’ve checked repeatedly. The video is real.”

“Does that mean our crimes will be exposed once the video is released to the public?” Philip asked grimly.

Kit nodded. “You’re right. Everyone will know about the Garrison family’s involvement as well. They will definitely sacrifice us by that time. I believe all of us are quite familiar with Rick Garrison’s tactics.”

Misty was on the verge of tears. “Then what should we do now?”

Holly said helplessly. “That’s the reason why I asked all of you here. We need to come up with a plan together.”

“Is there any other choice? We can only pay the one billion to purchase the video. Otherwise, we will have to face our demises.” Philip said.

“Yeah. What else can we do?” Kit was dejected.

“Guys, we are talking about one billion here. Each of us will have to cough up two hundred and fifty million. Are all of you willing to part with that sum of money?” Misty reminded them.

“Do we have any other choice even if we’re unwilling?” Philip retorted.

Bloodlust glinted in Holly’s eyes. “There is one other way…”

“What?” Everyone looked at her simultaneously.

“We will meet up with Levi Garrison and murder him on the spot!” Holly showed her ruthless nature.

The rest of the group exchanged glances and nodded. “You’re right. This problem can be solved with Levi’s death. I’ll spend a million to hire a few hitmen. There’s no need to waste a billion because of this.”

Holly nodded. “Alright. it’s settled then.”

“I will contact the hitmen since I have some connections.” Philip volunteered.

“Misty and I will pay for the fee.” Kit offered.

“Then I will contact Levi and arrange the venue.” Holly said menacingly.

Holly wasn’t anxious to contact Levi after they were done with the arrangements.

She waited until 11 o’clock in the night before she dialed Levi’s number.

“I’ve prepared the money, Mr. Garrison. Let’s meet at Lufthansa Club at 12 o’clock. Remember to bring along the original video.” Holly said.

Levi agreed. “Alright. See you then.”

At that moment, Holly and the others were already there at Lufthansa Club.

Philip was the club owner, so they chose that venue to facilitate the execution of their plan.

“I’ve hired five professional hitmen for one million each.” Philip said.

“Okay. All we have to do now is wait for Levi’s arrival.” Holly was a little nervous. But she was more excited to murder Levi.

Levi and Azure Dragon reached the club a few minutes before midnight.

Holly welcomed them at the entrance. Then they entered a private room.

Levi asked after he took a seat. “Where’s the money? How are you going to pay me?”

At that moment, Holly and the gang revealed a menacing smile on their faces.

“Do you think you deserve the money, Levi Garrison? You will not be able to spend the money anyway!” Philip shrieked angrily.

“That’s right. You’re really a fool, Levi. You came here just because we asked you to.” Kit laughed in a sinister manner.

Levi looked at Holly. “What’s the meaning of this?”

“Hand over the original video now, Levi Garrison! I can consider sparing your life if you comply.” Holly demanded.


Five professional hitmen entered the private room.

“There’s no use for you to struggle. They are all trained hitmen. You will never escape this place!” Philip threatened Levi.

“Give us the video immediately. Or else, we’ll kill you!” Everyone urged.

The Return of God of War Chapter 83

Levi smirked. “Regretfully, I did not bring the video with me. But I arranged for someone to send it over. I think he will be here soon.”

“What? You did not bring the video with you?” Holly and her friends were enraged.

“Kill him!” Philip ordered.

But Holly stopped them. “Wait! Let’s obtain the video first before we decide on doing anything.”

Francis Hicks arrived at Lufthansa Club with the video shortly after.

Holly wanted to snatch the USB containing the video from Francis, but Levi was quicker.

“I can give you the USB, but you must pay me the money.” Levi smiled.

Kit shouted. “You’re still concerned about the money even under this kind of circumstance, Levi?”

“Do you really think we’ve prepared any money for you? Let me be honest then. We will destroy the video today and murder you as well!” Philip and Misty laughed maliciously.

Holly crossed her arms in front of her chest and sized up Levi in a pompous manner. “You are as ignorant as Morris was on the day of his death!”

Levi slowly looked up when he heard Holly’s words.

All the colors drained from Holly and the others’ faces when they met with his eyes. What’s with him? His eyes… They’re so scary.

In that moment, they thought they witnessed the gory and gruesome scenes on the battlefield reflected in Levi’s eyes. Screams and wails of agony reverberated beside their ears.

They were completely petrified by Levi’s frightening gaze.


Francis snapped his fingers.



The door to the private room was bust open.

Over a dozen men rushed into the room.

Crackle, crackle…

All five professional hitmen were left lying in a pool of blood before they could even react.

The scariest part was when Holly and the others felt something pressed against the back of their heads.

They broke out in cold sweat as clarity washed over them.


Holly and her friends were dumfounded when they saw the muscular men with various skin complexion surrounding them.

“You’re all a bunch of dimwits, Holly Nelson. Do you think five professional hitmen are sufficient to kill this man? What a joke!” Francis sneered.

Holly, Kit and Misty turned to look at Philip incredulously.

Philip explained helplessly. “I didn’t know they’re this weak! I hired them because they worked for the infamous Jack Jr.!”

Jack Jr. was the son of Jack Smith. He shared a similar influence on Nueve in the underworld of North Hampton. Jack Jr. operates a company providing security services, but in actual fact, it was a cover for a hitmen organization.

Philip spent five million to hire the hitmen from him. But he certainly did not expect them to be so useless.

Philip, Kit, and Misty were trembling fearfully. Holly, on the other hand, was relatively calm. She looked at Francis astoundingly. “Who are you?”

“They are here because of me!” Levi said as he walked up to Holly.

Chills traveled down Holly’s spine. She asked frightfully. “What… what do you want?”

“I want to let you know the repercussions of committing a betrayal!”

Levi gave a forceful slap across Philip’s face causing him to pass out immediately.

At this moment, Holly was losing her mind. Her legs wobbled uncontrollably as she sobbed unwittingly in terror.

The Return of God of War Chapter 84


Philip fell onto the floor.

Misty and Kit yelped hysterically.

“I want all three of you to come to Morris’ grave and repent three days later. Obey me, and I can consider sparing your lives. Otherwise, you will all end up like him!” Levi patted Holly’s cheek. They will have to pay for their sin with their lives. But I want them to repent in front of Morris’ grave first.

Levi left with his men afterward, dragging Philip’s unconscious body with them.

Holly and the others were rooted to their spots as they shivered continuously.

They never wanted to be caught up in such a dreadful situation again in their lives.

Levi said to Francis after they left Lufthansa Club. “Buy me a coffin.”

The next day.

A commotion broke out in front of the Garrison family’s manor early in the morning.

The scream startled every member of the Garrison family.

Joseph Garrison hurried to the front door in his pyjamas. “What’s going on?” Everyone was puzzled as well.

They were horrified to see the coffin placed in front of the manor’s entrance. The striking red color of the coffin was an appalling sight to behold.

The guards of the Garrison family looked at the coffin warily. No one knew what was inside the coffin because none of them had the guts to move closer.

“Who sent this coffin here?” Joseph yelled. Who dares to provoke the Garrison family? Are they trying to court death?

Jaycob said coldly. “This must be Levi’s doing, father! He’s sending us a warning.”

“That’s right. It must be him! Who else would have the guts to do this?”

Joseph ordered. “Someone take a look at the coffin. I want to know what’s inside.”

But no one dared to step forward because they were scared out of their wits. What if it’s a bomb?

Bryan Garrison wanted to go, but he hesitated.

At that moment, Rick Garrison, with his gentle appearance, moved closer to the coffin and shoved the cover.

Everyone gasped when they saw the body lying inside the coffin.

“That’s Philip Hardy.” Rick recognized the person immediately.

“What?” Everyone was shocked.

“Levi is quite something to track them down. I’ll have to question Holly Nelson in person now.” Rick said.

Holly, Misty, and Kit arrived at the Garrison family house after a short while. They explained everything and concluded Levi’s ability to the Garrison family.

“He’s a scary man. There were a lot of bodyguards from overseas beside him last night. The professional hitmen we hired were like toddlers when facing them!” Holly recounted the terrifying experience.

“Hmph! That’s nothing to be afraid of. Can he ever outnumber our family’s force?” Bryan and the others were unfazed.

Rick expressed his thoughts calmly. “We should be more careful, nonetheless. I am acquainted with a group of mercenaries from overseas. I will bring them here since we have time to spare.”

Jaycob smiled. “That’s great! Levi will surely face his doom by that time.”

Holly and her friends could finally relax after realizing the Garrison family’s ample preparations. “How dare Levi asked us to repent? He should just go to Hell instead!”

“I can’t wait to see the surprises my son will be showing us two days later.” Ben Garrison and his wife grinned smugly. They were Levi’s adoptive parents, but they had always treated him like a servant.

Bryan and Victoria laughed wickedly. “Oh, how we wish time would go faster!”

The Return of God of War Chapter 85

While he was at home, Levi received a phone call from Zoey, asking him to visit the construction site.

Surprisingly, Levi only saw Nueve’s men working when he arrived.

Zoey’s workers were nowhere to be seen.

Levi walked up to Zoey and asked. “What’s going on?”

“What’s going on? This is all because of you! My workers knew about my banishment from the Lopez family after the media reported the news. They did not want to be dragged into this mess, so they are on strike temporarily. The same thing is happening at Imperial Meadows too. Even my secretary left her job. What should I do now?” Zoey stared into Levi’s eyes.

Levi could understand the workers’ sentiment. The Garrison family is infamous for their cruelty. No one would want to offend them. It is a given they would want to leave because even the Lopez family banished Zoey to save themselves.

Levi scratched his head embarrassingly. “I’m so sorry. I did not consider this outcome.”

“Are you finally aware of the consequences of your recklessness? Why didn’t you listen to me? Were you not satisfied with our current lifestyle? The Garrison family was not troubling you, and I am given the opportunity to handle this huge project. We had a great life, so why did you have to go to such great lengths to destroy it?” Zoey bombarded Levi with volleys of questions.

Levi took a deep breath and answered with a smile. “You’re right. We were living a peaceful life. But what should I do about Morris? Do you think I can be at ease, knowing how my best friend died and choose to do nothing? I, Levi Garrison, am a man of honor. I do not provoke others deliberately, but they crippled me and falsified crimes against me. They put me behind bars and robbed everything away from me. So how can you expect me to stand by and watch them get their way? You should be the person to know me best. I never take anyone’s possession by force, but I will not allow others to step all over me and remain indifferent! Especially when this matter concerns my best friend’s life and my previous glory. I must retrieve the things that were taken away from me at all costs!”

Zoey looked at Levi in disbelief.

She gained revelation at that moment. I’ve always neglected Levi’s feelings. He is shouldering plenty of burdens as well.

Zoey hugged Levi and sobbed in his arms. “I will stay by your side through thick and thin, Levi.” She glanced at the construction site and continued. “I may lose my life anyway in two more days. So why do I have to care so much about all these things?”

Levi was touched by Zoey’s unwavering love for him. “Do not worry, Zoey. I will handle this.”

“Okay. I believe in you.” Zoey said what she had to because she wanted to encourage Levi. But she did not have any faith in Levi because she could not picture his victory against the Garrison family. Anyway, I’ve steeled my resolution to accompany him to the end, even if we will die together.

The promised day was nearing in a blink of an eye.

The next day would be the day Levi would confront the Garrison family as he vowed.

Zoey prepared a lot of dishes that night and even brought out the best wine they had.

Levi suddenly said after he gulped a few glasses of wine. “Tomorrow will be the day we prosper, Zoey. Should we give your family another chance to join us?”


Zoey’s first instinct was to rebuke Levi. He’s still talking big! But Zoey smiled warmly after she considered the possibility of them dying together the next day. “Really? Will we prosper?” I should do my best to please him in our final moments.

The Return of God of War Chapter 86

Levi thought that Zoey had believed him, so he said immediately, “Of course it is real! From tomorrow onwards, Levi Group will be returned to us. Isn’t it a piece of great news?”

He stared at Zoey and said in a serious tone, “Truth be told, I cannot stand every single one from the Lopez family! However, they are your family members after all, so I would like to give them another chance.”

“As long as they agree to support us tomorrow, and accept the Garrison family’s repentance and apologies, I will support them. After it is over, Levi Group will take them in and boost the status of the Lopez family in North Hampton!”

Zoey felt really vexed listening to Levi’s boasting.

It was impossible.

Firstly, the Garrison family would not apologize.

Secondly, Levi was certainly unable to defeat the Garrison family, and would not be able to retake the Levi Group.

However, considering the last day, Zoey did not interrupt him.

“Alright, then please give the Lopez family another chance!”

Zoey smiled slightly.

Levi successfully got through to Harry’s phone.

“Levi, what are you doing? Calling for help? Let me tell you, there is no way!”

Harry’s frustration could be heard from the other end.

Levi laughed, “For the sake of Zoey, I have called you Grandpa! I have decided to give you a chance. As long as you support me and stand by my side tomorrow, I guarantee that the Lopez family will replace the Garrison family!”

“Scram! Are you a lunatic? What is going on in your head?” Harry shouted into the phone.

After that, Levi then made another call to Aaron.

In the end, Aaron gave him a harsh scolding too.

“By the way, I will come and pick Zoey up tomorrow. If you want to court death, then go ahead on your own!”

Beep beep beep…

Aaron hung up the call angrily.

This time round, Levi kept quiet.

The Lopez family is missing out on such a brilliant opportunity!

Zoey laughed.

It is definitely going to end up like this.

Who would believe all these?

Unless he was a fool!

Zoey teased, “It’s alright. Rejecting you will be their greatest regret in life! We gave them the chance, but they did not want it!”

“Mmm, indeed. The Lopez family has missed the chance.”

Before they slept at night, Azure Dragon called.


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