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The Proud Boss Lady. novel Chapter 37

Miguel walked into the hospital smirking.

A new start

I hope it goes better than before. he thought himself as he approached the director to the hospital.

“Ah, Dr Miguel it's good to have you here. I've been waiting to introduce you to the other doctors you would be working with." the director gently clapped his back.

“My pleasure Dr Horace." he nodded at him as he followed him wondering how his colleagues would be like.

“ I hope you've been able to settle in Atlanta? Since it's a little different from Jersey City." he pointed out.

“ I'm getting a hang of it, getting to know the crooks and crannies of the town," he replied.

“That's great, anyways this is your team of top surgeons you would be working with. Meet Dr Tom, Dr Lilly, Dr Theo, Dr Lana, Nurse Practitioner May, and Nure Gina. Guys, meet Dr Miguel a cardiothoracic surgeon, one of the best surgeons we've got here in Southside Medical, I hope you work well and together." Dr Horace ended.

“ I would be looking forward to working with you." he smiled showing his dimples.

“ Dr Miguel if you don't mind, we've got a case you could look at." Dr Theo spoke up.

“Of course I would like to, " he replied.

“Great, shall we?" he took the lead as Miguel and Nurse May followed suit.

And the day begins. Miguel thought to himself.

Jess stood across the road watching the expansion process going on. She was proud of herself and what she had been able to achieve.

What if I hadn't met Miguel?

where would I have been?

Still living with Zed or

I would be back to Mama's house?

Maybe Miguel and I weren't meant to be lovers.

It could be he was my helper sent to help me

And I'm grateful for that.

I really am.

Jess pondered to herself.

“Hey, you must be Jess...Jackie's twin?" A random girl said to her.

“Of course I am and I'm sorry to have we met before, cause I don't remember," she asked.

“Oh no, your sister mentioned she was a twin on tv and that if we saw a replica of her in Jersey City, NJ that's you her twin," she explained.

“Ah, typical Jackie," Jess smirked.

“This place yours?" the girl started small talk.

“Yes, just doing some expansion to add more services to my salon." she felt good saying 'my salon'. Miguel had changed the name of the owner to hers on all the documents he handed over to her.

“How long till the expansion is over, I could come for a good spa treatment or even a hairdo." the girl further asked.

“ In two or three days at the pace, they're going," she answered.

“And I would love to give you that spa treatment as well," she added.

“Can I get your card so I could recommend a couple of friends of mine to come to enjoy your services also?" she inquired.

“Sure, here you go. I didn't catch your name though," she asked.

“I'm Bella and it was nice meeting you, Jess. Maybe we could catch up sometime, after my spa treatment of course." she winked at Jess.

“That would be nice Bella, it was wonderful meeting you too. Have a nice day." she bid her new friend goodbye.

This expansion wasn't so bad an idea after all.

“Can I come in?" Nurse May asked.

“Of course you can," Miguel said as they stood in the patient he just operated on the room.

They stood monitoring his vitals to see whether the patient was recovering or not. The man opened his eyes looking around his surrounding.

“ Where am I?" he asked his voice groggy.


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