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The Pure-Hearted Princess and the Kiss of Darkness novel Chapter 15

A/N: Ignore the chapter numbers as I've made a mistake, my editor will have to fix this.


By the time the meeting is about to commence, I’m a lot calmer. I found the dagger Jose had taken on the bed and placed it back in my drawer after cleaning it.

Idiot, I don’t like people touching what belongs to me.

There were dark bloodstains on the bed. Did the bruises caused by those Crawlers actually get worse? And if so… did he ask ‘her’ how to deal with them?

I hope not.

I had managed to remove all thoughts of a certain naked doll who is far too fucking sexier than should be allowed, but now she’s back on my mind.

The men are here already, seated in a row with a low table in front of them. The members of the pack who will be sitting in to hear the case are all here. Sitting in the chairs that had been set up in the pack hall for this meeting.

A lot more people than I was expecting are here. Rumours had spread since Francisco’s death, and everyone knew I had a foreigner in my custody.

I like to run things fairly and although I do hold the authority to make all decisions, I also can’t deny that the position of Alpha means power… as an Alpha, we hold control to destroy or build whatever we want…

My father ran this place brutally, with no mercy. That was his law.

He ruled with fear and power, and there was none who could question him.

If you failed him, you were promised death, if you betrayed him, you were promised death… if you disobeyed… you were promised death…

In my case, I was let off with a punishment that impacted my entire life.

He has left a shadow on the people of this pack, and although I try to run my pack fairly, they still see him in me. When they mess up, I don’t miss the fear as they prepare for the worse.

Deep down, there are thoughts inside of me that often threaten to surface, thoughts that I dared not delve into, thoughts I don’t want to acknowledge. When there’s an avenue to direct that hatred at, it’s easier than to be left with the pain of how cruel life was…

Why am I even going down that train of thought?

I have far too many issues to ever become a father myself, or even settle. Finding my mate is even rarer and I don’t think I’ll ever find her and nor do I want to. No one deserves to be with someone with so much baggage, baggage that I know I can’t let go of. I fucking know my own issues, and I acknowledge that.

I push the thoughts away as I sit back in my chair. There are two chairs flanking me, where my Beta and Delta would sit. They are the voices of reason, possibly the only ones I will ever listen to, if I want to, of course. The only ones who know the most about me, but even they don’t know everything… some things, I’ll take to the grave.

‘Cabrón, how long until you get here?’ I ask Jose.

‘On my way.’ His instant reply comes. ‘Impatient to see our beautiful prisoner? She is dressed, by the way. Sofia found her a gorgeous dress-’

‘Shut it.’ I growl, blocking him out.

Glancing over at the men, I can tell they’re on edge, unease etched on their faces and yet there are still no answers to how the one who is dead, died. Could that death have been linked with Crawlers? I feel the answers to these questions might be something that the Rossi Princesa may have, but I’m not sure… she seemed shocked to know he was dead, and I do think she’s innocent… Well, in his case, anyway.

‘Carlos, have you got the post-mortem results?’

‘Yes, and you are going to want to see these.’

‘Cut to it.’

‘There was poison in his body, Enrique, the same one that has become quite common here… I don’t think the woman had anything to do with his death. Either he took it himself or he was given it, but it was in his system long before his death. I’m assuming it’s why his wound didn’t close. Maybe there was something else mixed with it.'

My brows furrow as I glare ahead at the dark floors. No, she said her injuries made by her claws took longer to heal… but that’s not something I plan to share if not necessary.


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