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The Pure-Hearted Princess and the Kiss of Darkness novel Chapter 2


Staring down at the picture, my memories bleed into my reality until I can taste the salty tears that once ran down my face onto my lips.

I look away only when the pain in my chest becomes too much to bear.

All my life I was treated like a princess, taken care of by my family and our pack. Not only because I am the daughter of the Lycan King but also because of what happened back then, back when our two packs collided.

I was six years old when I was kidnapped by them. I still remember being carried away, hoping that my daddy will save me… but he didn’t come and I was locked away by the monster who had taken me; Sebastian Escarra, the previous Alpha of The Fuego De Ceniza Pack. A man who had sold his soul to the devil himself.

Enrique, Sebastian Escarra’s own son, had been the light that protected me from the darkness, filling me with the beacon of hope even on the worst of days, one who brought me some solace.

Like all things in life, his act of kindness came at a steep price. His own father cut his hand off, costing him dearly for helping me and giving birth to the hatred within Enrique. Because of me, because he helped me.

We were able to end the threat and kill the Djinn that had possessed Sebastian Escarra, but it didn’t take away Enrique’s pain, and he only saw us as the ones who destroyed his life and family. But there had been no way to separate the Djinn from Sebastian’s body and he was too far gone too… but ultimately the pain it caused Enrique was clear in his eyes the day I last saw him.

There was a period of time I stopped using my right hand too, wanting to suffer like he was, I was even tempted to cut it off as a punishment to know how he was feeling. But of course, I never managed to bring myself to go through with it, deciding to help him instead in a way that would benefit him.

I vowed that I would bring the light back to his life, no matter what, and so I took up bionic engineering in hopes that I could create the most impressive replacement prosthetic that would make up for the one that he lost.

It took years of planning, studying and failed attempts to get to where I am today. I wanted something that would transform with him when he shifted, something that is comfortable and something he could wear without it agitating the skin of his forearm surrounding it.

Two years ago, I was blessed to have found a mentor who would help me reach my goal. A man who was the most incredible and smartest person I had ever met, the man who would become my father’s successor when the time came. With his guidance and help, we were able to create exactly what I had dreamed of, bringing to life the most powerful bionic-engineered limb one could ever dream of.

And now here I am, in Puerto Rico, so far from the United Kingdom, to find Enrique and give him this gift. One way or another, I will make sure he accepts it, even if it means he doesn’t want to see me ever again.

I will find you, Enrique.


And I will ignite the torch of light within the darkness that I know has shadowed your life.


Two days have passed, but we have found no further leads. Rumour has it that Alpha Enrique rules the entire island, even exerting control over the smaller packs on the island. Be that as it may, locating the base of the Fuego De Ceniza Pack proved nearly impossible.

But I’m not planning on giving up. I look at the two men who are standing against the wall, laughing as they talk about something that I don’t catch. Walking over to them, I smile politely.

“Excuse me, I’m looking for someone, I was wondering if you-”

“Hello, Mami…” One of them says as both of them look me over and I suddenly feel extremely exposed. “Want to join us for a drink?”

“No, thank you. I was-”

“You were saying?” The other cuts me off as he leans forward, almost leering at me, and I step back, disliking it. They are not making any attempt to hide their predatory gaze.

“Nothing,” I say, my voice a little quieter as I turn and walk away.

“Are you sure you don’t want to join us? We will show a doll like you a pretty good evening. Not interested?!”

Ignoring them, I turn the corner, trying to calm my heart.

Calm down… doing something rash won’t help me; besides, I don’t need anyone to become aware of me if I use my abilities.

Exhaling and then inhaling, I take a few calming breaths before freezing as the delicious smell of something baking fills my nose.


I look ahead, spotting the small open front café on the corner and smile.


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