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The Pure-Hearted Princess and the Kiss of Darkness novel Chapter 5


“And you expect me to believe that a woman took all seven of you out?” I ask coldly, glaring at the idiots before me.

“Yes, Alpha, we don’t know why she even did that... She first tried to seduce me and when I declined… well, she started acting out.” Idiot number one says.

I stare down at the woman who is still unconscious as she’s lying on the couch in my office, with my jacket over her ass. I don’t know why she’s wearing such a revealing dress. It’s obvious none of these assholes could keep their eyes off her, and it’s irritating me.

“Why do I feel that this entire story is a lie?” I ask venomously. These men are from the most recent pack I’ve taken control of, and I don’t trust the sleaze balls.

“Alpha, it’s no problem. Just let her go,” Idiot number two adds.

“Why? Do you have something to hide?” I ask, turning and glaring coldly at the man who had spoken. He’s sporting a bloody nose and I’m no fool… besides, none of them dared answer my question.

“No! No, Alpha, not at all!” They say in unison.

“Tell me…” I begin as I walk towards them, one hand in my pocket, my aura swirling around me like a deadly poison ready to consume all that it touches. “If she tried to seduce you… then why are you the one with a bloody nose?”

My words hang in the air, dropping with deadly poison, and they pale visibly. They’re all injured, but what intrigues me is the one who has scratches across his shoulder and arm, he isn’t healing and he’s trying to hide it. Is he alright? Why isn’t he healing?

“Alpha, please understand we-”

“Leave. But if I find out that any of you tried to assault her… there will be consequences.” My voice is low, but my open threat is paramount.

No one dares defy me as they walk out, their faces etched into my mind. Once the door clicks shut, I walk over to the beauty who is fast asleep on the couch. She looks like a doll, one I don’t blame anyone for wanting to play with… but…

Her lashes caress her skin, her cheeks are flushed and her pouty lips are parted ever so slightly, making me want to run my finger along them.

A frown creases my brow as I crouch down, forcing her mouth open and taking a sniff of her breath.

The light touch of alcohol taints it and also…

My eyes blaze and I glance over at Jose, who stands by the door.

“Throw the lot into prison. They’ve drugged her.” I snarl venomously as I stand up, moving my jacket down and looking at the small tear in the fabric of her dress beneath her breasts.

My assumptions were right… they did try to assault her.

“Are you certain?” Jose asks, but the moment my gaze snaps to him, he obeys, leaving the room immediately.

I had heard the commotion when we were leaving the club and had felt the surge of immense power and had to check it out… and that strange pink glow…

Who is she?


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