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The Pure-Hearted Princess and the Kiss of Darkness novel Chapter 7


I slowly sit up, unable to pretend that it didn’t hurt. His touch lingers, burning my skin where he had gripped my face tightly. I slip my hands out of the ropes I have already loosened and touch my cheek.

For a moment I truly felt that he did recognise me… but then it seemed he didn’t… or did he?

I shake my head, trying to clear my circling thoughts.

Sighing heavily, I rub my wrists gently, watching the bruises fade slightly. Bending down, I make quick work of removing the rope laced with wolfsbane from my ankles.

‘Valentina?’ I call.

‘Goddess! Kat! I was this close to calling Alpha Leo!’ she growls.

We had already discussed a plan and I’m grateful she didn’t jump in to attack and followed my instructions.

‘Sorry, but I’m fine, I’m here in his pack house I think…’ I say, looking around.

‘Oh? So how did he feel knowing it was you?’ she asks excitedly, all annoyance gone.

‘He doesn’t know who I am… yet. I think… But I’m fine. I don’t know where my phone is, or if he has it. Could you see if you can get Leo to wipe it clean if possible? I just don’t want anyone to get their hands on it.’ I say, because if he doesn’t know who I am, I don’t want him to find out before even giving me a chance.

‘Oh… A man with the small Roman numeral tattoo on his cheek grabbed your belongings when I got there and there were a few guards,’ she says hesitantly.

‘It’s alright, then please make haste and let Leo know.’

‘And are you sure you will really be ok?’

‘Yes, and you know why I’m here. Just remain close and don’t worry about me. I might not always be able to talk, but I will check in once a day. Thank you, Valentina.’

‘Hey, no problem, just remember, if your dad ever finds out, just don’t let him chew me out.’

I laugh softly. ‘I promise I will never. We will all protect you from Dad, but you know he will never be mad at you…’

‘Yeah, maybe,’ she replies, and I can tell she’s smiling.

Valentina’s father died in a battle long ago, and like the rest that were considered orphans in the pack; Dad might not say it, but he had a soft spot for them.

‘Well, I’ll contact Alpha Leo’s men… and get that sorted for you.’

I can’t help but smile at that. Valentina has had a crush on one of Leo’s closest friends, and she’d happily use any excuse to contact them, which I won’t tease her about even if I want to.

I giggle softly to myself before bidding her farewell and end the mind link, quickly slipping back into the ropes that were meant to be binding me.

Looking around the room, I take in the minimal décor, the neutral colours, and the white floors. This place has no life. I can’t even compare it to a hotel room… My fingers itch, wanting to do something to it.

It just needs a bit of colour, maybe some candles, and of course, a plant. Maybe a lamp in the corner. That chair needs to be positioned at an angle. Oh, a colourful throw and – I have to remember, I am a prisoner here.

Sighing softly, I gaze at the door, wondering when I’ll see him again, and why? Why would he bother with me when there is nothing I can offer him in return? Right now, if I presented him the prosthetic piece, he will simply reject it.

The door suddenly opens, and there are two women standing there. One holds some clothes, and the other has a tray of food.

“Hello…” One of them says, glancing at the other as they look at me, paying attention to my bindings that are biting into me a little. I made sure they are secure.

I smile and they relax, clearly thinking I am not a threat. Of course, I’m not, but if I wanted to, escaping would be a piece of cake.

“We’ve brought food for you. Behave when we untie your hands, or the Alpha won’t be so kind. And don’t even think to escape. Alpha is extremely powerful and if you defy him, you will be killed.” The second woman adds. “I’m Gabriela, and this is Alondra. We will be making sure you’re fed and behaving.”

“And we are trained, so don’t think you can run away,” Alondra remarks, placing the tray down firmly on the bed. She glances at my bindings just as a large man appears in the doorway, watching me.

I let her untie me, and she motions to the food. “Eat, then you can bathe.”

“Thank you.” My stomach is rumbling and I realise I missed dinner last night. I gaze at the food and hide my smile of approval.

Oh yummy! Despite being a prisoner, they aren’t stingy with their foods.

“Thank you,” I murmur again before I begin eating. The delicious tastes explode in my mouth and soon I’m far too consumed by my food.

“Do you think she’s just homeless, and it’s why she’s here? For the food?” Alondra remarks in Spanish.

Clearly, she doesn’t know I can understand.

Gabriela chuckles. “It could be the case, but she doesn’t look homeless.”

“But she also doesn’t look like a threat.” Alondra continues, “Look at her body, she isn’t a trained warrior.

Oh, how deceiving that is. Although I’m not religious about my fitness regime, I am trained.

“True, true,” Gabriela agrees.

They clearly don’t know I understand but I’m okay with them continuing to think that. I finish the food, finishing off my juice, and pat my mouth.

“Thank you for the food,” I say to them.


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