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The Rejected Hybrid novel Chapter 16

  The cool breeze of the outside world slapped my skin making my furs shoot out, there was great joy filling me up as I hopped out with great speed, it seemed like my feet weren't touching the ground,

  "Lena, don't kill yourself, take it easy" I chirped and she laughed increasing her speed,

  "You won't understand how I feel to meet him today, I wish I can disappear and appear to where he is, my heart is pounding so fast!" She squeaked,

  "And you aren't thinking about the punishment for this risk we are taking?...what if daddy finds out and...."

  "I don't care, the greatest torture is being away from your mate" she shrilled and I could feel the huge pull in her, she meant those words,

  "We are close!!!!" She screamed and I shifted into the human form having my hood over my face,

  I couldn't help my smile recalling how many years the cloth had been hidden in my room, I had kept it from the first day I had planned on sneaking out of the house, I had gotten no chance and it has been left unused, but today, I'm finally out,

  Out of the hell, that prison full of nothing but pain and rejection,

  I stood at the roadside and stared at the huge building in front of me, the school was magnificent and had designs that made me mesmerized, I could hear the voices of students inside the building,

  "How are we going in?" I asked Lena,

  "Let get closer!" She urged and I began to move towards this school which had many growing Alphas and Luna, many Royal wolves, it looked more beautiful than described, I don't just need to think of schooling here, the school fees must be very high and my ex daddy would never dare to pay it for me...

  I got to the gate and saw it was locked from inside, the fences circled it and it was high, I can never jump over it, even if I succeed in flying over these fences, I'll be caught by the security men who will find my identity and send me back to father,

  That only means another round of torture, the type that might end up killing my poor wolf,

  I sighed and took a deep breath looking around hopelessly,

  "So we aren't going in??..so there is no possible entrance???" Lena sulked feeling sad even more than me,

  I hissed and began to walk around, I could sight passer-by stealing glances at me, they must be wondering who was it that came to school at this time,

  I need to leave here soon before they find out who I am,

  My heart grew heavy as I thought of not seeing him, this might be my last time of stepping out, I may never have this chance again, it hurt me so bad knowing I won't be able to see him, I have never thought of the gate being locked, I was just taken away by the thought of coming to this school to see him,

  Now I succeed in reaching the gate of the school, there was still no way to sneak in, I could knock and the gate would be opened but what if the gate attendant recognizes me, what if he finds out I am Elena, even if he doesn't, what would I say I came here for???

  My eyes went teary, I grit my teeth staring at the school, going back home without seeing him was one thing that pained me the most, It was like I might faint,

  I sighed deeply and rest my head on the gate feeling exhausted,


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