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The Returning EX (John and Sophia) novel Chapter 1091

Logan repeatedly imagined everything that would be taking place that day and all the sudden occurrences that might transpire. His utmost concern lay in his reaction and response then. After contemplating for half the night, he finally lost the battle with his drowsiness during the wee hours and dozed off groggily.

Early the next morning, he received a call from Lorraine who said that Old Mr. Jefferson suffered a sudden ailment during the wee hours and had been sent to the hospital that night itself. He was now out of the woods, so she asked Logan to come over and visit him. All at once, chagrin gripped him, and he chastised her on the phone, demanding to know why she was only now telling him this when she should’ve called him over last night.

At this, Lorraine sighed. “Dad forbade us from notifying you. He felt that it wasn’t a major problem, so it wasn’t necessary to call you over late at night. You know you’ve always been his favorite, Logan.”

Pursing his lips, Logan went silent. On the other end, Lorraine again heaved a sigh. “Just wash up quickly and come over earlier.”

Scrambling out of bed, Logan washed up and changed before speeding to the hospital. Old Mr. Jefferson was indeed laid up in the ward, his countenance a touch pale. Lydia was there with a servant to take care of him.

At the sight of him, Lydia hurriedly beckoned to him. “Hurry up and come over, Logan. Dad has been talking about you nonstop, so I’m glad you’re finally here!”

Hurrying over, Logan sat on the edge of his father’s hospital bed and took his hand. “Dad, how are you feeling now? Are you feeling better? Why didn’t you notify me last night? I almost had a heart attack when I learned of this today.”

The old man chuckled. “I’m fine, I’m fine. I don’t think it’s my time yet, so I probably have a few more years to go. I still want to hold my grandchild in the future.”


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