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The Returning EX (John and Sophia) novel Chapter 1203

Logan backed out of the doorway, whereas Lola slammed the door in his face after bidding him a hasty goodbye, leaving Logan standing there in frustration while wondering why she was being so alert.

Earlier when he was watching TV, he noticed Lola stealing intermittent glances at him warily. He couldn’t help but think that it was laughable of her, as he never thought of himself as a bad person. Humming a tune, he turned to enter the elevator while telling himself to be more patient with Lola, as she was a tough nut to crack.

Meanwhile, Lola spent some time listening by the door to make sure that he left before leaving for her room. While she was aware what Logan was trying to pull, she didn’t wholly believe in the idea as she didn’t think she was worth all the effort. After washing up, she lay down on bed, but she wasn’t tired at all. In fact, she never felt sleepy at all even back when Logan was watching TV.

She mulled over what happened recently before heaving a sigh, realizing that life was indeed full of variables. In the past, she never even dreamed of sharing such a relationship with Logan, as she used to abhor him. However, she now came to think of him as cute. Such thoughts left her mind muddled, but it didn’t take long before it cleared up again. The process repeated itself until she finally fell asleep.

Perhaps because she slept quite late, she woke up only after hearing a knock on the door by the next morning. She combed through her hair before walking over to open the door. Without even checking who was at the door, she turned to go back into the living room while yawning as she thought it was Logan who was knocking. “You’re early today.”

Her guest closed the door before putting down the stuff he brought onto the cabinet one by one, while Lola went back to her room to wash up. It wasn’t until a while later that she dashed back out, noticing that something was off as Logan would never be this quiet. Standing at the door in bewilderment, she realized belatedly that it was her father who came to visit.


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