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The Returning EX (John and Sophia) novel Chapter 1208

Logan wore a sullen look while staring at his father. “I won’t visit you ever again if you’re going to be like this.”

However, the old man bit back ferociously, “I’ll have Lorraine go after you if you do that.”

Geez, must he go so far as to do that? Logan fell silent while pursing his lips.

Meanwhile, Old Mr. Jefferson could guess that he was feeling upset over his love life, as nobody could possibly make him feel defeated unless it had something to do with romance. Thus, he asked, “What’s the matter? Did something happen between you and your girlfriend?”

All Logan did was sigh in response while wearing a crestfallen look as if having lost the will to live. Old Mr. Jefferson gave him a pat on the shoulder before he asked, “Kiddo, I have a question for you. Which stage is your relationship at?”

Which stage? Logan was startled by the sudden question, though he thought about it carefully nonetheless, but was soon all riled up. Well, I suppose we haven’t gotten anywhere since I never even got to hold Lola’s hand! All I managed to do was hug her from behind after sneaking up on her, but she chased me out of the kitchen after that. He dared not even tell his old man that, as the latter would definitely mock him, so he stubbornly kept his silence while pursing his lips.

However, Old Mr. Jefferson seemed to have misconstrued his silence, as he asked in a low voice after approaching Logan, “Have you moved in together?”

Move in together? What is he even talking about? Logan glared at his old man, which tipped the latter off as to what the answer to his query was.


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