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The Returning EX (John and Sophia) novel Chapter 1332

John still didn’t dare to think about the second child. After all, he had just witnessed the suffering Sophia was going through.

Once is enough.

Sophia’s labor pains became more intense in the afternoon, but when the doctor came to check, her cervix was still barely dilated.

At this point, John couldn’t sit still anymore. Sophia hadn’t eaten for almost a day and was still throwing up. There was nothing in her stomach anymore and what she threw up was all foamy mucus. Her whole person looked completely devoid of life. John frowned. “She has suffered for so long. How could it be that her cervix isn’t dilated enough yet?”

The doctor sighed. “Perhaps it’s because she doesn’t have very good uterine resiliency. Wait for a while longer. We will check the situation again at night.”

Irked by the reply he received, John fumed, “Wait for a while? Is she supposed to lie there and suffer the whole day?”

The doctor comforted John with a few words and then said that he could give Sophia a shot. This shot would make her feel groggy, which might relieve her pain a little.

But the doctor couldn’t guarantee its effects, and he could only give one shot. No matter how much pain Sophia was in the next time, she couldn’t take it again.

John didn’t even listen to the doctor’s explanation as he immediately replied, “Give it to her, hurry up.” Therefore, the doctor went away to prescribe the medication, and John came over and held Sophia in his arms.

Sophia was sweating all over. Her whole body was in so much agony that she seemed to have lost consciousness, and this caused John much distress. I wish I knew what to do to make Sophia more comfortable.

After answering a call, Matilda came in and then sighed. “Your grandmother wanted to come over, but I didn’t let her. After all, she can’t help with anything and will only be worried. She’s getting old, so I think we shouldn’t let her come and wait here. We’ll have her wait at home, and when Sophia enters the delivery room, we can then ask someone to fetch her over.”

John nodded. “Okay, let her stay at home.”

Old Mrs. Constance didn’t come. However, Jennifer came to visit in the evening. Jennifer pursed her lips when she saw Sophia writhing about on the bed. “This is such a torture. I still feel scared after so many years have passed.”

Dylan stood at the door, not approaching the bed. He frowned, looking like he was upset.

John held Sophia in his arms. Although the doctor gave her the shot, she was still hurting all over.


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